require 'opengl' require 'glfw' require 'fiddle' OpenGL.load_lib require 'mittsu' require 'mittsu/renderers/glfw_window' require 'mittsu/renderers/opengl/opengl_debug' require 'mittsu/renderers/opengl/opengl_program' require 'mittsu/renderers/opengl/opengl_state' require 'mittsu/renderers/opengl/plugins/shadow_map_plugin' require 'mittsu/renderers/shaders/shader_lib' require 'mittsu/renderers/shaders/uniforms_utils' include OpenGL module Mittsu class OpenGLRenderer attr_accessor :auto_clear, :auto_clear_color, :auto_clear_depth, :auto_clear_stencil, :sort_objects, :gamma_factor, :gamma_input, :gamma_output, :shadow_map_enabled, :shadow_map_type, :shadow_map_cull_face, :shadow_map_debug, :shadow_map_cascade, :max_morph_targets, :max_morph_normals, :info, :pixel_ratio, :window, :width, :height, :state def initialize(parameters = {}) puts "OpenGLRenderer (Revision #{REVISION})" @pixel_ratio = 1.0 @precision = parameters.fetch(:precision, 'highp') # not sure if OpenGL works with the whole 'highp' thing... @_alpha = parameters.fetch(:alpha, false) @_depth = parameters.fetch(:depth, true) @_stencil = parameters.fetch(:stencil, true) @_antialias = parameters.fetch(:antialias, false) @_premultiplied_alpha = parameters.fetch(:premultiplied_alpha, true) @_preserve_drawing_buffer = parameters.fetch(:preserve_drawing_buffer, false) @_logarithmic_depth_buffer = parameters.fetch(:logarithmic_depth_buffer, false) @_clear_color = @_clear_alpha = 0.0 @width = parameters.fetch(:width, 800) @height = parameters.fetch(:height, 600) @title = parameters.fetch(:title, "Mittsu #{REVISION}") @lights = [] @_opengl_objects = {} @_opengl_objects_immediate = [] @opaque_objects = [] @transparent_objects = [] @sprites = [] @lens_flares = [] # public properties # @dom_element = _canvas # @context = nil # clearing @auto_clear = true @auto_clear_color = true @auto_clear_depth = true @auto_clear_stencil = true # scene graph @sort_objects = true # physically based shading @gamma_factor = 2.0 # backwards compat??? @gamma_input = false @gamma_output = false # shadow map @shadow_map_enabled = false @shadow_map_type = PCFShadowMap @shadow_map_cull_face = CullFaceFront @shadow_map_debug = false @shadow_map_cascade = false # morphs @max_morph_targets = 8 @max_morph_normals = 4 # info @info = { memory: { programs: 0, geometries: 0, textures: 0 }, render: { calls: 0, vertices: 0, faces: 0, points: 0 } } # internal properties @_programs = [] # internal state cache @_current_program = nil @_current_framebuffer = nil @_current_material_id = -1 @_current_geometry_program = '' @_current_camera = nil @_used_texture_units = 0 @_viewport_x = 0 @_viewport_y = 0 @_current_width = 0 @_current_height = 0 # frustum @_frustum = # camera matrices cache @_proj_screen_matrix = @_vector3 = # light arrays cache @_direction = @_lights_need_update = true # TODO: re-imagine this thing as a bunch of classes... @_lights = { ambient: [0, 0, 0], directional: { length: 0, colors: [], positions: [] }, point: { length: 0, colors: [], positions: [], distances: [], decays: [] }, spot: { length: 0, colors: [], positions: [], distances: [], directions: [], angles_cos: [], exponents: [], decays: [] }, hemi: { length: 0, sky_colors: [], ground_colors: [], positions: []} } @geometry_groups = {} @geometry_group_counter = 0 @shader_ids = { # MeshDepthMaterial => :depth, # TODO... # MeshNormalMaterial => :normal, # TODO... MeshBasicMaterial => :basic, MeshLambertMaterial => :lambert, MeshPhongMaterial => :phong, LineBasicMaterial => :basic, # LineDashedMaterial => :dashed, # TODO... # PointCloudMaterial => :particle_basic # TODO... } # initialize begin # attributes = { # alpha: _alpha, # depth: _depth, # stencil: _stencil, # antialias: _antialias, # premultiplied_alpha: _premultiplied_alpha, # preserve_drawing_buffer: _preserve_drawing_buffer # } @window =, @height, @title) @_viewport_width, @_viewport_height = *(@window.framebuffer_size) # TODO: handle losing opengl context?? rescue => error puts "ERROR: Mittsu::OpenGLRenderer: #{error.inspect}" end @state = # TODO: get shader precision format??? # TODO: load extensions?? reset_gl_state set_default_gl_state # GPU capabilities @_max_textures = get_gl_parameter(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS) @_max_vertex_textures = get_gl_parameter(GL_MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS) @_max_texture_size = get_gl_parameter(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE) @_max_cubemap_size = get_gl_parameter(GL_MAX_CUBE_MAP_TEXTURE_SIZE) @_supports_vertex_textures = @_max_vertex_textures > 0 @_supports_bone_textures = @_supports_vertex_textures && false # TODO: extensions.get('OES_texture_float') ???? # # TODO: get more shader precision formats ??? # TODO: clear precision to maximum available ??? # Plugins # TODO: when plugins are ready @shadow_map_plugin =, @lights, @_opengl_objects, @_opengl_objects_immediate) # # @sprite_plugin = SpritePlugin(self, @sprites) # @lens_flare_plugin = LensFlarePlugin(self, @lens_flares) # Events @on_object_removed = -> (event) { object = object.traverse do |child| child.remove_event_listener(:remove, @on_object_removed) remove_child(child) end } @on_geometry_dispose = -> (event) { geometry = geometry.remove_event_listener(:dispose, @on_geometry_dispose) deallocate_geometry(geometry) } @on_texture_dispose = -> (event) { texture = texture.remove_event_listener(:dispose, @on_texture_dispose) deallocate_texture(texture) @info[:memory][:textures] -= 1 } @on_render_target_dispose = -> (event) { render_target = render_target.remove_event_listener(:dispose, @on_render_target_dispose) deallocate_render_target(render_target) @info[:memory][:textures] -= 1 } @on_material_dispose = -> (event) { material = material.remove_event_listener(:dispose, @on_material_dispose) deallocate_material(material) } end # TODO: get_context ??? # TODO: force_context_loss ??? def supports_vertex_textures? @_supports_vertex_textures end # TODO: supports_float_textures? ??? # TODO: supports[half|standard|compressed|blend min max] ... ??? def max_anisotropy @_max_anisotropy ||= nil # TODO: get max anisotropy ???? end def set_size(width, height) @width, @height = width, height self.set_viewport(0, 0, width, height) end def set_viewport(x, y, width, height) @_viewport_x = x * pixel_ratio @_viewport_x = y * pixel_ratio @_viewport_width = width * pixel_ratio @_viewport_height = height * pixel_ratio glViewport(@_viewport_x, @_viewport_y, @_viewport_width, @_viewport_height) end def set_scissor(x, y, width, height) glScissor( x * pixel_ratio, y * pixel_ratio, width * pixel_ratio, height * pixel_ratio ) end def enable_scissor_test(enable) enable ? glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST) : glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST) end # clearing def get_clear_color @_clear_color end def set_clear_color(color, alpha = 1.0) @_clear_color.set(color) @_clear_alpha = alpha clear_color(@_clear_color.r, @_clear_color.g, @_clear_color.b, @_clear_alpha) end def get_clear_alpha @_clear_alpha end def set_clear_alpha(alpha) @_clear_alpha = alpha clear_color(@_clear_color.r, @_clear_color.g, @_clear_color.b, @_clear_alpha) end def clear(color = true, depth = true, stencil = true) bits = 0 bits |= GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT if color bits |= GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT if depth bits |= GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT if stencil glClear(bits) end def clear_depth glClear(GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) end def clear_stencil glClear(GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT) end def clear_target(render_target, color, depth, stencil) set_render_target(render_target) clear(color, depth, stencil) end def reset_gl_state @_current_program = nil @_current_camera = nil @_current_geometry_program = '' @_current_material_id = -1 @_lights_need_update = true @state.reset end def set_render_target(render_target = nil) # TODO: when OpenGLRenderTargetCube exists is_cube = false # render_target.is_a? OpenGLRenderTargetCube if render_target && render_target[:_opengl_framebuffer].nil? render_target.depth_buffer = true if render_target.depth_buffer.nil? render_target.stencil_buffer = true if render_target.stencil_buffer.nil? render_target.add_event_listener(:dispose, @on_render_target_dispose) render_target[:_opengl_texture] = glCreateTexture @info[:memory][:textures] += 1 # Setup texture, create render and frame buffers is_target_power_of_two = Math.power_of_two?(render_target.width) && Math.power_of_two?(render_target.height) gl_format = param_mittsu_to_gl(render_target.format) gl_type = param_mittsu_to_gl(render_target.type) if is_cube # TODO else render_target[:_opengl_framebuffer] = glCreateFramebuffer if render_target.share_depth_from render_target[:_opengl_renderbuffer] = render_target.share_depth_from[:_opengl_renderbuffer] else render_target[:_opengl_renderbuffer] = glCreateRenderbuffer end glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, render_target[:_opengl_texture]) set_texture_parameters(GL_TEXTURE_2D, render_target, is_target_power_of_two) glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl_format, render_target.width, render_target.height, 0, gl_format, gl_type, nil) setup_framebuffer(render_target[:_opengl_framebuffer], render_target, GL_TEXTURE_2D) if render_target.share_depth_from if render_target.depth_buffer && !render_target.stencil_buffer glFramebufferRenderbuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, GL_RENDERBUFFER, render_target[:_opengl_renderbuffer]) elsif render_target.depth_buffer && render_target.stencil_buffer glFramebufferRenderbuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, GL_RENDERBUFFER, render_target[:_opengl_renderbuffer]) end else setup_renderbuffer(render_target[:_opengl_renderbuffer], render_target) end glGenerateMipmap(GL_TEXTURE_2D) if is_target_power_of_two end # Release everything if is_cube # TODO else glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0) end glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, 0) glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0) end if render_target if is_cube # TODO else framebuffer = render_target[:_opengl_framebuffer] end width = render_target.width height = render_target.height vx = 0 vy = 0 else framebuffer = nil width = @_viewport_width height = @_viewport_height vx = @_viewport_x vy = @_viewport_y end if framebuffer != @_current_framebuffer glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, framebuffer || 0) glViewport(vx, vy, width, height) @_current_framebuffer = framebuffer end @_current_width = width @_current_height = height end def render(scene, camera, render_target = nil, force_clear = false) if !camera.is_a?