module Storazzo::Media class Storazzo::Media::AbstractRicDisk # include Storazzo::Common extend Storazzo::Common # DefaultStatsFilename = Storazzo::RicDiskStatsFile.default_name # looks like there's not Abstract Class in Ruby, but also SO says he best # way to do this is this: # attr_accessor :name, :description, :ricdisk_file, :local_mountpoint, :wr, :path, :ricdisk_file_empty, :size, :active_dirs attr_accessor :description ######################## # Abstract methods START ######################## def initialize(local_mount) deb "[AbstractRicDisk.init()] Some child of AbstractRicDisk (#{self}) called me! Yummie." # disable when you dont need me anymore.. @description ||= "Not provided" # validate end def self.list_all raise "[AbstractRicDiskc::self.list_all] You should override this, says StackOverflow and Riccardo" end def self.list_all_with_type raise "[AbstractRicDiskc::self.list_all_with_type] You should override this, says StackOverflow and Riccardo" end def self.super_duper_list_all_with_type deb "Would be cool to be able to enumerate them all.." GcsBucket.list_all_with_type + MountPoint.list_all_with_type + LocalFolder.list_all_with_type end def parse(opts = {}) raise "[AbstractRicDiskc::parse] You should override this, says StackOverflow and Riccardo" end def writeable? raise "[AbstractRicDiskc::writeable] You should override this in #{self.class}, says StackOverflow and Riccardo" end def get_local_mountpoint # raise "[AbstractRicDiskc::get_local_mountpoint] You should override this, says StackOverflow and Riccardo" raise "You forgot to set local_mountpoint in the constructor for your class, you cheeky little one!" if local_mountpoint.nil? local_mountpoint end def check_implemented_correctly # raise "[AbstractRicDiskc] You should override this, says StackOverflow and Riccardo" raise "no @local_mountpoint" unless exists?(@local_mountpoint) end ######################## # Abstract methods END ######################## ######################## # Automated methods now... ######################## def stats_file_smart_fullpath # stats_file_default_location() # if its writeable... if not we'll think about it later. if writeable? return "#{get_local_mountpoint}/#{self.default_stats_filename}" else # if not writeable, I will: # 1. create a dir based on its unique format. # 2. create a file of same look and feel (alternative - used a DASH) return "TODO FIXME {get_local_folder}/#{unique_id}::#{self.default_stats_filename}" # "{get_local_folder}"/#{unique_id}/#{Storazzo::RicDiskStatsFile.default_name}" end end # Needs to be some unique id based on its thingy, but might change in the future: # Solutions: # {PHILOSOPHY}::{ID} def unique_id # Expand path to make it as unique as possible... hash = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(File.expand_path(get_local_mountpoint)) "MD5::v1::#{hash}" end def to_s(verbose = false) return to_verbose_s() if verbose readable_class = self.class.to_s.split('::').last # Storazzo::Media::LocalFolder => LocalFolder my_keys = self.instance_variables # wow! "S:M:#{readable_class}(path=#{path}, r/w=#{wr}, keys=#{my_keys})" end def to_verbose_s h = {} h[:class] = self.class h[:unique_id] = self.unique_id h[:inspect] = self.inspect h[:to_s] = self.to_s h[:local_mountpoint] = local_mountpoint h[:writeable] = self.writeable? h[:stats_file_smart_fullpath] = stats_file_smart_fullpath return h end # # Todo check on instances these 3 methods exist def self.abstract_class_mandatory_methods %W{ self.list_all self.list_all_with_type local_mountpoint parse writeable? } end # Putting here since its same code for MountPoint or generic folder. def parse_block_storage_folder(opts = {}) # Storazzo::RicDiskUgly.calculate_stats_files(get_local_mountpoint) rd = # Storazzo::RicDisk rd.compute_stats_files(opts) # return "42" end def self.default_stats_filename raise "Unknown Storazzo::RicDiskStatsFile.default_name 1!!" if Storazzo::RicDiskStatsFile.default_name.nil? Storazzo::RicDiskStatsFile.default_name end def stats_filename_default_fullpath # if not writeable we need to pick another from stats_file_smart_fullpath() # REDUNDANT, should use stats_file_smart_fullpath instead except on the writeable? part since it would go recursive otherwise. my_stats_filename = self.default_stats_filename # raise "Unknown Storazzo::RicDiskStatsFile.default_name 2 !!" if Storazzo::RicDiskStatsFile.default_name.nil? "#{local_mountpoint}/#{my_stats_filename}" end def validate(opts = {}) verbose = opts.fetch(:verbose, true) puts "[VERBOSE] validate(): We're trying to see if your object is valid, across 3 possible sub-classes." if verbose # 1. check for raise "Unknown local mount " unless local_mount.is_a?(String) # 2. check thaty writeable? is true or false my_writeable = wr raise "Writeable is not boolean" unless (my_writeable.is_a? TrueClass or my_writeable.is_a? FalseClass) end # TODO use a proper Factory pattern. def self.DirFactory(path) raise "I need a path/directory string: #{path}" unless path.is_a?(String) deb "TODO: if coincides with MountPoint, instance THAT" # if path in Storazzo::Media::MountPoint.list_all_mount_points # then return ... if path =~ /^gs:\/\// deb "Smells like GCS" return end deb "Smells like LocalFolder :)" return end end end