###* Fast interaction feedback ========================= Up.js automatically marks up link elements with classes indicating that they are currently loading (class `up-active`) or linking to the current location (class `up-current`). This dramatically improves the perceived speed of your user interface by providing instant feedback for user interactions. @class up.navigation ### up.navigation = (($) -> u = up.util ###* Sets default options for this module. @property up.navigation.config @param {Number} [config.currentClasses] An array of classes to set on [links that point the current location](/up-current). @stable ### config = u.config currentClasses: ['up-current'] reset = -> config.reset() currentClass = -> classes = config.currentClasses classes = classes.concat(['up-current']) classes = u.uniq(classes) classes.join(' ') CLASS_ACTIVE = 'up-active' SELECTORS_SECTION = ['a', '[up-href]', '[up-alias]'] SELECTOR_SECTION = SELECTORS_SECTION.join(', ') SELECTOR_SECTION_INSTANT = ("#{selector}[up-instant]" for selector in SELECTORS_SECTION).join(', ') SELECTOR_ACTIVE = ".#{CLASS_ACTIVE}" normalizeUrl = (url) -> if u.isPresent(url) u.normalizeUrl(url, search: false stripTrailingSlash: true ) sectionUrls = ($section) -> urls = [] for attr in ['href', 'up-href', 'up-alias'] if value = u.presentAttr($section, attr) values = if attr == 'up-alias' then value.split(' ') else [value] for url in values unless url == '#' url = normalizeUrl(url) urls.push(url) urls urlSet = (urls) -> urls = u.compact(urls) matches = (testUrl) -> if testUrl.substr(-1) == '*' doesMatchPrefix(testUrl.slice(0, -1)) else doesMatchFully(testUrl) doesMatchFully = (testUrl) -> u.contains(urls, testUrl) doesMatchPrefix = (prefix) -> u.detect urls, (url) -> url.indexOf(prefix) == 0 matchesAny = (testUrls) -> u.detect(testUrls, matches) matchesAny: matchesAny locationChanged = -> currentUrls = urlSet([ normalizeUrl(up.browser.url()), normalizeUrl(up.modal.url()), normalizeUrl(up.modal.coveredUrl()), normalizeUrl(up.popup.url()), normalizeUrl(up.popup.coveredUrl()) ]) klass = currentClass() u.each $(SELECTOR_SECTION), (section) -> $section = $(section) # if $section is marked up with up-follow, # the actual link might be a child element. urls = sectionUrls($section) if currentUrls.matchesAny(urls) $section.addClass(klass) else if $section.hasClass(klass) && $section.closest('.up-destroying').length == 0 $section.removeClass(klass) ###* Links that are currently loading are assigned the `up-active` class automatically. Style `.up-active` in your CSS to improve the perceived responsiveness of your user interface. The `up-active` class will be removed as soon as another page fragment is added or updated through Up.js. \#\#\#\# Example We have a link: Foo The user clicks on the link. While the request is loading, the link has the `up-active` class: Foo Once the link destination has loaded and rendered, the `up-active` class is removed and the [`up-current`](/up-current) class is added: Foo @selector [up-active] @stable ### sectionClicked = ($section) -> unmarkActive() $section = enlargeClickArea($section) $section.addClass(CLASS_ACTIVE) enlargeClickArea = ($section) -> u.presence($section.parents(SELECTOR_SECTION)) || $section unmarkActive = -> $(SELECTOR_ACTIVE).removeClass(CLASS_ACTIVE) up.on 'click', SELECTOR_SECTION, (event, $section) -> if u.isUnmodifiedMouseEvent(event) && !$section.is('[up-instant]') sectionClicked($section) up.on 'mousedown', SELECTOR_SECTION_INSTANT, (event, $section) -> if u.isUnmodifiedMouseEvent(event) sectionClicked($section) ###* Links that point to the current location are assigned the `up-current` class automatically. The use case for this is navigation bars: If the browser location changes to `/foo`, the markup changes to this: \#\#\#\# What's considered to be "current"? The current location is considered to be either: - the URL displayed in the browser window's location bar - the source URL of a currently opened [modal dialog](/up.modal) - the source URL of a currently opened [popup overlay](/up.popup) A link matches the current location (and is marked as `.up-current`) if it matches either: - the link's `href` attribute - the link's [`up-href`](#turn-any-element-into-a-link) attribute - a space-separated list of URLs in the link's `up-alias` attribute \#\#\#\# Matching URL by prefix You can mark a link as `.up-current` whenever the current URL matches a prefix. To do so, end the `up-alias` attribute in an asterisk (`*`). For instance, the following link is highlighted for both `/reports` and `/reports/123`: Reports @selector [up-current] @stable ### up.on 'up:fragment:inserted', -> # If a new fragment is inserted, it's likely to be the result # of the active action. So we can remove the active marker. unmarkActive() # When a fragment is inserted it might either have brought a location change # with it, or it might have opened a modal / popup which we consider # to be secondary location sources (the primary being the browser's # location bar). locationChanged() up.on 'up:fragment:destroyed', (event, $fragment) -> # If the destroyed fragment is a modal or popup container # this changes which URLs we consider currents. # Also modals and popups restore their previous history # once they close. if $fragment.is('.up-modal, .up-popup') locationChanged() # The framework is reset between tests up.on 'up:framework:reset', reset config: config defaults: -> u.error('up.navigation.defaults(...) no longer exists. Set values on he up.navigation.config property instead.') )(jQuery)