require 'open-uri' require 'timeout' require 'crack' module CurrencyConvertible def method_missing(method, *args, &block) return _from(method.to_s) if method.to_s.length == 3 if @original && !(method.to_s =~ /^to_(utc|int|str|ary)/) && method.to_s =~/^to_/ && method.to_s.length == 6 return _to(*[method.to_s.gsub('to_',''), args].flatten) end if @original && !(method.to_s =~ /^(singleton_methods|protected_methods)/) && method.to_s =~/^to_[a-z]{3}_updated_at/ && method.to_s.length == 17 return _updated_at(method.to_s.slice(3..5)) end super(method,*args,&block) end private # Called from first currency metamethod to set the original currency. # # 30.eur # => Calls _from and sets @original to 'eur' # def _from(currency) @original = currency self end # Called from last currency metamethod to set the target currency. # # 30.eur.to_usd # # => Calls _to and returns the final value, say 38.08 # def _to(target, date = nil) raise unless @original # Must be called after a _from have set the @original currency return 0.0 if self == 0 # Obviously original = @original amount = self result = exchange(original, target, amount.abs, date) result end # Called from first currency metamethod to set the original currency. # # 30.eur # => Calls _from and sets @original to 'eur' # def _updated_at(target) result = rate(@original, target) result[:updated_at] end # Main method (called by _to) which calls Xurrency strategies # and returns a nice result. # def exchange(original, target, amount = 1, date = nil) if amount > 999_999_999 # Xurrency API does not support numbers bigger than this amount = 1 multiplier = self.abs # Save a multiplier to apply it to the result later end negative = (self < 0) result = rate(original, target, date) result = sprintf("%.4f", result[:rate].to_f*amount*(multiplier || 1)).to_f return -(result) if negative result end # Calls Xurrency API to perform the exchange without a specific date (assuming today) # def rate(original, target, date = nil) cache_name = if date.nil? "#{original}_#{target}" else "#{original}_#{target}_#{date.strftime("%Y%m%d")}" end if SimpleXurrency.cache_enabled? cached_result = SimpleXurrency.cache_get(cache_name) if !cached_result.nil? return cached_result end end api_url = "{[original, target].join('/')}/1" api_url << "?key=#{SimpleXurrency.key}" if !SimpleXurrency.key.nil? api_url << "#{SimpleXurrency.key.nil? ? "?" : "&"}date=#{date.strftime("%Y%m%d")}" if date uri = URI.parse(api_url) retries = 10 json_response = nil begin Timeout::timeout(1){ json_response = || nil # Returns the raw response } rescue Timeout::Error retries -= 1 retries > 0 ? sleep(0.42) && retry : raise end return nil unless json_response && parsed_response = Crack::JSON.parse(json_response) if parsed_response['status'] == 'fail' raise parsed_response['message'] end value = value[:rate] = parsed_response['result']['value'].to_f value[:updated_at] = parsed_response['result']['updated_at'].to_s SimpleXurrency.cache_add(cache_name, value) if SimpleXurrency.cache_enabled? value end end