(Camera) puts "ERROR: Mittsu::OpenGLRenderer#render: camera is not an instance of Mittsu::Camera" return end fog = scene.fog # reset caching for this frame @_current_geometry_program = '' @_current_material_id = -1 @_current_camera = nil @_lights_need_update = true # update scene graph scene.update_matrix_world if scene.auto_update # update camera matrices and frustum camera.update_matrix_world if camera.parent.nil? # update skeleton objects # TODO: when SkinnedMesh is defined # scene.traverse do |object| # if object.is_a? SkinnedMesh # object.skeleton.update # end # end camera.matrix_world_inverse.inverse(camera.matrix_world) @_proj_screen_matrix.multiply_matrices(camera.projection_matrix, camera.matrix_world_inverse) @_frustum.set_from_matrix(@_proj_screen_matrix) @lights.clear @opaque_objects.clear @transparent_objects.clear @sprites.clear @lens_flares.clear project_object(scene) if @sort_objects @opaque_objects.sort { |a,b| painter_sort_stable(a,b) } @transparent_objects.sort { |a,b| reverse_painter_sort_stable(a,b) } end # custom render plugins # TODO: when plugins are ready @shadow_map_plugin.render(scene, camera) # @info[:render][:calls] = 0 @info[:render][:vertices] = 0 @info[:render][:faces] = 0 @info[:render][:points] = 0 set_render_target(render_target) if @auto_clear || force_clear clear(@auto_clear_color, @auto_clear_depth, @auto_clear_stencil) end # set matrices for immediate objects @_opengl_objects_immediate.each do |opengl_object| object = opengl_object[:object] if object.visible setup_matrices(object, camera) unroll_immediate_buffer_material(opengl_object) end end if scene.override_material override_material = scene.override_material set_material(override_material) render_objects(opaque_object, camera, @lights, fog, override_material) render_objects(transparent_objects, camera, @lights, fog, override_material) render_objects_immediate(@_opengl_objects_immediate, nil, camera, @lights, fog, override_material) else # opaque pass (front-to-back order) @state.set_blending(NoBlending) render_objects(@opaque_objects, camera, @lights, fog, nil) render_objects_immediate(@_opengl_objects_immediate, :opaque, camera, @lights, fog, nil) # transparent pass (back-to-front-order) render_objects(@transparent_objects, camera, @lights, fog, nil) render_objects_immediate(@_opengl_objects_immediate, :transparent, camera, @lights, fog, nil) end # custom render plugins (post pass) # TODO: when plugins are ready # @sprite_plugin.render(scene, camera) # lens_flare_plugin.render(scene, camera, @_current_width, @_current_height) # generate mipmap if we're using any kind of mipmap filtering if render_target && render_target.generate_mipmaps && render_target.min_filter != NearestFilter && render_target.min_filter != LinearFilter update_render_target_mipmap(render_target) end # endure depth buffer writing is enabled so it can be cleared on next render @state.set_depth_test(true) @state.set_depth_write(true) @state.set_color_write(true) #glFinish ?????? end def set_material_faces(material) @state.set_double_sided(material.side == DoubleSide) @state.set_flip_sided(material.side == BackSide) end def render_buffer(camera, lights, fog, material, geometry_group, object) return unless material.visible # TODO: place to put this ??? vertex_array = geometry_group[:_opengl_vertex_array] if vertex_array glBindVertexArray(vertex_array) end update_object(object) program = set_program(camera, lights, fog, material, object) attributes = program.attributes update_buffers = false wireframe_bit = material.wireframe ? 1 : 0 geometry_program = "#{geometry_group[:id]}_#{}_#{wireframe_bit}" if geometry_program != @_current_geometry_program @_current_geometry_program = geometry_program update_buffers = true end @state.init_attributes if update_buffers # vertices if !material.morph_targets && attributes['position'] && attributes['position'] >= 0 if update_buffers glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, geometry_group[:_opengl_vertex_buffer]) @state.enable_attribute(attributes['position']) glVertexAttribPointer(attributes['position'], 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, 0) end elsif object.morph_target_base setup_morph_targets(material, geometry_group, object) end if update_buffers # custom attributes # use the per-geometry_group custom attribute arrays which are setup in init_mesh_buffers if geometry_group[:_opengl_custom_attributes_list] geometry_group[:_opengl_custom_attributes_list].each do |attribute| if attributes[attribute.buffer.belongs_to_attribute] >= 0 glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, attribute.buffer) @state.enable_attribute(attributes[attribute.buffer.belongs_to_attribute]) glVertexAttribPointer(attributes[attribute.buffer.belongs_to_attribute], attribute.size, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, 0) end end end # colors if attributes['color'] && attributes['color'] >= 0 glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, geometry_group[:_opengl_color_buffer]) @state.enable_attribute(attributes['color']) glVertexAttribPointer(attributes['color'], 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, 0) elsif !material.default_attribute_values.nil? glVertexAttrib3fv(attributes['color'], material.default_attribute_values.color) end # normals if attributes['normal'] && attributes['normal'] >= 0 glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, geometry_group[:_opengl_normal_buffer]) @state.enable_attribute(attributes['normal']) glVertexAttribPointer(attributes['normal'], 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, 0) end # tangents if attributes['tangent'] && attributes['tangent'] >= 0 glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, geometry_group[:_opengl_tangent_buffer]) @state.enable_attribute(attributes['tangent']) glVertexAttribPointer(attributes['tangent'], 4, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, 0) end # uvs if attributes['uv'] && attributes['uv'] >= 0 if object.geometry.face_vertex_uvs[0] glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, geometry_group[:_opengl_uv_buffer]) @state.enable_attribute(attributes['uv']) glVertexAttribPointer(attributes['uv'], 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, 0) elsif !material.default_attribute_values.nil? glVertexAttrib2fv(attributes['uv'], material.default_attribute_values.uv) end end if attributes['uv2'] && attributes['uv2'] >= 0 if object.geometry.face_vertex_uvs[1] glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, geometry_group[:_opengl_uv2_buffer]) @state.enable_attribute(attributes['uv2']) glVertexAttribPointer(attributes['uv2'], 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, 0) elsif !material.default_attribute_values.nil? glVertexAttrib2fv(attributes['uv2'], material.default_attribute_values.uv2) end end if material.skinning && attributes['skin_index'] && attributes['skin_weight'] && attributes['skin_index'] >= 0 && attributes['skin_weight'] >= 0 glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, geometry_group[:_opengl_skin_indices_buffer]) @state.enable_attribute(attributes['skin_index']) glVertexAttribPointer(attributes['skin_index'], 4, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, 0) glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, geometry_group[:_opengl_skin_weight_buffer]) @state.enable_attribute(attributes['skin_weight']) glVertexAttribPointer(attributes['skin_weight'], 4, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, 0) end # line distances if attributes['line_distances'] && attributes['line_distances'] >= 0 glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, geometry_group[:_opengl_line_distance_buffer]) @state.enable_attribute(attributes['line_distance']) glVertexAttribPointer(attributes['line_distance'], 1, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, 0) end end @state.disable_unused_attributes case object # render mesh when Mesh type = GL_UNSIGNED_INT # geometry_group[:_type_array] == Uint32Array ? GL_UNSIGNED_INT : GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT # wireframe if material.wireframe @state.set_line_width(material.wireframe_linewidth * @pixel_ratio) glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, geometry_group[:_opengl_line_buffer]) if update_buffers glDrawElements(GL_LINES, geometry_group[:_opengl_line_count], type, 0) # triangles else glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, geometry_group[:_opengl_face_buffer]) if update_buffers glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, geometry_group[:_opengl_face_count], type, 0) end @info[:render][:calls] += 1 @info[:render][:vertices] += geometry_group[:_opengl_face_count] @info[:render][:faces] += geometry_group[:_opengl_face_count] / 3 when Line mode = object.mode == LineStrip ? GL_LINE_STRIP : GL_LINES @state.set_line_width(material.line_width * @pixel_ratio) glDrawArrays(mode, 0, geometry_group[:_opengl_line_count]) @info[:render][:calls] += 1 # TODO: render particles # when PointCloud # glDrawArrays(GL_POINTS, 0, geometry_group[:_opengl_particle_count]) # # @info[:render][:calls] += 1 # @info[:render][:points] += geometry_group[:_opengl_particle_count] end end def set_texture(texture, slot) glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + slot) if texture.needs_update? upload_texture(texture) else glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture[:_opengl_texture]) end end def upload_texture(texture) if texture[:_opengl_init].nil? texture[:_opengl_init] = true texture.add_event_listener :dispose, @on_texture_dispose texture[:_opengl_texture] = glCreateTexture @info[:memory][:textures] += 1 end glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture[:_opengl_texture]) # glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL, texture.flip_y) ??? # glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA_WEBGL, texture.premultiply_alpha) ??? glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, texture.unpack_alignment) texture.image = clamp_to_max_size(texture.image, @_max_texture_size) image = texture.image is_image_power_of_two = Math.power_of_two?(image.width) && Math.power_of_two?(image.height) gl_format = param_mittsu_to_gl(texture.format) gl_type = param_mittsu_to_gl(texture.type) set_texture_parameters(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture, is_image_power_of_two) mipmaps = texture.mipmaps if texture.is_a?(DataTexture) # use manually created mipmaps if available # if there are no manual mipmaps # set 0 level mipmap and then use GL to generate other mipmap levels if !mipmaps.empty? && is_image_power_of_two mipmaps.each_with_index do |mipmap, i| glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, i, gl_format, mipmap.width, mipmap.height, 0, gl_format, gl_type, end else glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl_format, image.width, image.height, 0, gl_format, gl_type, end elsif texture.is_a?(CompressedTexture) mipmaps.each_with_index do |mipmap, i| if texture.format != RGBAFormat && texture.format != RGBFormat if get_compressed_texture_formats.index(gl_format) glCompressedTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, i, gl_format, mipmap.width, mipmap.height, 0, else puts 'WARNING: Mittsu::OpenGLRenderer: Attempt to load unsupported compressed texture format in #upload_texture' end else glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, i, gl_format, mipmap.width, mipmap.height, 0, gl_format, gl_type, end end else # regular texture (image, video, canvas) # use manually created mipmaps if available # if there are no manual mipmaps # set 0 level mipmap and then use GL to generate other mipmap levels if !mipmaps.empty? && is_image_power_of_two mipmaps.each_with_index do |mipmap, i| glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, i, gl_format, mipmap.width, mipmap.height, 0, gl_format, gl_type, end texture.generate_mipmaps = false else glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl_format, texture.image.width, texture.image.height, 0, gl_format, gl_type, end end if texture.generate_mipmaps && is_image_power_of_two glGenerateMipmap(GL_TEXTURE_2D) end texture.needs_update = false if texture.on_update texture.on_update.