.container-fluid.hidden#project_card_dashboard .row .text-center %h1 Project Card Design %h4 You know that the project's card that appears on the home and the search? .row %hr .col-md-12 = form_for @project, html:{class: "form-horizontal"} do |f| .col-md-7 = form_group_for f, :uploaded_image do .col-sm-8 = f.file_field :project_img, class: "form-control" %p.small This image will be used as the thumbnail of your project (PNG, JPG size 600 x 340) = form_group_for f, :headline do .col-sm-8 = f.text_area :headline, class: "form-control", rows:3 %p.small phrase in the project card to call supporters. Must have no more than 100 characters, well summarize the project. .col-md-4 = render "hatchy/shared/project", project: @project .form-group .col-sm-offset-4.col-sm-10 = hidden_field_tag 'anchor', 'project_card' = f.submit "Save Project" , class: 'btn btn-success'