Given(/^I have an app with license finder that depends on a GPL licensed gem$/) do @user = @user.create_nonrails_app @user.add_dependency_to_app "gpl_gem", :license => "GPL" end When(/^I approve that gem$/) do @output = @user.execute_command "license_finder" @output.should include "gpl_gem" @output = @user.execute_command "license_finder approve gpl_gem" @output = @user.execute_command "license_finder -q" end Then(/^I should not see that gem in the console output$/) do @output.should_not include "gpl_gem" end Then(/^I should see that gem approved in dependencies\.html$/) do gem_name = "gpl_gem" css_class = "approved" html = page = Capybara.string(html) gpl_gem = page.find("##{gem_name}") gpl_gem[:class].should == css_class end