module Statsample module Factor # = Velicer's Minimum Average Partial # # "Velicer’s (1976) MAP test involves a complete princi- # pal components analysis followed by the examination of # a series of matrices of partial correlations. Specifically, # on the first step, the first principal component is par- # tialed out of the correlations between the variables of in- # terest, and the average squared coefficient in the off- # diagonals of the resulting partial correlation matrix is # computed. On the second step, the first two principal # components are partialed out of the original correlation # matrix and the average squared partial correlation is # again computed. These computations are conducted for k # (the number of variables) minus one steps. The average # squared partial correlations from these steps are then # lined up, and the number of components is determined by # the step number in the analyses that resulted in the lowest # average squared partial correlation. The average squared # coefficient in the original correlation matrix is also com- # puted, and if this coefficient happens to be lower than # the lowest average squared partial correlation, then no # components should be extracted from the correlation ma- # trix. Statistically, components are retained as long as the # variance in the correlation matrix represents systematic # variance. Components are no longer retained when there # is proportionately more unsystematic variance than sys- # tematic variance." (O'Connor, 2000, p.397). # # Current algorithm is loosely based on SPSS O'Connor algorithm # # == Reference # * O'Connor, B. (2000). SPSS and SAS programs for determining the number of components using parallel analysis and Velicer’s MAP test. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers, 32(3), 396-402. # class MAP include Summarizable include DirtyMemoize # Name of analysis attr_accessor :name attr_reader :eigenvalues # Number of factors to retain attr_reader :number_of_factors # Average squared correlations attr_reader :fm # Smallest average squared correlation attr_reader :minfm def initialize(matrix, @matrix=matrix opts_default={ :name=>_("Velicer's MAP") } @opts=opts_default.merge(opts) opts_default.keys.each {|k| send("#{k}=", @opts[k]) } end def compute eigen=@matrix.eigen eigvect,@eigenvalues=eigen[:eigenvectors], eigen[:eigenvalues] loadings=eigvect*(Matrix.diag(*@eigenvalues).sqrt) ncol=@matrix.column_size fm[0]=(@matrix.mssq - ncol).quo(ncol*(ncol-1)) (ncol-1).times do |m| puts "MAP:Eigenvalue #{m+1}" if $DEBUG a=loadings[0..(loadings.row_size-1),0..m] partcov= @matrix - (a*a.t){|i| 1.quo(Math::sqrt(partcov[i,i])) } d=Matrix.diag(*pc_prediag) pr=d*partcov*d fm[m+1]=(pr.mssq-ncol).quo(ncol*(ncol-1)) end minfm=fm[0] nfactors=0 fm.each_with_index do |v,s| if v < minfm minfm=v nfactors=s end end @number_of_factors=nfactors @fm=fm @minfm=minfm end def report_building(g) #:nodoc: g.section(:name=>@name) do |s| s.table(:name=>_("Eigenvalues"),:header=>[_("Value")]) do |t| eigenvalues.each do |e| t.row(["%0.6f" % e]) end end s.table(:name=>_("Velicer's Average Squared Correlations"), :header=>[_("number of components"),_("average square correlation")]) do |t| fm.each_with_index do |v,i| t.row(["%d" % i, "%0.6f" % v]) end end s.text(_("The smallest average squared correlation is : %0.6f" % minfm)) s.text(_("The number of components is : %d" % number_of_factors)) end end dirty_memoize :number_of_factors, :fm, :minfm, :eigenvalues end end end