() end end private def clear_color(r, g, b, a) if (@_premultiplied_alpha) r *= a; g *= a; b *= a end glClearColor(r, g, b, a) end def set_default_gl_state glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) glClearDepth(1) glClearStencil(0) glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) glDepthFunc(GL_LEQUAL) glFrontFace(GL_CCW) glCullFace(GL_BACK) glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE) glEnable(GL_BLEND) glBlendEquation(GL_FUNC_ADD) glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) glViewport(@_viewport_x, @_viewport_y, @_viewport_width, @_viewport_height) clear_color(@_clear_color.r, @_clear_color.g, @_clear_color.b, @_clear_alpha) end def get_compressed_texture_formats return @_compressed_texture_formats ||= [] # TODO: needs extensions.get ... end def painter_sort_stable(a, b) if a[:object].render_order != b[:object].render_order a[:object].render_order - b[:object].render_order elsif a[:material].id != b[:material].id a[:material].id - b[:material].id elsif a[:z] != b[:z] a[:z] - b[:z] else a[:id] - b[:id] end end def reverse_painter_sort_stable(a, b) if a.object.render_order != b.object.render_order a.object.render_order - b.object.render_order elsif a.z != b.z b.z - a.z else - end end def get_gl_parameter(pname) data = ' ' glGetIntegerv(pname, data) data.unpack('L')[0] end def project_object(object) return unless object.visible if object.is_a? Scene # || object.is_a? Group # TODO: when Group is defined # skip else init_object(object) if object.is_a? Light @lights << object # if object.is_a? Sprite # TODO # @sprites << object # if object.is_a? LensFlare # TODO # @lens_flares << object else opengl_objects = @_opengl_objects[] if opengl_objects && (!object.frustum_culled || @_frustum.intersects_object?(object)) opengl_objects.each do |opengl_object| unroll_buffer_material(opengl_object) opengl_object[:render] = true if @sort_objects @_vector3.set_from_matrix_position(object.matrix_world) @_vector3.apply_projection(@_proj_screen_matrix) opengl_object[:z] = @_vector3.z end end end end end object.children.each do |child| project_object(child) end end def render_objects(render_list, camera, lights, fog, override_material) material = nil render_list.each do |opengl_object| object = opengl_object[:object] buffer = opengl_object[:buffer] setup_matrices(object, camera) if override_material material = override_material else material = opengl_object[:material] next unless material set_material(material) end set_material_faces(material) if buffer.is_a? BufferGeometry render_buffer_direct(camera, lights, fog, material, buffer, object) else render_buffer(camera, lights, fog, material, buffer, object) end end end def render_objects_immediate(render_list, material_type, camera, lights, fog, override_material) material = nil render_list.each do |opengl_object| object = opengl_object[:object] if object.visible if override_material material = override_material else material = opengl_object[material_type] next unless material set_material(material) end render_immediate_object(camera, lights, fog, material, object) end end end def init_object(object) if object[:_opengl_init].nil? object[:_opengl_init] = true object[:_model_view_matrix] = object[:_normal_matrix] = object.add_event_listener(:removed, @on_object_removed) end geometry = object.geometry if geometry.nil? # ImmediateRenderObject elsif geometry[:_opengl_init].nil? geometry[:_opengl_init] = true geometry.add_event_listener(:dispose, @on_geometry_dispose) case object when BufferGeometry @info[:memory][:geometries] += 1 when Mesh init_geometry_groups(object, geometry) when Line if geometry[:_opengl_vertex_buffer].nil? create_line_buffers(geometry) init_line_buffers(geometry, object) geometry.vertices_need_update = true geometry.colors_need_update = true geometry.line_distances_need_update end # TODO: when PointCloud exists # when PointCloud # if geometry[:_opengl_vertex_buffer].nil? # create_particle_buffers(geometry) # init_particle_buffers(geometry, object) # # geometry.vertices_need_update = true # geometry.colors_need_update = true # end end end if object[:_opengl_active].nil? object[:_opengl_active] = true case object when Mesh case geometry when BufferGeometry add_buffer(@_opengl_objects, geometry, object) when Geometry geometry_groups_list = @geometry_groups[] geometry_groups_list.each do |group| add_buffer(@_opengl_objects, group, object) end end when Line #, PointCloud TODO add_buffer(@_opengl_objects, geometry, object) else # TODO: when ImmediateRenderObject exists # if object.is_a? ImmediateRenderObject || object.immediate_render_callback # add_buffer_immediate(@_opengl_objects_immediate, object) # end end end end def make_groups(geometry, uses_face_material = false) max_vertices_in_group = 65535 # TODO: OES_element_index_uint ??? hash_map = {} num_morph_targets = geometry.morph_targets.length num_morph_normals = geometry.morph_normals.length groups = {} groups_list = [] geometry.faces.each_with_index do |face, f| material_index = uses_face_material ? face.material_index : 0 if !hash_map.include? material_index hash_map[material_index] = { hash: material_index, counter: 0 } end group_hash = "#{hash_map[material_index][:hash]}_#{hash_map[material_index][:counter]}" if !groups.include? group_hash group = { id: @geometry_group_counter += 1, faces3: [], material_index: material_index, vertices: 0, num_morph_targets: num_morph_targets, num_morph_normals: num_morph_normals } groups[group_hash] = group groups_list << group end if groups[group_hash][:vertices] + 3 > max_vertices_in_group hash_map[material_index][:counter] += 1 group_hash = "#{hash_map[material_index][:hash]}_#{hash_map[material_index][:counter]}" if !groups.include? group_hash group = { id: @geometry_group_counter += 1, faces3: [], material_index: material_index, vertices: 0, num_morph_targets: num_morph_targets, num_morph_normals: num_morph_normals } groups[group_hash] = group groups_list << group end end groups[group_hash][:faces3] << f groups[group_hash][:vertices] += 3 end groups_list end def init_geometry_groups(object, geometry) # material = object.material add_buffers = false if @geometry_groups[].nil? || geometry.groups_need_update @_opengl_objects.delete @geometry_groups[] = make_groups(geometry, false) # TODO: material.is_a?(MeshFaceMaterial)) geometry.groups_need_update = false end geometry_groups_list = @geometry_groups[] # create separate VBOs per geometry chunk geometry_groups_list.each do |geometry_group| # initialize VBO on the first access if geometry_group[:_opengl_vertex_buffer].nil? create_mesh_buffers(geometry_group) init_mesh_buffers(geometry_group, object) geometry.vertices_need_update = true geometry.morph_targets_need_update = true geometry.elements_need_update = true geometry.uvs_need_update = true geometry.normals_need_update = true geometry.tangents_need_update = true geometry.colors_need_update = true else add_buffers = false end if add_buffers || object[:_opengl_active].nil? add_buffer(@_opengl_objects, geometry_group, object) end end object[:_opengl_active] = true end def add_buffer(objlist, buffer, object) id = objlist[id] ||= [] objlist[id] << { id: id, buffer: buffer, object: object, material: nil, z: 0 } end def unroll_buffer_material(globject) object = globject[:object] # buffer = globject[:buffer] # geometry = object.geometry material = object.material if material # TODO: when MeshFaceMaterial exists # if material.is_a? MeshFaceMaterial # material_index = geometry.is_a? BufferGeometry ? 0 : buffer.material_index # # material = material.materials[material_index] # end globject[:material] = material if material.transparent @transparent_objects << globject else @opaque_objects << globject end end end def setup_matrices(object, camera) object[:_model_view_matrix].tap do |model_view_matrix| model_view_matrix.multiply_matrices(camera.matrix_world_inverse, object.matrix_world) object[:_normal_matrix].normal_matrix(model_view_matrix) end end def set_material(material) if material.transparent @state.set_blending(material.blending, material.blend_equation, material.blend_src, material.blend_dst, material.blend_equation_alpha, material.blend_src_alpha, material.blend_dst_alpha) else @state.set_blending(NoBlending) end @state.set_depth_test(material.depth_test) @state.set_depth_write(material.depth_write) @state.set_color_write(material.color_write) @state.set_polygon_offset(material.polygon_offset, material.polygon_offset_factor, material.polygon_offset_units) end def create_line_buffers(geometry) geometry[:_opengl_vertex_array] = glCreateVertexArray geometry[:_opengl_vertex_buffer] = glCreateBuffer geometry[:_opengl_color_buffer] = glCreateBuffer geometry[:_opengl_line_distance_buffer] = glCreateBuffer @info[:memory][:geometries] += 1 end def create_mesh_buffers(geometry_group) geometry_group[:_opengl_vertex_array] = glCreateVertexArray geometry_group[:_opengl_vertex_buffer] = glCreateBuffer geometry_group[:_opengl_normal_buffer] = glCreateBuffer geometry_group[:_opengl_tangent_buffer] = glCreateBuffer geometry_group[:_opengl_color_buffer] = glCreateBuffer geometry_group[:_opengl_uv_buffer] = glCreateBuffer geometry_group[:_opengl_uv2_buffer] = glCreateBuffer geometry_group[:_opengl_skin_indices_buffer] = glCreateBuffer geometry_group[:_opengl_skin_weights_buffer] = glCreateBuffer geometry_group[:_opengl_face_buffer] = glCreateBuffer geometry_group[:_opengl_line_buffer] = glCreateBuffer num_morph_targets = geometry_group[:num_morph_targets] if num_morph_targets geometry_group[:_opengl_morph_targets_buffers] = [] num_morph_targets.times do |m| geometry_group[:_opengl_morph_targets_buffers] << glCreateBuffer end end num_morph_normals = geometry_group[:num_morph_normals] if num_morph_normals geometry_group[:_opengl_morph_normals_buffers] = [] num_morph_normals.times do |m| geometry_group[:_opengl_morph_normals_buffers] << glCreateBuffer end end @info[:memory][:geometries] += 1 end def glCreateBuffer @_b ||= ' '*8 glGenBuffers(1, @_b) @_b.unpack('L')[0] end def glCreateTexture @_b ||= ' '*8 glGenTextures(1, @_b) @_b.unpack('L')[0] end def glCreateVertexArray @_b ||= ' '*8 glGenVertexArrays(1, @_b) @_b.unpack('L')[0] end def glCreateFramebuffer @_b ||= ' '*8 glGenFramebuffers(1, @_b) @_b.unpack('L')[0] end def glCreateRenderbuffer @_b ||= ' '*8 glGenRenderbuffers(1, @_b) @_b.unpack('L')[0] end def array_to_ptr_easy(data) size_of_element = data.first.is_a?(Float) ? Fiddle::SIZEOF_FLOAT : Fiddle::SIZEOF_INT if data.first.is_a?(Float) size_of_element = Fiddle::SIZEOF_FLOAT format_of_element = 'F' #!{ |d| d.nil? ? 0.0 : d } else size_of_element = Fiddle::SIZEOF_INT format_of_element = 'L' #!{ |d| d.nil? ? 