module ArfReportsHelper def report_arf_column(event, style = "") style = "label-default" if event == 0 content_tag(:span, event, :class => 'label ' + style) end def show_logs return if @arf_report.logs.empty? form_tag arf_report_path(@arf_report), :id => 'level_filter', :method => :get, :class => "form form-horizontal" do content_tag(:span, _("Show log messages:") + ' ') + select(nil, 'level', [[_('All messages'), 'info'], [_('Failed and Othered'), 'warning'], [_('Failed only'), 'error']], {}, { :class => "col-md-1 form-control", :onchange => "filter_by_level(this);" }) end end def result_tag(level) tag = case level when 'pass' "success" when 'fail' "danger" else "warning" end "class='label label-#{tag} result-filter-tag'".html_safe end def severity_tag(level) tag = case level.downcase.to_sym when :low "info" when :medium "warning" when :high "danger" else "default" end "class='label label-#{tag}'".html_safe end def multiple_actions_arf_report actions = [ [_('Delete reports'), delete_multiple_arf_reports_path] ] end def multiple_actions_arf_report_select select_action_button(_("Select Action"), { :id => 'submit_multiple' }, do |action| link_to_function(action[0], "buildArfModal(this, '#{action[1]}')", :'data-dialog-title' => _("%s - The following compliance reports are about to be changed") % action[0]) end.flatten) end def openscap_proxy_link(arf_report) return _("No proxy found!") unless arf_report.openscap_proxy display_link_if_authorized(, hash_for_smart_proxy_path(:id => arf_report.openscap_proxy_id)) end def reported_info(arf_report) msg = _("Reported at %s") % arf_report.reported_at msg << _(" for policy %s") % display_link_if_authorized(, hash_for_edit_policy_path(:id => if arf_report.policy return msg.html_safe unless arf_report.openscap_proxy msg += _(" through %s") % openscap_proxy_link(arf_report) msg.html_safe end end