module Credere # Association extension for has_many :amounts relations. Internal. module AmountsExtension # Returns a sum of the referenced Amount objects. # # Takes a hash specifying :from_date and :to_date for calculating balances during periods. # :from_date and :to_date may be strings of the form "yyyy-mm-dd" or Ruby Date objects # # This runs the summation in the database, so it only works on persisted records. # # @example # credit_amounts.balance({:from_date => "2000-01-01", :to_date =>}) # => # # # @return [BigDecimal] The decimal value balance def balance(hash={}) if hash[:from_date] && hash[:to_date] from_date = hash[:from_date].kind_of?(Date) ? hash[:from_date] : Date.parse(hash[:from_date]) to_date = hash[:to_date].kind_of?(Date) ? hash[:to_date] : Date.parse(hash[:to_date]) includes(:entry).where('' => from_date..to_date).sum(:amount) else sum(:amount) end end # Returns a sum of the referenced Amount objects. # # This is used primarly in the validation step in Credere::Entry # in order to ensure that the debit and credits are canceling out. # # Since this does not use the database for sumation, it may be used on non-persisted records. def balance_for_new_record balance ='0') each do |amount_record| if amount_record.amount && !amount_record.marked_for_destruction? balance += amount_record.amount # unless amount_record.marked_for_destruction? end end return balance end end end