module Archetype::SassExtensions::Util::Spacing # # abstract factor of measurement # # *Parameters*: # - $number {Number} unit of measurement # - $abuse {Boolean} if `false`, $number cannot be a fraction # - $direction {Boolean} [horizontal|vertical] spacing # *Returns*: # - {Number} normalized number of measurement # def _archetype_integerize(number, abuse = bool(false)) unless unitless(number) helpers.warn("[#{}:units] #{number} is not unitless, stripping units") number = strip_units(number) end config = (environment.var('CONFIG_UNIT_FORCE_INT') || bool(false)).value if config == 'strict' or !abuse.value return ceil(number) end return number end Sass::Script::Functions.declare :_archetype_integerize, [:number] Sass::Script::Functions.declare :_archetype_integerize, [:number, :abuse] # # abstract spacing calculations # # *Parameters*: # - $unit {Number} unit of measurement # - $direction {String} [horizontal|vertical] spacing # - $abuse {Boolean} @see _archetype_integerize # *Returns*: # - {Number} the calculated spacing # def _spacing(unit = null, direction = identifier(horizontal), abuse = bool(false)) return null if helpers.is_null(unit) unit = _archetype_integerize(unit, abuse) direction = helpers.to_str(direction) == 'vertical' ? 'VERTICAL' : 'HORIZONTAL' config = "CONFIG_#{direction}_SPACING" spacing = environment.var(config) if spacing.nil? spacing = number(1, 'px') helpers.warn("[#{}:spacing] `#{config}` has not been set") end return unit.times(spacing) end Sass::Script::Functions.declare :_spacing, [:unit] Sass::Script::Functions.declare :_spacing, [:unit, :direction] Sass::Script::Functions.declare :_spacing, [:unit, :abuse] Sass::Script::Functions.declare :_spacing, [:unit, :direction, :abuse] # # horizontal spacing calculations # # *Parameters*: # - $unit {Number} unit of measurement # - $abuse {Boolean} @see _archetype_integerize # *Returns*: # - {Number} the calculated horizontal spacing # def horizontal_spacing(unit, abuse = bool(false)) return _spacing(unit, null, abuse) end Sass::Script::Functions.declare :horizontal_spacing, [:unit] Sass::Script::Functions.declare :horizontal_spacing, [:unit, :abuse] # # vertical spacing calculations # # *Parameters*: # - $unit {Number} unit of measurement # - $abuse {Boolean} @see _archetype_integerize # *Returns*: # - {Number} the calculated vertical spacing # def vertical_spacing(unit, abuse = bool(false)) return _spacing(unit, 'vertical', abuse) end Sass::Script::Functions.declare :vertical_spacing, [:unit] Sass::Script::Functions.declare :vertical_spacing, [:unit, :abuse] end