#!/usr/bin/env ruby require("gsl") include GSL dim = 2 #q = QRng.alloc(QRng::SOBOL, dim) q = QRng.alloc("sobol", dim) #q = QRng.alloc("niederreiter_2", dim) #q = QRng.alloc(QRng::NIEDERREITER_2, dim) v = Vector.alloc(dim) IO.popen("graph -T X -C --title-font-size 0.04 -L 'Distribution of first 1024 points from the quasi-random Sobol sequence' -m -1 -S 2", "w") do |io| for i in 0..1024 do # v = q.get() # by creating a alloc vector q.get(v) # by using an existing vector (efficient) io.printf("%e %e\n", v[0], v[1]) end end