module Ably::Models # A message sent and received over the Realtime protocol. # A ProtocolMessage always relates to a single channel only, but # can contain multiple individual Messages or PresenceMessages. # ProtocolMessages are serially numbered on a connection. # See the { Ably client library developer documentation} # for further details on the members of a ProtocolMessage # # @!attribute [r] action # @return [ACTION] Protocol Message action {Ably::Modules::Enum} from list of {ACTION}. Returns nil if action is unsupported by protocol # @!attribute [r] count # @return [Integer] The count field is used for ACK and NACK actions. See { message acknowledgement protocol} # @!attribute [r] error_info # @return [ErrorInfo] Contains error information # @!attribute [r] channel # @return [String] Channel name for messages # @!attribute [r] channel_serial # @return [String] Contains a serial number for a message on the current channel # @!attribute [r] connection_id # @return [String] Contains a string public identifier for the connection # @!attribute [r] connection_key # @return [String] Contains a string private connection key used to recover this connection # @!attribute [r] connection_serial # @return [Bignum] Contains a serial number for a message sent from the server to the client # @!attribute [r] message_serial # @return [Bignum] Contains a serial number for a message sent from the client to the server # @!attribute [r] timestamp # @return [Time] An optional timestamp, applied by the service in messages sent to the client, to indicate the system time at which the message was sent (milliseconds past epoch) # @!attribute [r] messages # @return [Message] A {ProtocolMessage} with a `:message` action contains one or more messages belonging to a channel # @!attribute [r] presence # @return [PresenceMessage] A {ProtocolMessage} with a `:presence` action contains one or more presence updates belonging to a channel # @!attribute [r] flags # @return [Integer] Flags indicating special ProtocolMessage states # @!attribute [r] hash # @return [Hash] Access the protocol message Hash object ruby'fied to use symbolized keys # class ProtocolMessage include Ably::Modules::ModelCommon include Ably::Modules::SafeDeferrable if defined?(Ably::Realtime) extend Ably::Modules::Enum # Actions which are sent by the Ably Realtime API # # The values correspond to the ints which the API # understands. ACTION = ruby_enum('ACTION', heartbeat: 0, ack: 1, nack: 2, connect: 3, connected: 4, disconnect: 5, disconnected: 6, close: 7, closed: 8, error: 9, attach: 10, attached: 11, detach: 12, detached: 13, presence: 14, message: 15, sync: 16 ) # Indicates this protocol message action will generate an ACK response such as :message or :presence def self.ack_required?(for_action) [ACTION.Presence, ACTION.Message].include?(ACTION(for_action)) end # {ProtocolMessage} initializer # # @param hash_object [Hash] object with the underlying protocol message data # @param [Hash] options an options Hash for this initializer # @option options [Logger] :logger An optional Logger to be used by {Ably::Modules::SafeDeferrable} if an exception is caught in a callback # def initialize(hash_object, options = {}) @logger = options[:logger] # Logger expected for SafeDeferrable @raw_hash_object = hash_object @hash_object = IdiomaticRubyWrapper(@raw_hash_object.clone) raise ArgumentError, 'Invalid ProtocolMessage, action cannot be nil' if @hash_object[:action].nil? @hash_object[:action] = ACTION(@hash_object[:action]).to_i unless @hash_object[:action].kind_of?(Integer) @hash_object.freeze end %w(id channel channel_serial connection_id connection_key).each do |attribute| define_method attribute do hash[attribute.to_sym] end end def id! raise RuntimeError, 'ProtocolMessage #id is nil' unless id id end def action ACTION(hash[:action]) rescue KeyError raise KeyError, "Action '#{hash[:action]}' is not supported by ProtocolMessage" end def error @error_info ||=[:error]) if hash[:error] end def timestamp as_time_from_epoch(hash[:timestamp]) if hash[:timestamp] end def message_serial Integer(hash[:msg_serial]) rescue TypeError raise TypeError, "msg_serial '#{hash[:msg_serial]}' is invalid, a positive Integer is expected for a ProtocolMessage" end def connection_serial Integer(hash[:connection_serial]) rescue TypeError raise TypeError, "connection_serial '#{hash[:connection_serial]}' is invalid, a positive Integer is expected for a ProtocolMessage" end def count [1, hash[:count].to_i].max end def has_message_serial? message_serial && true rescue TypeError false end def has_connection_serial? connection_serial && true rescue TypeError false end def serial if has_connection_serial? connection_serial else message_serial end end def has_serial? has_connection_serial? || has_message_serial? end def messages @messages ||= Array(hash[:messages]).map do |message| Ably::Models.Message(message, protocol_message: self) end end def add_message(message) messages << message end def presence @presence ||= Array(hash[:presence]).map do |message| Ably::Models.PresenceMessage(message, protocol_message: self) end end def flags Integer(hash[:flags]) rescue TypeError 0 end def has_presence_flag? flags & 1 == 1 end # Indicates this protocol message will generate an ACK response when sent # Examples of protocol messages required ACK include :message and :presence def ack_required? self.class.ack_required?(action) end def hash @hash_object end # Return a JSON ready object from the underlying #hash using Ably naming conventions for keys def as_json(*args) raise TypeError, ':action is missing, cannot generate a valid Hash for ProtocolMessage' unless action raise TypeError, ':msg_serial or :connection_serial is missing, cannot generate a valid Hash for ProtocolMessage' if ack_required? && !has_serial? hash.dup.tap do |hash_object| hash_object['action'] = action.to_i hash_object['messages'] = unless messages.empty? hash_object['presence'] = unless presence.empty? end.as_json end def to_s to_json end # True if the ProtocolMessage appears to be invalid, however this is not a guarantee # @return [Boolean] # @api private def invalid? action_enum = action rescue nil !action_enum || (ack_required? && !has_serial?) end private attr_reader :logger end end