require 'yaml' require 'ostruct' require 'sucker_punch' require 'harbr' module Harbr module Next class Job include SuckerPunch::Job def get_container_name(path) File.basename(path) end def create_traefik_config(containers) config = { "http" => { "routers" => { "traefik-dashboard" => { "rule" => "Host(``)", "service" => "api@internal", "tls" => {} # Enable TLS for the dashboard } }, "services" => {} } } containers.each do |container| container.ip = "" name =".", "-") # Create the router with TLS enabled and specific format router_key = "#{name}-router-secure" config["http"]["routers"][router_key] = { "rule" => "Host(`#{container.host_header}`)", "service" => "#{name}-service", "entryPoints" => ["https"], "tls" => { "certResolver" => "myresolver" # Use a custom certificate resolver } } # Create the service config["http"]["services"]["#{name}-service"] = { "loadBalancer" => { "servers" => [{"url" => "http://#{container.ip}:#{container.port}"}] } } end # Write the configuration to a TOML file File.write("/etc/traefik/harbr.toml", TomlRB.dump(config)) puts "Traefik configuration written to /etc/traefik/harbr.toml" end def collate_containers(name,host,port) containers = container = containers.find_by_header(host) if container.nil? container = = name container.host_header =host container.ip = "" container.port = port containers.create(container) else container.port = port containers.update(container) end containers.all end module Runit class Run def initialize(container, port) @container_name = container @port = port end def to_s script_template = <<~SCRIPT #!/bin/sh exec 2>&1 cd /var/harbr/#{@container_name}/current exec ./exe/run #{@port} live SCRIPT end def link "ln -s /etc/sv/harbr/#{@container_name} /etc/service/#{@container_name}" end end class Finish def initialize(port) @port = port end def to_s script_template = <<~SCRIPT #!/bin/sh sleep 3 `lsof -i :#{@port} | awk 'NR!=1 {print $2}' | xargs kill` SCRIPT end end class Log def initialize(container, port) @container_name = container end def to_s script_template = <<~SCRIPT #!/bin/sh exec svlogd -tt /var/log/harbr/#{@container_name}/next/ SCRIPT end end module Next class Run def initialize(container, port) @container_name = container @port = port end def to_s script_template = <<~SCRIPT #!/bin/sh exec 2>&1 cd /var/harbr/containers/#{@container_name}/next exec ./exe/run #{@port} next SCRIPT end end class Log def initialize(container) @container_name = container end def to_s script_template = <<~SCRIPT #!/bin/sh exec svlogd -tt /var/log/harbr/#{@container_name}/next/ SCRIPT end end end end def write_to_file(path, contents), 'w') do |file| file.write(contents) end end def load_manifest(container, version) manifest_path = "/var/harbr/containers/#{container}/versions/#{version}/config/manifest.yml" raise "Manifest not found at #{manifest_path}" unless File.exist?(manifest_path) manifest_data = YAML.load_file(manifest_path) end def perform(name, version) `bundle config set --local path 'vendor/bundle'` manifest = load_manifest(name,version) current_path = "/var/harbr/containers/#{name}/versions/#{version}" port = `port assign next.#{manifest.port}`.strip Dir.chdir current_path do system "sv stop next.#{name}" system "bundle install" `mkdir -p /etc/sv/harbr/#{name}/next` `mkdir -p /etc/sv/harbr/#{name}/next/log` `mkdir -p /var/log/harbr/#{name}/next/log` write_to_file "/etc/sv/harbr/#{name}/next/run",,port).to_s write_to_file "/etc/sv/harbr/#{name}/next/finish", write_to_file "/etc/sv/harbr/#{name}/next/log/run", `chmod +x /etc/sv/harbr/#{name}/next/run` `chmod +x /etc/sv/harbr/#{name}/next/log/run` `chmod +x /etc/sv/harbr/#{name}/next/finish` system "rm /etc/service/next.#{name}" system "rm /var/harbr/containers/#{name}/next" system "ln -sf /var/harbr/containers/#{name}/versions/#{version} /var/harbr/containers/#{name}/next" system "ln -sf /etc/sv/harbr/#{name}/next /etc/service/next.#{name}" `rsync -av /var/dddr/#{name}/live /var/dddr/#{name}/next` puts "sync live data to next" system "sv restart next.#{name}" end containers = collate_containers("next.#{name}","next.#{}",port) create_traefik_config(containers) puts "process #{version} of #{name}" end end end end