require "uri" require "delegate" module URI # From module Ssh extend self # @example # url = URI::SshGit.parse('') # #=> #<URI::SshGit::Generic> # url.scheme #=> nil # url.userinfo #=> 'git' # url.user #=> 'git' # url.password #=> nil # #=> '' # url.port #=> nil # url.registry #=> nil # url.path #=> 'packsaddle/ruby-uri-ssh_git.git' # url.opaque #=> nil # url.query #=> nil # url.fragment #=> nil # @see # @param url [String] git repository url via ssh protocol # @return [Generic] parsed object protected def internal_parse(uri_string) host_part, path_part = uri_string&.split(':', 2) # There may be no user, so reverse the split to make sure host always # is !nil if host_part was !nil. host, userinfo = host_part&.split('@', 2)&.reverse userinfo, host: host || uri_string, path: path_part) end # @param url [String] git repository-ish url # @return [URI::Generic] if url starts ssh # @return [URI::HTTPS] if url starts https # @return [URI::SshGit] if url is ssh+git e.g def parse(url, force: false) (ssh_git_url?(url) || force)? URI::Ssh.internal_parse(url) : URI.parse(url) end ## From: # @param url [String] git repository-ish url # @return [Boolean] true if url is git via ssh protocol def ssh_git_url?(url) !generic_url?(url) end # @param url [String] git repository-ish url # @return [Boolean] true if url is https, ssh protocol def generic_url?(url) match = %r{\A(\w*)://}.match(url) !match.nil? end class Generic < ::URI::Generic # check_host returns `false` for 'foo_bar' # but in ssh config this can be a valid host def check_host(v) return true end # @example # # userinfo: 'git', # host: '', # path: 'packsaddle/ruby-uri-ssh_git.git' # ).to_ssh # #=> '' # # @return [String] git repository url via ssh protocol def to_ssh(show_path: true) str = '' str << "#{user}@" if user && !user.empty? str << "#{host}" str << ":#{path}" if path and show_path str end end end end module DR module MailToHelper # TODO: wrap to= to add user= and host= end module URIlikeWrapper def to_h h = { uri: uri } components = uri.component components += %i[user password] if components.include?(:userinfo) components.each do |m| v = uri.public_send(m) v && h[m] = v end h end def to_json(_state = nil) h=to_h h[:uri]=h[:uri].to_s #h[:uri] is a URIWrapper, so convert it to string so json does not convert it again h.to_json end def to_public pub = dup pub.password = nil pub.to_s end # uri=u2.merge(uri) does not work if uri is absolute def reverse_merge(u2) # return self unless uri.scheme u2 = u2.clone u2 = unless u2.is_a?(self.class) if opaque.nil? == u2.opaque.nil? u2.soft_merge(self) else self end end # merge(u2) replace self by u2 if u2 is aboslute # soft_merge looks at each u2 components def soft_merge(u2) # we want automatic unescaping of u2 components u2 = unless u2.is_a?(self.class) # only merge if we are both opaque or path like if opaque.nil? == u2.opaque.nil? components = uri.component if components.include?(:userinfo) components += %i[user password] components.delete(:userinfo) end components.each do |m| # path returns "" by default but we don't want to merge in this case if u2.respond_to?(m) && (v = u2.public_send(m)) && !((v == "") && (m == :path)) uri.public_send(:"#{m}=", v) end end end self end end class URIWrapper < SimpleDelegator def uri __getobj__ end def uri=(uri) __setobj__(transform_uri(uri)) end include URIlikeWrapper def self.parse(s) new(URI.parse(s)) end def self.get_uri_object(uri) uri = self.parse(uri.to_s) unless uri.is_a?(URI) uri end private def transform_uri(uri) # wrap the components around escape/unescape uri = self.class.get_uri_object(uri) if uri.is_a?(URI) components = uri.component components += %i[user password] if components.include?(:userinfo) components.each do |m| uri.define_singleton_method(m) do r = super() r && r.is_a?(String) ? URI.unescape(r) : r end uri.define_singleton_method(:"#{m}=") do |v| begin super(v && v.is_a?(String) ? URI.escape(v) : v) rescue URI::InvalidURIError => e warn "#{e} in (#{self}).#{m}=#{v}" # require 'pry'; binding.pry end end uri.extend(MailToHelper) if uri.is_a?(URI::MailTo) end end uri end # recall that '//user@server' is an uri while 'user@server' is just a path def initialize(uri) super self.uri = uri end class Ssh < URIWrapper def self.parse(s) new(URI::Ssh.parse(s)) end end end end