0 : d } end size = data.length * size_of_element array_to_ptr(data, size, format_of_element) end def array_to_ptr(data, size, format) ptr = Fiddle::Pointer.malloc(size) ptr[0,size] = data.pack(format * data.length) ptr end def glBufferData_easy(target, data, usage) ptr = array_to_ptr_easy(data) glBufferData(target, ptr.size, ptr, usage) end def init_custom_attributes(object) geometry = object.geometry material = object.material nvertices = geometry.vertices.length if material.attributes geometry[:_opengl_custom_attributes_list] ||= [] material.attributes.each do |(name, attribute)| if !attribute[:_opengl_initialized] || attribute.create_unique_buffers attribute[:_opengl_initialized] = true size = case attribute.type when :v2 then 2 when :v3 then 3 when :v4 then 4 when :c then 3 else 1 end attribute.size = size attribute.array = * size) # Float32Array attribute.buffer = glCreateBuffer attribute.buffer.belongs_to_attribute = name attribute.needs_update = true end geometry[:_opengl_custom_attributes_list] << attribute end end end def init_line_buffers(geometry, object) nvertices = geometry.vertices.length geometry[:_vertex_array] = * 3, 0.0) # Float32Array geometry[:_color_array] = * 3, 0.0) # Float32Array geometry[:_line_distance_array] =, 0.0) # Float32Array geometry[:_opengl_line_count] = nvertices init_custom_attributes(object) end def init_mesh_buffers(geometry_group, object) geometry = object.geometry faces3 = geometry_group[:faces3] nvertices = faces3.length * 3 ntris = faces3.length * 1 nlines = faces3.length * 3 material = get_buffer_material(object, geometry_group) geometry_group[:_vertex_array] = * 3) # Float32Array geometry_group[:_normal_array] = * 3) # Float32Array geometry_group[:_color_array] = * 3) # Float32Array geometry_group[:_uv_array] = * 2) # Float32Array if geometry.face_vertex_uvs.length > 1 geometry_group[:_uv2_array] = * 2) # Float32Array end if geometry.has_tangents geometry_group[:_tangent_array] = * 4) # Float32Array end if !object.geometry.skin_weights.empty? && !object.geometry.skin_indices.empty? geometry_group[:_skin_index_array] = * 4) # Float32Array geometry_group[:_skin_weight_array] = * 4) end # UintArray from OES_element_index_uint ??? geometry_group[:_type_array] = Array # UintArray ??? geometry_group[:_face_array] = * 3) geometry_group[:_line_array] = * 2) num_morph_targets = geometry_group[:num_morph_targets] if ! geometry_group[:_morph_targets_arrays] = [] num_morph_targets.times do |m| geometry_group[:_morph_targets_arrays] << * 3) # Float32Array ??? end end num_morph_normals = geometry_group[:num_morph_normals] if ! geometry_group[:_morph_normals_arrays] = [] num_morph_normals.times do |m| geometry_group[:_morph_normals_arrays] << * 3) # Float32Array ??? end end geometry_group[:_opengl_face_count] = ntris * 3 geometry_group[:_opengl_line_count] = nlines * 2 # custom attributes if material.attributes if geometry_group[:_opengl_custom_attributes_list].nil? geometry_group[:_opengl_custom_attributes_list] = [] end material.attributes.each do |(name, original_attribute)| attribute = {} original_attribute.each do |(key, value)| attribute[key] = value end if !attribute[:_opengl_initialized] || attribute[:create_unique_buffers] attribute[:_opengl_initialized] = true size = case attribute[:type] when :v2 then 2 when :v3, :c then 3 when :v4 then 4 else 1 # :f and :i end attribute[:size] = size attribute[:array] = * size) # Float32Array attribute[:buffer] = glCreateBuffer attribute[:buffer_belongs_to_attribute] = name original_attribute[:needs_update] = true attribute[:_original] = original_attribute end geometry_group[:_opengl_custom_attributes_list] << attribute end end geometry_group[:_initted_arrays] = true end def update_object(object) geometry = object.geometry if geometry.is_a? BufferGeometry # TODO: geomertry vertex array ????? # glBindVertexArray geometry.vertex_array geometry.attributes.each do |(key, attribute)| buffer_type = (key == 'index') ? GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER : GL_ARRAY_BUFFER if attribute.buffer.nil? attribute.buffer = glCreateBuffer glBindBuffer(buffer_type, attribute.buffer) glBufferData_easy(buffer_type, attribute.array, (attribute.is_a? DynamicBufferAttribute) ? GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW : GL_STATIC_DRAW) attribute.needs_update = false elsif attribute.needs_update glBindBuffer(buffer_type, attribute.buffer) if attribute.update_range.nil? || attribute.update_range.count == -1 # Not using update ranged glBufferSubData(buffer_type, 0, attribute.array) elsif puts 'ERROR: Mittsu::OpenGLRenderer#update_object: using update_range for Mittsu::DynamicBufferAttribute and marked as needs_update but count is 0, ensure you are using set methods or updating manually.' else # TODO: make a glBufferSubData_easy method glBufferSubData(buffer_type, attribute.update_range.offset * attribute.array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT, attribute.array.subarray(attribute.update_range.offset, attribute.update_range.offset + attribute.update_range.count)) attribute.update_range.count = 0 # reset range end attribute.needs_update = false end end elsif object.is_a? Mesh # check all geometry groups if geometry.groups_need_update init_geometry_groups(object, geometry) end geometry_groups_list = @geometry_groups[] material = nil geometry_groups_list.each do |geometry_group| # TODO: place to put this??? # glBindVertexArray(geometry_group[:_opengl_vertex_array]) material = get_buffer_material(object, geometry_group) custom_attributes_dirty = material.attributes && are_custom_attributes_dirty(material) if geometry.vertices_need_update || geometry.morph_targets_need_update || geometry.elements_need_update || geometry.uvs_need_update || geometry.normals_need_update || geometry.colors_need_update || geometry.tangents_need_update || custom_attributes_dirty set_mesh_buffers(geometry_group, object, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW, !geometry.dynamic, material) end end geometry.vertices_need_update = false geometry.morph_targets_need_update = false geometry.elements_need_update = false geometry.uvs_need_update = false geometry.normals_need_update = false geometry.colors_need_update = false geometry.tangents_need_update = false material.attributes && clear_custom_attributes(material) elsif (object.is_a? Line) # TODO: glBindVertexArray ??? material = get_buffer_material(object, geometry) custom_attributes_dirty = material.attributes && are_custom_attributes_dirty(material) if geometry.vertices_need_update || geometry.colors_need_update || geometry.line_distances_need_update || custom_attributes_dirty set_line_buffers(geometry, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW) end geometry.vertices_need_update = false geometry.colors_need_update = false geometry.line_distances_need_update = false material.attributes && clear_custom_attributes(material) elsif object.is_A? PointCloud # TODO: glBindVertexArray ??? material = get_buffer_material(object, geometry) custom_attributes_dirty = material.attributes && are_custom_attributes_dirty(material) if geometry.vertices_need_update || geometry.colors_need_update || custom_attributes_dirty set_particle_buffers(geometry, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW, object) end geometry.vertices_need_update = false geometry.colors_need_update = false material.attributes && clear_custom_attributes(material) end end def get_buffer_material(object, geometry_group) # TODO: when MeshFaceMaterial exists # object.material.is_a?(MeshFaceMaterial) ? object.material.materials[geometry_group[:material_index]] : object.material object.material # for now... end def set_line_buffers(geometry, hint) vertices = geometry.vertices colors = geometry.colors line_distances = geometry.line_distances_need_update vertex_array = geometry[:_vertex_array] color_array = geometry[:_color_array] line_distance_array = geometry[:_line_distance_array] custom_attributes = geometry[:_opengl_custom_attributes_list] if geometry.vertices_need_update vertices.each_with_index do |vertex, v| offset = v * 3 vertex_array[offset] = vertex.x vertex_array[offset + 1] = vertex.y vertex_array[offset + 2] = vertex.z end glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, geometry[:_opengl_vertex_buffer]) glBufferData_easy(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vertex_array, hint) end if geometry.colors_need_update colors.each_with_index do |color, c| offset = c * 3 color_array[offset] = color.r color_array[offset + 1] = color.g color_array[offset + 2] = color.b end glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, geometry[:_opengl_color_buffer]) glBufferData_easy(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, color_array, hint) end if geometry.line_distances_need_update line_distances.each_with_index do |l, d| line_distance_array[d] = l end glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, geometry[:_opengl_line_distance_buffer]) glBufferData_easy(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, line_distance_array, hint) end if custom_attributes custom_attribute.each do |custom_attribute| offset = 0 values = custom_attribute.value case custom_attribute.size when 1 value.each_with_index do |value, ca| custom_attribute.array[ca] = value end when 2 values.each_with_index do |value, ca| custom_attribute[offset ] = value.x custom_attribute[offset + 1] = value.y offset += 2 end when 3 if custom_attribute.type === :c values.each_with_index do |value, ca| custom_attribute[offset ] = value.r custom_attribute[offset + 1] = value.g custom_attribute[offset + 2] = value.b offset += 3 end else values.each_with_index do |value, ca| custom_attribute[offset ] = value.x custom_attribute[offset + 1] = value.y custom_attribute[offset + 2] = value.z offset += 3 end end when 4 values.each_with_index do |value, ca| custom_attribute[offset ] = value.x custom_attribute[offset + 1] = value.y custom_attribute[offset + 2] = value.z custom_attribute[offset + 3] = value.w offset += 4 end end glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, custom_attribute.buffer) glBufferData_easy(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, custom_attribute.array, hint) custom_attribute.needs_update = false end end end def set_mesh_buffers(geometry_group, object, hint, dispose, material) return unless geometry_group[:_initted_arrays] needs_face_normals = material_needs_face_normals(material) vertex_index = 0 offset = 0 offset_uv = 0 offset_uv2 = 0 offset_face = 0 offset_normal = 0 offset_tangent = 0 offset_line = 0 offset_color = 0 offset_skin = 0 offset_morph_target = 0 offset_custom = 0 vertex_array = geometry_group[:_vertex_array] uv_array = geometry_group[:_uv_array] uv2_array = geometry_group[:_uv2_array] normal_array = geometry_group[:_normal_array] tangent_array = geometry_group[:_tangent_array] color_array = geometry_group[:_color_array] skin_index_array = geometry_group[:_skin_index_array] skin_weight_array = geometry_group[:_skin_weight_array] morph_targets_arrays = geometry_group[:_morph_targets_arrays] morph_normals_arrays = geometry_group[:_morph_normals_arrays] custom_attributes = geometry_group[:_opengl_custom_attributes_list] face_array = geometry_group[:_face_array] line_array = geometry_group[:_line_array] geometry = object.geometry # this is shared for all chunks dirty_vertices = geometry.vertices_need_update dirty_elements = geometry.elements_need_update dirty_uvs = geometry.uvs_need_update dirty_normals = geometry.normals_need_update dirty_tangents = geometry.tangents_need_update dirty_colors = geometry.colors_need_update dirty_morph_targets = geometry.morph_targets_need_update vertices = geometry.vertices chunk_faces3 = geometry_group[:faces3] obj_faces = geometry.faces obj_uvs = geometry.face_vertex_uvs[0] obj_uvs2 = geometry.face_vertex_uvs[1] obj_skin_indices = geometry.skin_indices obj_skin_weights = geometry.skin_weights morph_targets = geometry.morph_targets morph_normals = geometry.morph_normals if dirty_vertices chunk_faces3.each do |chf| face = obj_faces[chf] v1 = vertices[face.a] v2 = vertices[face.b] v3 = vertices[face.c] vertex_array[offset] = v1.x vertex_array[offset + 1] = v1.y vertex_array[offset + 2] = v1.z vertex_array[offset + 3] = v2.x vertex_array[offset + 4] = v2.y vertex_array[offset + 5] = v2.z vertex_array[offset + 6] = v3.x vertex_array[offset + 7] = v3.y vertex_array[offset + 8] = v3.z offset += 9 end glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, geometry_group[:_opengl_vertex_buffer]) glBufferData_easy(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vertex_array, hint) end if dirty_morph_targets morph_targets.each_index do |vk| chunk_faces.each do |chf| face = obj_faces[chf] # morph positions v1 = morph_targets[vk].vertices[face.a] v2 = morph_targets[vk].vertices[face.b] v3 = morph_targets[vk].vertices[face.c] vka = morph_targets_arrays[vk] vka[offset_morph_target] = v1.x vka[offset_morph_target + 1] = v1.y vka[offset_morph_target + 2] = v1.z vka[offset_morph_target + 3] = v2.x vka[offset_morph_target + 4] = v2.y vka[offset_morph_target + 5] = v2.z vka[offset_morph_target + 6] = v3.x vka[offset_morph_target + 7] = v3.y vka[offset_morph_target + 8] = v3.z # morph normals if material.morph_normals if needs_face_normals n1 = morph_normals[vk].face_normals[chf] n2 = n1 n3 = n1 else face_vertex_normals = morph_normals[vk].vertex_normals[chf] n1 = face_vertex_normals.a n2 = face_vertex_normals.b n3 = face_vertex_normals.c end nka = morph_normals_arrays[vk] nka[offset_morph_target] = n1.x nka[offset_morph_target + 1] = n1.y nka[offset_morph_target + 2] = n1.z nka[offset_morph_target + 3] = n2.x nka[offset_morph_target + 4] = n2.y nka[offset_morph_target + 5] = n2.z nka[offset_morph_target + 6] = n3.x nka[offset_morph_target + 7] = n3.y nka[offset_morph_target + 8] = n3.z end # offset_morph_target += 9 end glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, geometry_group[:_opengl_morph_targets_buffers][vk]) glBufferData_easy(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, morph_targets_arrays[vk], hint) if material.morph_normals glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, geometry_group[:_opengl_morph_normals_buffers][vk]) glBufferData_easy(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, morph_normals_arrays[vk], hint) end end end if !obj_skin_weights.empty? chunk_faces3.each do |chf| face = obj_faces[chf] # weights sw1 = obj_skin_weights[face.a] sw2 = obj_skin_weights[face.b] sw3 = obj_skin_weights[face.c] skin_weight_array[offset_skin] = sw1.x skin_weight_array[offset_skin + 1] = sw1.y skin_weight_array[offset_skin + 2] = sw1.z skin_weight_array[offset_skin + 3] = sw1.w skin_weight_array[offset_skin + 4] = sw2.x skin_weight_array[offset_skin + 5] = sw2.y skin_weight_array[offset_skin + 6] = sw2.z skin_weight_array[offset_skin + 7] = sw2.w skin_weight_array[offset_skin + 8] = sw3.x skin_weight_array[offset_skin + 9] = sw3.y skin_weight_array[offset_skin + 10] = sw3.z skin_weight_array[offset_skin + 11] = sw3.w # indices si1 = obj_skin_indices[face.a] si2 = obj_skin_indices[face.b] si3 = obj_skin_indices[face.c] skin_indices_array[offset_skin] = si1.x skin_indices_array[offset_skin + 1] = si1.y skin_indices_array[offset_skin + 2] = si1.z skin_indices_array[offset_skin + 3] = si1.w skin_indices_array[offset_skin + 4] = si2.x skin_indices_array[offset_skin + 5] = si2.y skin_indices_array[offset_skin + 6] = si2.z skin_indices_array[offset_skin + 7] = si2.w skin_indices_array[offset_skin + 8] = si3.x skin_indices_array[offset_skin + 9] = si3.y skin_indices_array[offset_skin + 10] = si3.z skin_indices_array[offset_skin + 11] = si3.w offset_skin += 12 end if offset_skin > 0 glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, geometry_group[:_opengl_skin_indices_buffer]) glBufferData_easy(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, skin_index_array, hint) glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, geometry_group[:_opengl_skin_weights_buffer]) glBufferData_easy(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, skin_weight_array, hint) end end if dirty_colors chunk_faces3.each do |chf| face = obj_faces[chf] vertex_colors = face.vertex_colors face_color = face.color if vertex_colors.length == 3 && material.vertex_colors == VertexColors c1 = vertex_colors[0] c2 = vertex_colors[1] c3 = vertex_colors[2] else c1 = face_color c2 = face_color c3 = face_color end color_array[offset_color] = c1.r color_array[offset_color + 1] = c1.g color_array[offset_color + 2] = c1.b color_array[offset_color + 3] = c2.r color_array[offset_color + 4] = c2.g color_array[offset_color + 5] = c2.b color_array[offset_color + 6] = c3.r color_array[offset_color + 7] = c3.g color_array[offset_color + 8] = c3.b offset_color += 9 end if offset_color > 0 glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, geometry_group[:_opengl_color_buffer]) glBufferData_easy(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, color_array, hint) end end if dirty_tangents && geometry.has_tangents chunk_faces3.each do |chf| face = obj_faces[chf] vertex_tangents = face.vertex_tangents t1 = vertex_tangents[0] t2 = vertex_tangents[1] t3 = vertex_tangents[2] tangent_array[offset_tangent] = t1.x tangent_array[offset_tangent + 1] = t1.y tangent_array[offset_tangent + 2] = t1.z tangent_array[offset_tangent + 3] = t1.w tangent_array[offset_tangent + 4] = t2.x tangent_array[offset_tangent + 5] = t2.y tangent_array[offset_tangent + 6] = t2.z tangent_array[offset_tangent + 7] = t2.w tangent_array[offset_tangent + 8] = t3.x tangent_array[offset_tangent + 9] = t3.y tangent_array[offset_tangent + 10] = t3.z tangent_array[offset_tangent + 11] = t3.w offset_tangent += 12 end glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, geometry_group[:_opengl_tangent_buffer]) glBufferData_easy(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, tangent_array, hint) end if dirty_normals chunk_faces3.each do |chf| face = obj_faces[chf] vertex_normals = face.vertex_normals face_normal = face.normal if vertex_normals.length == 3 && !needs_face_normals 3.times do |i| vn = vertex_normals[i] normal_array[offset_normal] = vn.x normal_array[offset_normal + 1] = vn.y normal_array[offset_normal + 2] = vn.z offset_normal += 3 end else 3.times do |i| normal_array[offset_normal] = face_normal.x normal_array[offset_normal + 1] = face_normal.y normal_array[offset_normal + 2] = face_normal.z offset_normal += 3 end end end glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, geometry_group[:_opengl_normal_buffer]) glBufferData_easy(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, normal_array, hint) end if dirty_uvs && obj_uvs chunk_faces3.each do |fi| uv = obj_uvs[fi] next if uv.nil? 3.times do |i| uvi = uv[i] uv_array[offset_uv] = uvi.x uv_array[offset_uv + 1] = uvi.y offset_uv += 2 end end if offset_uv > 0 glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, geometry_group[:_opengl_uv_buffer]) glBufferData_easy(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, uv_array, hint) end end if dirty_uvs && obj_uvs2 chunk_faces3.each do |fi| uv2 = obj_uvs2[fi] next if uv2.nil? 3.times do |i| uv2i = uv2[i] uv2_array[offset_uv2] = uv2i.x uv2_array[offset_uv2 + 1] = uv2i.y offset_uv2 += 2 end end if offset_uv2 > 0 glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, geometry_group[:_opengl_uv2_buffer]) glBufferData_easy(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, uv2_array, hint) end end if dirty_elements chunk_faces3.each do |chf| face_array[offset_face] = vertex_index face_array[offset_face + 1] = vertex_index + 1 face_array[offset_face + 2] = vertex_index + 2 offset_face += 3 line_array[offset_line] = vertex_index line_array[offset_line + 1] = vertex_index + 1 line_array[offset_line + 2] = vertex_index line_array[offset_line + 3] = vertex_index + 2 line_array[offset_line + 4] = vertex_index + 1 line_array[offset_line + 5] = vertex_index + 2 offset_line += 6 vertex_index += 3 end glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, geometry_group[:_opengl_face_buffer]) glBufferData_easy(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, face_array, hint) glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, geometry_group[:_opengl_line_buffer]) glBufferData_easy(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, line_array, hint) end if custom_attributes custom_attributes.each do |custom_attribute| next if !custom_attribute[:_original][:needs_update] offset_custom = 0 if custom_attribute[:size] == 1 if custom_attribute[:bound_to].nil? || custom_attribute[:bound_to] == :vertices chunk_faces3.each do |chf| face = obj_faces[chf] custom_attribute[:array][offset_custom] = custom_attribute[:value][face.a] custom_attribute[:array][offset_custom + 1] = custom_attribute[:value][face.b] custom_attribute[:array][offset_custom + 2] = custom_attribute[:value][face.c] offset_custom += 3 end elsif custom_attribute[:bound_to] == :faces value = custom_attribute[:value][chf] custom_attribute[:array][offset_custom] = value custom_attribute[:array][offset_custom + 1] = value custom_attribute[:array][offset_custom + 2] = value offset_custom += 3 end elsif custom_attribute[:size] == 2 if custom_attribute[:bound_to].nil? || custom_attribute[:bound_to] == :vertices chunk_faces3.each do |chf| face = obj_faces[chf] v1 = custom_attribute[:value][face.a] v2 = custom_attribute[:value][face.b] v3 = custom_attribute[:value][face.c] custom_attribute[:array][offset_custom] = v1.x custom_attribute[:array][offset_custom + 1] = v1.y custom_attribute[:array][offset_custom + 2] = v2.x custom_attribute[:array][offset_custom + 3] = v2.y custom_attribute[:array][offset_custom + 4] = v3.x custom_attribute[:array][offset_custom + 5] = v3.y offset_custom += 6 end elsif custom_attribute[:bound_to] == :faces chunk_faces3.each do |chf| value = custom_attribute[:value][chf] v1 = value v2 = value v3 = value custom_attribute[:array][offset_custom] = v1.x custom_attribute[:array][offset_custom + 1] = v1.y custom_attribute[:array][offset_custom + 2] = v2.x custom_attribute[:array][offset_custom + 3] = v2.y custom_attribute[:array][offset_custom + 4] = v3.x custom_attribute[:array][offset_custom + 5] = v3.y offset_custom += 6 end end elsif custom_attribute[:size] == 3 if custom_attribute[:bound_to].nil? || custom_attribute[:bound_to] == :vertices chunk_faces3.each do |chf| face = obj_faces[chf]; v1 = custom_attribute[:value][face.a] v2 = custom_attribute[:value][face.b] v3 = custom_attribute[:value][face.c] custom_attribute[:array][offset_custom] = v1[0] custom_attribute[:array][offset_custom + 1] = v1[1] custom_attribute[:array][offset_custom + 2] = v1[2] custom_attribute[:array][offset_custom + 3] = v2[0] custom_attribute[:array][offset_custom + 4] = v2[1] custom_attribute[:array][offset_custom + 5] = v2[2] custom_attribute[:array][offset_custom + 6] = v3[0] custom_attribute[:array][offset_custom + 7] = v3[1] custom_attribute[:array][offset_custom + 8] = v3[2] offset_custom += 9 end elsif custom_attribute[:bound_to] == :faces chunk_faces3.each do |chf| value = custom_attribute[:value][chf] v1 = value v2 = value v3 = value custom_attribute[:array][offset_custom] = v1[0] custom_attribute[:array][offset_custom + 1] = v1[1] custom_attribute[:array][offset_custom + 2] = v1[2] custom_attribute[:array][offset_custom + 3] = v2[0] custom_attribute[:array][offset_custom + 4] = v2[1] custom_attribute[:array][offset_custom + 5] = v2[2] custom_attribute[:array][offset_custom + 6] = v3[0] custom_attribute[:array][offset_custom + 7] = v3[1] custom_attribute[:array][offset_custom + 8] = v3[2] offset_custom += 9 end elsif custom_attribute[:bound_to] == :face_vertices chunk_faces3.each do |chf| value = custom_attribute[:value][chf] v1 = value[0] v2 = value[1] v3 = value[2] custom_attribute[:array][offset_custom] = v1[0] custom_attribute[:array][offset_custom + 1] = v1[1] custom_attribute[:array][offset_custom + 2] = v1[2] custom_attribute[:array][offset_custom + 3] = v2[0] custom_attribute[:array][offset_custom + 4] = v2[1] custom_attribute[:array][offset_custom + 5] = v2[2] custom_attribute[:array][offset_custom + 6] = v3[0] custom_attribute[:array][offset_custom + 7] = v3[1] custom_attribute[:array][offset_custom + 8] = v3[2] offset_custom += 9 end end elsif custom_attribute[:size] == 4 if custom_attribute[:bound_to].nil? || custom_attribute[:bound_to] == :vertices chunk_faces3.each do |chf| face = obj_faces[chf] v1 = custom_attribute[:value][face.a] v2 = custom_attribute[:value][face.b] v3 = custom_attribute[:value][face.c] customAttribute.array[offset_custom] = v1.x customAttribute.array[offset_custom + 1 ] = v1.y customAttribute.array[offset_custom + 2 ] = v1.z customAttribute.array[offset_custom + 3 ] = v1.w customAttribute.array[offset_custom + 4 ] = v2.x customAttribute.array[offset_custom + 5 ] = v2.y customAttribute.array[offset_custom + 6 ] = v2.z customAttribute.array[offset_custom + 7 ] = v2.w customAttribute.array[offset_custom + 8 ] = v3.x customAttribute.array[offset_custom + 9 ] = v3.y customAttribute.array[offset_custom + 10] = v3.z customAttribute.array[offset_custom + 11] = v3.w offset_custom += 12 end elsif custom_attribute[:bound_to] == :faces chunk_faces3.each do |chf| value = custom_attribute[:value][chf] v1 = value v2 = value v3 = value customAttribute.array[offset_custom] = v1.x customAttribute.array[offset_custom + 1 ] = v1.y customAttribute.array[offset_custom + 2 ] = v1.z customAttribute.array[offset_custom + 3 ] = v1.w customAttribute.array[offset_custom + 4 ] = v2.x customAttribute.array[offset_custom + 5 ] = v2.y customAttribute.array[offset_custom + 6 ] = v2.z customAttribute.array[offset_custom + 7 ] = v2.w customAttribute.array[offset_custom + 8 ] = v3.x customAttribute.array[offset_custom + 9 ] = v3.y customAttribute.array[offset_custom + 10] = v3.z customAttribute.array[offset_custom + 11] = v3.w offset_custom += 12 end elsif custom_attribute[:bound_to] == :face_vertices chunk_faces3.each do |chf| value = custom_attribute[:value][chf] v1 = value[0] v2 = value[1] v3 = value[2] customAttribute.array[offset_custom] = v1.x customAttribute.array[offset_custom + 1 ] = v1.y customAttribute.array[offset_custom + 2 ] = v1.z customAttribute.array[offset_custom + 3 ] = v1.w customAttribute.array[offset_custom + 4 ] = v2.x customAttribute.array[offset_custom + 5 ] = v2.y customAttribute.array[offset_custom + 6 ] = v2.z customAttribute.array[offset_custom + 7 ] = v2.w customAttribute.array[offset_custom + 8 ] = v3.x customAttribute.array[offset_custom + 9 ] = v3.y customAttribute.array[offset_custom + 10] = v3.z customAttribute.array[offset_custom + 11] = v3.w offset_custom += 12 end end end glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, custom_attribute[:buffer]) glBufferData_easy(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, custom_attribute[:array], hint) end end if dispose geometry_group.delete(:_initted_arrays) geometry_group.delete(:_color_array) geometry_group.delete(:_normal_array) geometry_group.delete(:_tangent_array) geometry_group.delete(:_uv_array) geometry_group.delete(:_uv2_array) geometry_group.delete(:_face_array) geometry_group.delete(:_vertex_array) geometry_group.delete(:_line_array) geometry_group.delete(:_skin_index_array) geometry_group.delete(:_skin_weight_array) end end def material_needs_face_normals(material) !material.is_a?(MeshPhongMaterial) && material.shading == FlatShading end def set_program(camera, lights, fog, material, object) @_used_texture_units = 0 if material.needs_update? deallocate_material(material) if material.program init_material(material, lights, fog, object) material.needs_update = false end if material.morph_targets if !object[:_opengl_morph_target_influences] object[:_opengl_morph_target_influences] = # Float32Array end end refresh_program = false refresh_material = false refresh_lights = false program = material.program p_uniforms = program.uniforms m_uniforms = material[:_opengl_shader][:uniforms] if != @_current_program glUseProgram(program.program) @_current_program = refresh_program = true refresh_material = true refresh_lights = true end if != @_current_material_id refresh_lights = true if @_current_material_id == -1 @_current_material_id = refresh_material = true end if refresh_program || camera != @_current_camera glUniformMatrix4fv(p_uniforms['projectionMatrix'], 1, GL_FALSE, array_to_ptr_easy(camera.projection_matrix.elements)) if @_logarithmic_depth_buffer glUniform1f(p_uniforms['logDepthBuffFC'], 2.0 / Math.log(camera.far + 1.0) / Math::LN2) end @_current_camera = camera if camera != @_current_camera # load material specific uniforms # (shader material also gets them for the sake of genericity) if material.is_a?(ShaderMaterial) || material.is_a?(MeshPhongMaterial) || material.env_map if !p_uniforms['cameraPosition'].nil? @_vector3.set_from_matrix_position(camera.matrix_world) glUniform3f(p_uniforms['cameraPosition'], @_vector3.x, @_vector3.y, @_vector3.z) end end if material.is_a?(MeshPhongMaterial) || material.is_a?(MeshLambertMaterial) || material.is_a?(MeshBasicMaterial) || material.is_a?(ShaderMaterial) || material.skinning if !p_uniforms['viewMatrix'].nil? glUniformMatrix4fv(p_uniforms['viewMatrix'], 1, GL_FALSE, array_to_ptr_easy(camera.matrix_world_inverse.elements)) end end end if material.skinning if object.bind_matrix && !p_uniforms.bind_matrix.nil? glUniformMatrix4fv(p_uniforms.bind_matrix, GL_FALSE, object.bind_matrix.elements) end if object.bind_matrix_inverse && !p_uniforms.bind_matrix_inverse.nil? glUniformMatrix4fv(p_uniforms.bind_matrix_inverse, GL_FALSE, object.bind_matrix_inverse.elements) end if _supports_bone_textures && object.skeleton && object.skeleton.use_vertex_texture if !p_uniforms.bone_texture.nil? texture_unit = get_texture_unit glUniform1i(p_uniforms.bone_texture, texture_unit) self.set_texture(object.skeleton.bone_texture, texture_unit) end if !p_uniforms.bone_texture_width.nil? glUniform1i(p_uniforms.bone_texture_width, object.skeleton.bone_texture_width) end if !p_uniforms.bone_texture_height.nil? glUniform1i(p_uniforms.bone_texture_height, object.skeleton.bone_texture_height) end elsif object.skeleton && object.skeleton.bone_matrices if !p_uniforms.bone_global_matrices.nil? glUniformMatrix4fv(p_uniforms.bone_global_matrices, GL_FALSE, object.skeleton.bone_matrices) end end end if refresh_material if fog && material.fog end if material.is_a?(MeshPhongMaterial) || material.is_a?(MeshLambertMaterial) || material.lights if @_lights_need_update refresh_lights = true setup_lights(lights) @_lights_need_update = false end if refresh_lights refresh_uniforms_lights(m_uniforms, @_lights) mark_uniforms_lights_needs_update(m_uniforms, true) else mark_uniforms_lights_needs_update(m_uniforms, false) end end if material.is_a?(MeshBasicMaterial) || material.is_a?(MeshLambertMaterial) || material.is_a?(MeshPhongMaterial) refresh_uniforms_common(m_uniforms, material) end # refresh single material specific uniforms # TODO: when all of these things exist case material when LineBasicMaterial refresh_uniforms_line(m_uniforms, material) # when LineDashedMaterial # refresh_uniforms_line(m_uniforms, material) # refresh_uniforms_dash(m_uniforms, material) # when PointCloudMaterial # refresh_uniforms_particle(m_uniforms, material) when MeshPhongMaterial refresh_uniforms_phong(m_uniforms, material) when MeshLambertMaterial refresh_uniforms_lambert(m_uniforms, material) # when MeshDepthMaterial # m_uniforms.m_near.value = camera.near # m_uniforms.m_far.value = camera.far # m_uniforms.opacity.value = material.opacity # when MeshNormalMaterial # m_uniforms.opactity.value = material.opacity end if object.receive_shadow && !material[:_shadow_pass] refresh_uniforms_shadow(m_uniforms, lights) end # load common uniforms load_uniforms_generic(material[:uniforms_list]) end load_uniforms_matrices(p_uniforms, object) if !p_uniforms['modelMatrix'].nil? glUniformMatrix4fv(p_uniforms['modelMatrix'], 1, GL_FALSE, array_to_ptr_easy(object.matrix_world.elements)) end program end def init_material(material, lights, fog, object) material.add_event_listener(:dispose, @on_material_dispose) shader_id = @shader_ids[material.class] if shader_id shader = ShaderLib[shader_id] material[:_opengl_shader] = { uniforms: UniformsUtils.clone(shader.uniforms), vertex_shader: shader.vertex_shader, fragment_shader: shader.fragment_shader } else material[:_opengl_shader] = { uniforms: material.uniforms, vertex_shader: material.vertex_shader, fragment_shader: material.fragment_shader } end # heuristics to create shader paramaters ccording to lights in the scene # (not to blow over max_lights budget) max_light_count = allocate_lights(lights) max_shadows = allocate_shadows(lights) max_bones = allocate_bones(object) parameters = { precision: @_precision, supports_vertex_textures: @_supports_vertex_textures, map: !!, env_map: !!material.env_map, env_map_mode: material.env_map && material.env_map.mapping, light_map: !!material.light_map, bump_map: !!material.light_map, normal_map: !!material.normal_map, specular_map: !!material.specular_map, alpha_map: !!material.alpha_map, combine: material.combine, vertex_colors: material.vertex_colors, fog: fog, use_fog: material.fog, # fog_exp: fog.is_a?(FogExp2), # TODO: when FogExp2 exists flat_shading: material.shading == FlatShading, size_attenuation: material.size_attenuation, logarithmic_depth_buffer: @_logarithmic_depth_buffer, skinning: material.skinning, max_bones: max_bones, use_vertex_texture: @_supports_bone_textures, morph_targets: material.morph_targets, morph_normals: material.morph_normals, max_morph_targets: @max_morph_targets, max_morph_normals: @max_morph_normals, max_dir_lights: max_light_count[:directional], max_point_lights: max_light_count[:point], max_spot_lights: max_light_count[:spot], max_hemi_lights: max_light_count[:hemi], max_shadows: max_shadows, shadow_map_enabled: @shadow_map_enabled && object.receive_shadow && max_shadows > 0, shadow_map_type: @shadow_map_type, shadow_map_debug: @shadow_map_debug, shadow_map_cascade: @shadow_map_cascade, alpha_test: material.alpha_test, metal: material.metal, wrap_around: material.wrap_around, double_sided: material.side == DoubleSide, flip_sided: material.side == BackSide } # generate code chunks = [] if shader_id chunks << shader_id else chunks << material.fragment_shader chunks << material.vertex_shader end if !material.defines.nil? material.defines.each do |(name, define)| chunks << name chunks << define end end parameters.each do |(name, parameter)| chunks << name chunks << parameter end code = chunks.join program = nil # check if code has been already compiled @_programs.each do |program_info| if program_info.code == code program = program_info program.used_times += 1 break end end if program.nil? program =, code, material, parameters) @_programs.push(program) @info[:memory][:programs] = @_programs.length end material.program = program attributes = program.attributes if material.morph_targets material.num_supported_morph_targets = 0 base = 'morphTarget' @max_morph_targets.times do |i| id = base + i if attributes[id] >= 0 material.num_supported_morph_targets += 1 end end end if material.morph_normals material.num_supported_morph_normals = 0 base = 'morphNormal' @max_morph_normals.times do |i| id = base + i if attributes[id] >= 0 material.num_supported_morph_normals += 1 end end end material[:uniforms_list] = [] material[:_opengl_shader][:uniforms].each_key do |u| location = material.program.uniforms[u] if location material[:uniforms_list] << [material[:_opengl_shader][:uniforms][u], location] end end end def allocate_lights(lights) dir_lights = 0 point_lights = 0 spot_lights = 0 hemi_lights = 0 lights.each do |light| next if light.only_shadow || !light.visible dir_lights += 1 if light.is_a? DirectionalLight point_lights += 1 if light.is_a? PointLight spot_lights += 1 if light.is_a? SpotLight hemi_lights += 1 if light.is_a? HemisphereLight end { directional: dir_lights, point: point_lights, spot: spot_lights, hemi: hemi_lights } end def allocate_shadows(lights) max_shadows = 0 lights.each do |light| next unless light.cast_shadow max_shadows += 1 if light.is_a?(SpotLight) max_shadows += 1 if light.is_a?