%w( tempfile fileutils net/http yaml open-uri cheat/wrap ).each { |f| require f } RUBY_PLATFORM = PLATFORM unless defined? RUBY_PLATFORM # Ruby 1.8 compatibility module Cheat extend self HOST = ARGV.include?('debug') ? 'localhost' : 'cheat.errtheblog.com' PORT = ARGV.include?('debug') ? 3001 : 80 SUFFIX = '' def sheets(args) args = args.dup return unless parse_args(args) FileUtils.mkdir(cache_dir) unless File.exists?(cache_dir) if cache_dir uri = "http://#{cheat_uri}/y/" if %w[sheets all recent].include? @sheet uri = uri.sub('/y/', @sheet == 'recent' ? '/yr/' : '/ya/') return open(uri, headers) { |body| process(body.read) } end return process(File.read(cache_file)) if File.exists?(cache_file) rescue clear_cache if cache_file fetch_sheet(uri + @sheet) if @sheet end def fetch_sheet(uri, try_to_cache = true) open(uri, headers) do |body| sheet = body.read FileUtils.mkdir_p(cache_dir) unless File.exists?(cache_dir) File.open(cache_file, 'w') { |f| f.write(sheet) } if try_to_cache && has_content(sheet) && cache_file && !@edit @edit ? edit(sheet) : show(sheet) end exit rescue OpenURI::HTTPError => e puts "Whoa, some kind of Internets error!", "=> #{e} from #{uri}" end def parse_args(args) puts "Looking for help? Try http://cheat.errtheblog.com or `$ cheat cheat'" and return if args.empty? if args.delete('--clear-cache') || args.delete('--new') clear_cache return if args.empty? end if i = args.index('--diff') diff_sheets(args.first, args[i+1]) end show_versions(args.first) if args.delete('--versions') add(args.shift) and return if args.delete('--add') incoming_file = true if @edit = args.delete('--edit') @execute = true if args.delete("--execute") || args.delete("-x") @sheet = args.shift clear_cache_file if incoming_file true end # $ cheat greader --versions def show_versions(sheet) fetch_sheet("http://#{cheat_uri}/h/#{sheet}/", false) end # $ cheat greader --diff 1[:3] def diff_sheets(sheet, version) return unless version =~ /^(\d+)(:(\d+))?$/ old_version, new_version = $1, $3 uri = "http://#{cheat_uri}/d/#{sheet}/#{old_version}" uri += "/#{new_version}" if new_version fetch_sheet(uri, false) end def has_content(sheet) if sheet.is_a?(String) return (sheet.length > 15) && !sheet[0,14].include?("Error!") end return true end def cache_file "#{cache_dir}/#{@sheet}.yml" if cache_dir end def headers { 'User-Agent' => 'cheat!', 'Accept' => 'text/yaml' } end def cheat_uri "#{HOST}:#{PORT}#{SUFFIX}" end def execute(sheet_yaml) sheet_body = YAML.load(sheet_yaml).to_a.flatten.last puts "\n " + sheet_body.gsub("\r",'').gsub("\n", "\n ").wrap puts "\nWould you like to execute the above sheet? (Y/N)" answer = STDIN.gets case answer.chomp when "Y" then system YAML.load(sheet_yaml).to_a.flatten.last when "N" then puts "Not executing sheet." else puts "Must be Y or N!" end rescue Errno::EPIPE # do nothing rescue puts "That didn't work. Maybe try `$ cheat cheat' for help?" # Fix Emacs ruby-mode highlighting bug: `" end def process(sheet_yaml) if @execute execute(sheet_yaml) else show(sheet_yaml) end end def show(sheet_yaml) sheet = YAML.load(sheet_yaml).to_a.first sheet[-1] = sheet.last.join("\n") if sheet[-1].is_a?(Array) run_pager puts sheet.first + ':' puts ' ' + sheet.last.gsub("\r",'').gsub("\n", "\n ").wrap rescue Errno::EPIPE # do nothing rescue puts "That didn't work. Maybe try `$ cheat cheat' for help?" # Fix Emacs ruby-mode highlighting bug: `" end def edit(sheet_yaml) sheet = YAML.load(sheet_yaml).to_a.first sheet[-1] = sheet.last.gsub("\r", '') body, title = write_to_tempfile(*sheet), sheet.first return if body.strip == sheet.last.strip res = post_sheet(title, body) check_errors(res, title, body) end def add(title) body = write_to_tempfile(title) res = post_sheet(title, body, true) check_errors(res, title, body) end def post_sheet(title, body, new = false) uri = "http://#{cheat_uri}/w/" uri += title unless new Net::HTTP.post_form(URI.parse(uri), "sheet_title" => title, "sheet_body" => body.strip, "from_gem" => true) end def write_to_tempfile(title, body = nil) # god dammit i hate tempfile, this is so messy but i think it's # the only way. tempfile = Tempfile.new(title + '.cheat') tempfile.write(body) if body tempfile.close system "#{editor} #{tempfile.path}" tempfile.open body = tempfile.read tempfile.close body end def check_errors(result, title, text) if result.body =~ /
(.+?)<\/p>/m puts $1.gsub(/\n/, '').gsub(/<.+?>/, '').squeeze(' ').wrap(80) puts puts "Here's what you wrote, so it isn't lost in the void:" puts text else puts "Success! Try it!", "$ cheat #{title}" end end def editor ENV['VISUAL'] || ENV['EDITOR'] || "vim" end def cache_dir RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /win32/ ? win32_cache_dir : File.join(File.expand_path("~"), ".cheat") end def win32_cache_dir unless File.exists?(home = ENV['HOMEDRIVE'] + ENV['HOMEPATH']) puts "No HOMEDRIVE or HOMEPATH environment variable. Set one to save a" + "local cache of cheat sheets." return false else return File.join(home, 'Cheat') end end def clear_cache FileUtils.rm_rf(cache_dir) if cache_dir end def clear_cache_file FileUtils.rm(cache_file) if File.exists?(cache_file) end def run_pager return if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /win32/ return unless STDOUT.tty? read, write = IO.pipe unless Kernel.fork # Child process STDOUT.reopen(write) STDERR.reopen(write) if STDERR.tty? read.close write.close return end # Parent process, become pager STDIN.reopen(read) read.close write.close ENV['LESS'] = 'FSRX' # Don't page if the input is short enough # wait until we have input before we start the pager Kernel.select [STDIN] pager = ENV['PAGER'] || 'less' exec pager rescue exec "/bin/sh", "-c", pager rescue end end Cheat.sheets(ARGV) if __FILE__ == $0