(DirectionalLight) && !light.shadow_cascade end max_shadows end def allocate_bones(object = nil) if @_supports_bone_textures && object && object.skeleton && object.skeleton.use_vertex_texture return 1024 end # default for when object is not specified # ( for example when prebuilding shader # to be used with multiple objects ) # # - leave some extra space for other uniforms # - limit here is ANGLE's 254 max uniform vectors # (up to 54 should be safe) n_vertex_uniforms = (get_gl_parameter(GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS) / 4.0).floor n_vertex_matrices = ((n_vertex_uniforms - 20) / 4.0).floor max_bones = n_vertex_matrices # TODO: when SkinnedMesh exists # if !object.nil? && object.is_a?(SkinnedMesh) # max_bones = [object.skeleton.bones.length, max_bones].min # # if max_bones < object.skeleton.bones.length # puts "WARNING: OpenGLRenderer: too many bones - #{object.skeleton.bones.length}, this GPU supports just #{max_bones}" # end # end max_bones end def refresh_uniforms_common(uniforms, material) uniforms['opacity'].value = material.opacity uniforms['diffuse'].value = material.color uniforms['map'].value = uniforms['lightMap'].value = material.light_map uniforms['specularMap'].value = material.specular_map uniforms['alphaMap'].value = material.alpha_map if material.bump_map uniforms['bumpMap'].value = material.bump_map uniforms['bumpScale'].value = material.bump_scale end if material.normal_map uniforms['normalMap'].value = material.normal_map uniforms['normalScale'].value.copy( material.normal_scale ) end # uv repeat and offset setting priorities # 1. color map # 2. specular map # 3. normal map # 4. bump map # 5. alpha map uv_scale_map = nil if uv_scale_map = elsif material.specular_map uv_scale_map = material.specular_map elsif material.normal_map uv_scale_map = material.normal_map elsif material.bump_map uv_scale_map = material.bump_map elsif material.alpha_map uv_scale_map = material.alpha_map end if !uv_scale_map.nil? offset = uv_scale_map.offset repeat = uv_scale_map.repeat uniforms['offsetRepeat'].value.set(offset.x, offset.y, repeat.x, repeat.y) end uniforms['envMap'].value = material.env_map # TODO: when OpenGLRenderTargetCube exists # uniforms['flipEnvMap'].value = material.envMap.is_a?(OpenGLRenderTargetCube) ? 1 : - 1 uniforms['reflectivity'].value = material.reflectivity uniforms['refractionRatio'].value = material.refraction_ratio end def refresh_uniforms_phong(uniforms, material) uniforms['shininess'].value = material.shininess uniforms['emissive'].value = material.emissive uniforms['specular'].value = material.specular if material.wrap_around uniforms['wrapRGB'].value.copy(material.wrap_rgb) end end def refresh_uniforms_shadow(uniforms, lights) if uniforms['shadowMatrix'] { |light| light.is_a?(SpotLight) || (light.is_a?(DirectionalLight) && !light.shadow_cascade) }.each_with_index { |light, i| uniforms['shadowMap'].value[i] = light.shadow_map uniforms['shadowMapSize'].value[i] = light.shadow_map_size uniforms['shadowMatrix'].value[i] = light.shadow_matrix uniforms['shadowDarkness'].value[i] = light.shadow_darkness uniforms['shadowBias'].value[i] = light.shadow_bias } end end def refresh_uniforms_line(uniforms, material) uniforms['diffuse'].value = material.color uniforms['opacity'].value = material.opacity end def load_uniforms_generic(uniforms) uniforms.each do |(uniform, location)| # needs_update property is not added to all uniforms. next if uniform.needs_update == false || location == -1 type = uniform.type value = uniform.value case type when :'1i' glUniform1i(location, value) when :'1f' glUniform1f(location, value) when :'2f' glUniform2f(location, value[0], value[1]) when :'3f' glUniform2f(location, value[0], value[1], value[2]) when :'4f' glUniform4f(location, value[0], value[1], value[2], value[3]) when :'1iv' glUniform1iv(location, value.length, array_to_ptr_easy(value)) when :'2iv' glUniform2iv(location, value.length / 2, array_to_ptr_easy(value)) when :'3iv' glUniform3iv(location, value.length / 3, array_to_ptr_easy(value)) when :'4iv' glUniform3iv(location, value.length / 4, array_to_ptr_easy(value)) when :'1fv' glUniform1fv(location, value.length, array_to_ptr_easy(value)) when :'2fv' glUniform2fv(location, value.length / 2, array_to_ptr_easy(value)) when :'3fv' glUniform3fv(location, value.length / 3, array_to_ptr_easy(value)) when :'4fv' glUniform3fv(location, value.length / 4, array_to_ptr_easy(value)) when :Matrix3fv glUniformMatrix3fv(location, value / 9, GL_FALSE, array_to_ptr_easy(value)) when :Matrix4fv glUniformMatrix4fv(location, value / 16, GL_FALSE, array_to_ptr_easy(value)) # when :i # single integer glUniform1i(location, value) when :f # single float glUniform1f(location, value) when :v2 # single Mittsu::Vector2 glUniform2f(location, value.x, value.y) when :v3 # single Mittsu::Vector3 glUniform3f(location, value.x, value.y, value.z) when :v4 # single Mittsu::Vector4 glUniform4f(location, value.x, value.y, value.z, value.w) when :c # single Mittsu::Color glUniform3f(location, value.r, value.g, value.b) when :iv1 # flat array of integers glUniform1iv(location, value.length, array_to_ptr_easy(value)) when :iv # flat array of integers with 3 x N size glUniform3iv(location, value.length / 3, array_to_ptr_easy(value)) when :fv1 # flat array of floats glUniform1fv(location, value.length, array_to_ptr_easy(value)) when :fv # flat array of float with 3 x N size glUniform3fv(location, value.length / 3, array_to_ptr_easy(value)) when :v2v # array of Mittsu::Vector2 uniform[:_array] ||= * value.length) # Float32Array value.each_with_index do |v, i| offset = i * 2 uniform[:_array][offset] = v.x uniform[:_array][offset + 1] = v.y end glUniform2fv(location, value.length * 2, array_to_ptr_easy(uniform[:_array])) when :v3v # array of Mittsu::Vector3 uniform[:_array] ||= * value.length) # Float32Array value.each_with_index do |v, i| offset = i * 3 uniform[:_array][offset] = v.x uniform[:_array][offset + 1] = v.y uniform[:_array][offset + 2] = v.z end glUniform3fv(location, value.length * 3, array_to_ptr_easy(uniform[:_array])) when :v4v # array of Mittsu::Vector4 uniform[:_array] ||= * value.length) # Float32Array value.each_with_index do |v, i| offset = i * 4 uniform[:_array][offset] = v.x uniform[:_array][offset + 1] = v.y uniform[:_array][offset + 2] = v.z uniform[:_array][offset + 3] = v.w end glUniform4fv(location, value.length * 4, array_to_ptr_easy(uniform[:_array])) when :m3 # single Mittsu::Matrix3 glUniformMatrix3fv(location, 1, GL_FALSE, array_to_ptr_easy(value.elements)) when :m3v # array of Mittsu::Matrix3 uniform[:_array] ||= * value.length) # Float32Array value.each_with_index do |v, i| value[i].flatten_to_array_offset(uniform[:_array], i * 9) end glUniformMatrix3fv(location, value.length, GL_FALSE, array_to_ptr_easy(uniform[:_array])) when :m4 # single Mittsu::Matrix4 glUniformMatrix4vf(location, 1, GL_FALSE, array_to_ptr_easy(value.elements)) when :m4v # array of Mittsu::Matrix4 uniform[:_array] ||= * value.length) # Float32Array value.each_with_index do |v, i| value[i].flatten_to_array_offset(uniform[:_array], i * 16) end glUniformMatrix4fv(location, value.length, GL_FALSE, array_to_ptr_easy(uniform[:_array])) when :t # single Mittsu::Texture (2d or cube) texture = value texture_unit = get_texture_unit glUniform1i(location, texture_unit) next unless texture if texture.is_a?(CubeTexture) || (texture.is_a?(Array) && texture.image.length == 6) set_cube_texture(texture, texture_unit) # TODO: when OpenGLRenderTargetCube is defined # elsif texture.is_a?(OpenGLRenderTargetCube) # set_cube_texture_dynamic(texture, texture_unit) else set_texture(texture, texture_unit) end when :tv # array of Mittsu::Texture (2d) uniform[:_array] ||= [] uniform.value.each_index do |i| uniform[:_array][i] = get_texture_unit end glUniform1iv(location, uniform[:_array].length, array_to_ptr_easy(uniform[:_array])) uniform.value.each_with_index do |tex, i| tex_unit = uniform[:_array][i] next unless tex set_texture(tex, tex_unit) end else puts "WARNING: Mittsu::OpenGLRenderer: Unknown uniform type: #{type}" end end end def load_uniforms_matrices(uniforms, object) glUniformMatrix4fv(uniforms['modelViewMatrix'], 1, GL_FALSE, array_to_ptr_easy(object[:_model_view_matrix].elements)) if uniforms['normalMatrix'] glUniformMatrix3fv(uniforms['normalMatrix'], 1, GL_FALSE, array_to_ptr_easy(object[:_normal_matrix].elements)) end end def setup_lights(lights) r, g, b = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 zlights = @_lights dir_colors = zlights[:directional][:colors] dir_positions = zlights[:directional][:positions] point_colors = zlights[:point][:colors] point_positions = zlights[:point][:positions] point_distances = zlights[:point][:distances] point_decays = zlights[:point][:decays] spot_colors = zlights[:spot][:colors] spot_positions = zlights[:spot][:positions] spot_distances = zlights[:spot][:distances] spot_directions = zlights[:spot][:directions] spot_angles_cos = zlights[:spot][:angles_cos] spot_exponents = zlights[:spot][:exponents] spot_decays = zlights[:spot][:decays] hemi_sky_colors = zlights[:hemi][:sky_colors] hemi_ground_colors = zlights[:hemi][:ground_colors] hemi_positions = zlights[:hemi][:positions] dir_length = 0 point_length = 0 spot_length = 0 hemi_length = 0 dir_count = 0 point_count = 0 spot_count = 0 hemi_count = 0 dir_offset = 0 point_offset = 0 spot_offset = 0 hemi_offset = 0 lights.each do |light| next if light.only_shadow color = light.color intensity = light.intensity distance = light.distance if light.is_a? AmbientLight next unless light.visible r += color.r g += color.g b += color.b elsif light.is_a? DirectionalLight dir_count += 1 next unless light.visible @_direction.set_from_matrix_position(light.matrix_world) @_vector3.set_from_matrix_position( @_direction.sub(@_vector3) @_direction.normalize dir_offset = dir_length * 3 dir_positions[dir_offset] = @_direction.x dir_positions[dir_offset + 1] = @_direction.y dir_positions[dir_offset + 2] = @_direction.z set_color_linear(dir_colors, dir_offset, color, intensity) dir_length += 1 elsif light.is_a? PointLight point_count += 1 next unless light.visible point_offset = point_length * 3; set_color_linear(point_colors, point_offset, color, intensity) @_vector3.set_from_matrix_position(light.matrix_world) point_positions[point_offset] = @_vector3.x point_positions[point_offset + 1] = @_vector3.y point_positions[point_offset + 2] = @_vector3.z # distance is 0 if decay is 0, because there is no attenuation at all. point_distances[point_length] = distance point_decays[point_length] = ? 0.0 : light.decay point_length += 1 elsif light.is_a? SpotLight spot_count += 1 next unless light.visible spot_offset = spot_length * 3 set_color_linear(spot_colors, spot_offset, color, intensity) @_direction.set_from_matrix_position(light.matrix_world) spot_positions[spot_offset] = @_direction.x spot_positions[spot_offset + 1] = @_direction.y spot_positions[spot_offset + 2] = @_direction.z spot_distances[spot_length] = distance @_vector3.set_from_matrix_position( @_direction.sub(@_vector3) @_direction.normalize spot_directions[spot_offset] = @_direction.x spot_directions[spot_offset + 1] = @_direction.y spot_directions[spot_offset + 2] = @_direction.z spot_angles_cos[spot_length] = Math.cos(light.angle) spot_exponents[spot_length] = light.exponent; spot_decays[spot_length] = ? 0.0 : light.decay spot_length += 1; elsif light.is_a? HemisphereLight hemi_count += 1 next unless light.visible @_direction.set_from_matrix_position(light.matrix_world) @_direction.normalize hemi_offset = hemi_length * 3 hemi_positions[hemi_offset] = @_direction.x hemi_positions[hemi_offset + 1] = @_direction.y hemi_positions[hemi_offset + 2] = @_direction.z sky_color = light.color ground_color = light.ground_color set_color_linear(hemi_sky_colors, hemi_offset, sky_color, intensity ) set_color_linear(hemi_ground_colors, hemi_offset, ground_color, intensity) hemi_length += 1 end end # null eventual remains from removed lights # (this is to avoid if in shader) (dir_length * 3).upto([dir_colors.length, dir_count * 3].max - 1).each { |i| dir_colors[i] = 0.0 } (point_length * 3).upto([point_colors.length, point_count * 3].max - 1).each { |i| point_colors[i] = 0.0 } (spot_length * 3).upto([spot_colors.length, spot_count * 3].max - 1).each { |i| spot_colors[i] = 0.0 } (hemi_length * 3).upto([hemi_ground_colors.length, hemi_count * 3].max - 1).each { |i| hemi_ground_colors[i] = 0.0 } (hemi_length * 3).upto([hemi_sky_colors.length, hemi_count * 3].max - 1).each { |i| hemi_sky_colors[i] = 0.0 } zlights[:directional][:length] = dir_length zlights[:point][:length] = point_length zlights[:spot][:length] = spot_length zlights[:hemi][:length] = hemi_length zlights[:ambient][0] = r zlights[:ambient][1] = g zlights[:ambient][2] = b end def refresh_uniforms_lights(uniforms, lights) uniforms['ambientLightColor'].value = lights[:ambient] uniforms['directionalLightColor'].value = lights[:directional][:colors] uniforms['directionalLightDirection'].value = lights[:directional][:positions] uniforms['pointLightColor'].value = lights[:point][:colors] uniforms['pointLightPosition'].value = lights[:point][:positions] uniforms['pointLightDistance'].value = lights[:point][:distances] uniforms['pointLightDecay'].value = lights[:point][:decays] uniforms['spotLightColor'].value = lights[:spot][:colors] uniforms['spotLightPosition'].value = lights[:spot][:positions] uniforms['spotLightDistance'].value = lights[:spot][:distances] uniforms['spotLightDirection'].value = lights[:spot][:directions] uniforms['spotLightAngleCos'].value = lights[:spot][:angles_cos] uniforms['spotLightExponent'].value = lights[:spot][:exponents] uniforms['spotLightDecay'].value = lights[:spot][:decays] uniforms['hemisphereLightSkyColor'].value = lights[:hemi][:sky_colors] uniforms['hemisphereLightGroundColor'].value = lights[:hemi][:ground_colors] uniforms['hemisphereLightDirection'].value = lights[:hemi][:positions] end def mark_uniforms_lights_needs_update(uniforms, value) uniforms['ambientLightColor'].needs_update = value uniforms['directionalLightColor'].needs_update = value uniforms['directionalLightDirection'].needs_update = value uniforms['pointLightColor'].needs_update = value uniforms['pointLightPosition'].needs_update = value uniforms['pointLightDistance'].needs_update = value uniforms['pointLightDecay'].needs_update = value uniforms['spotLightColor'].needs_update = value uniforms['spotLightPosition'].needs_update = value uniforms['spotLightDistance'].needs_update = value uniforms['spotLightDirection'].needs_update = value uniforms['spotLightAngleCos'].needs_update = value uniforms['spotLightExponent'].needs_update = value uniforms['spotLightDecay'].needs_update = value uniforms['hemisphereLightSkyColor'].needs_update = value uniforms['hemisphereLightGroundColor'].needs_update = value uniforms['hemisphereLightDirection'].needs_update = value end def refresh_uniforms_lambert(uniforms, material) uniforms['emissive'].value = material.emissive if material.wrap_around uniforms['wrapRGB'].value.copy(material.wrap_rgb) end end def set_color_linear(array, offset, color, intensity) array[offset] = color.r * intensity array[offset + 1] = color.g * intensity array[offset + 2] = color.b * intensity end def get_texture_unit texture_unit = @_used_texture_units if texture_unit >= @_max_textures puts "WARNING: OpenGLRenderer: trying to use #{texture_unit} texture units while this GPU supports only #{@_max_textures}" end @_used_texture_units += 1 texture_unit end def clamp_to_max_size(image, max_size) if image.width > max_size || image.height > max_size # TODO: scale the image ... puts "WARNING: Mittsu::OpenGLRenderer: image is too big (#{image.width} x #{image.height}). Resized to ??? x ???" end image end def param_mittsu_to_gl(p) case p when RepeatWrapping then GL_REPEAT when ClampToEdgeWrapping then GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE when MirroredRepeatWrapping then GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT when NearestFilter then GL_NEAREST when NearestMipMapNearestFilter then GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST when NearestMipMapLinearFilter then GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR when LinearFilter then GL_LINEAR when LinearMipMapNearestFilter then GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST when LinearMipMapLinearFilter then GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR when UnsignedByteType then GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE when UnsignedShort4444Type then GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4 when UnsignedShort5551Type then GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1 when UnsignedShort565Type then GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5 when ByteType then GL_BYTE when ShortType then GL_SHORT when UnsignedShortType then GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT when IntType then GL_INT when UnsignedIntType then GL_UNSIGNED_INT when FloatType then GL_FLOAT when AlphaFormat then GL_ALPHA when RGBFormat then GL_RGB when RGBAFormat then GL_RGBA when LuminanceFormat then GL_LUMINANCE when LuminanceAlphaFormat then GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA when AddEquation then GL_FUNC_ADD when SubtractEquation then GL_FUNC_SUBTRACT when ReverseSubtractEquation then GL_FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT when ZeroFactor then GL_ZERO when OneFactor then GL_ONE when SrcColorFactor then GL_SRC_COLOR when OneMinusSrcColorFactor then GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR when SrcAlphaFactor then GL_SRC_ALPHA when OneMinusSrcAlphaFactor then GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA when DstAlphaFactor then GL_DST_ALPHA when OneMinusDstAlphaFactor then GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA when DstColorFactor then GL_DST_COLOR when OneMinusDstColorFactor then GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR when SrcAlphaSaturateFactor then GL_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE else 0 end end def set_texture_parameters(texture_type, texture, is_image_power_of_two) if is_image_power_of_two glTexParameteri(texture_type, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, param_mittsu_to_gl(texture.wrap_s)) glTexParameteri(texture_type, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, param_mittsu_to_gl(texture.wrap_t)) glTexParameteri(texture_type, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, param_mittsu_to_gl(texture.mag_filter)) glTexParameteri(texture_type, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, param_mittsu_to_gl(texture.min_filter)) else glTexParameteri(texture_type, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE) glTexParameteri(texture_type, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE) if texture.wrap_s != ClampToEdgeWrapping || texture.wrap_t != ClampToEdgeWrapping puts "WARNING: Mittsu::OpenGLRenderer: Texture is not power of two. Texture.wrap_s and Texture.wrap_t should be set to Mittsu::ClampToEdgeWrapping. (#{texture.source_file})" end glTexParameteri(texture_type, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, filter_fallback(texture.mag_filter)) glTexParameteri(texture_type, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, filter_fallback(texture.min_filter)) if texture.min_filter != NearestFilter && texture.min_filter != LinearFilter puts "WARNING: Mittsu::OpenGLRenderer: Texture is not a power of two. Texture.min_filter should be set to Mittsu::NearestFilter or Mittsu::LinearFilter. (#{texture.source_file})" end # TODO: anisotropic extension ??? end end def set_cube_texture(texture, slot) if texture.image.length == 6 if texture.needs_update? if !texture.image[:_opengl_texture_cube] texture.add_event_listener(:dispose, @on_texture_dispose) texture.image[:_opengl_texture_cube] = glCreateTexture @info[:memory][:textures] += 1 end glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + slot) glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, texture.image[:_opengl_texture_cube]) # glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL, texture.flip_y) is_compressed = texture.is_a?(CompressedTexture) is_data_texture = texture.image[0].is_a?(DataTexture) cube_image = []; 6.times do |i| if @auto_scale_cubemaps && !is_compressed && !is_data_texture cube_image[i] = clamp_to_max_size(texture.image[i], @_max_cubemap_size) else cube_image[i] = is_data_texture ? texture.image[i].image : texture.image[i]; end end image = cube_image[0] is_image_power_of_two = Math.power_of_two?(image.width) && Math.power_of_two?(image.height) gl_format = param_mittsu_to_gl(texture.format) gl_type = param_mittsu_to_gl(texture.type) set_texture_parameters(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, texture, is_image_power_of_two) 6.times do |i| if !is_compressed if is_data_texture glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + i, 0, gl_format, cube_image[i].width, cube_image[i].height, 0, gl_format, gl_type, cube_image[i].data) else glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + i, 0, gl_format, cube_image[i].width, cube_image[i].height, 0, gl_format, gl_type, cube_image[i].data) end else mipmaps = cube_image[i].mipmaps mipmaps.each_with_index do |mipmap, j| if texture.format != RGBAFormat && texture.format != RGBFormat if get_compressed_texture_formats.include?(gl_format) glCompressedTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + i, j, gl_format, mipmap.width, mipmap.height, 0, else puts "WARNING: Mittsu::OpenGLRenderer: Attempt to load unsupported compressed texture format in #set_cube_texture" end else glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + i, j, gl_format, mipmap.width, mipmap.height, 0, gl_format, gl_type, end end end end if texture.generate_mipmaps && is_image_power_of_two glGenerateMipmap(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP) end texture.needs_update = false # TODO wat? # texture.on_update if texture.on_update else glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + slot) glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, texture.image[:_opengl_texture_cube]) end end end def setup_framebuffer(framebuffer, render_target, texture_target) glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, framebuffer) glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, texture_target, render_target[:_opengl_texture], 0) end def setup_renderbuffer(renderbuffer, render_target) glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, renderbuffer) if render_target.depth_buffer && !render_target.stencil_buffer glRenderbufferStorage(GL_RENDERBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16, render_target.width, render_target.height) glFramebufferRenderbuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, GL_RENDERBUFFER, renderbuffer) # TODO: investigate this (?): # THREE.js - For some reason this is not working. Defaulting to RGBA4. # } else if ( ! renderTarget.depthBuffer && renderTarget.stencilBuffer ) { # # _gl.renderbufferStorage( _gl.RENDERBUFFER, _gl.STENCIL_INDEX8, renderTarget.width, renderTarget.height ); # _gl.framebufferRenderbuffer( _gl.FRAMEBUFFER, _gl.STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, _gl.RENDERBUFFER, renderbuffer ); elsif render_target.depth_buffer && render_target.stencil_buffer glRenderbufferStorage(GL_RENDERBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_STENCIL, render_target.width, render_target.height) glFramebufferRenderbuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, GL_RENDERBUFFER, renderbuffer) else glRenderbufferStorage(GL_RENDERBUFFER, GL_RGBA4, render_target.width, render_target.height) end end end end