module OptionsModel module Concerns module Attributes extend ActiveSupport::Concern module ClassMethods def attribute(name, cast_type, default: nil, array: false) check_not_finalized! name = name.to_sym check_name_validity! name ActiveModel::Type.lookup(cast_type) attribute_defaults[name] = default generated_attribute_methods.synchronize do generated_attribute_methods.module_eval <<-STR, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{name} value = attributes[:#{name}] return value unless value.nil? attributes[:#{name}] = self.class.attribute_defaults[:#{name}].#{default.respond_to?(:call) ? "call" : "dup"} attributes[:#{name}] end STR if array generated_attribute_methods.module_eval <<-STR, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{name}=(value) if value.respond_to?(:to_a) attributes[:#{name}] = { |i| ActiveModel::Type.lookup(:#{cast_type}).cast(i) } elsif value.nil? attributes[:#{name}] = self.class.attribute_defaults[:#{name}].#{default.respond_to?(:call) ? "call" : "dup"} else raise ArgumentError, "`value` should respond to `to_a`, but got \#{value.class} -- \#{value.inspect}" end end STR else generated_attribute_methods.module_eval <<-STR, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{name}=(value) attributes[:#{name}] = ActiveModel::Type.lookup(:#{cast_type}).cast(value) end STR if cast_type == :boolean generated_attribute_methods.send :alias_method, :"#{name}?", name end end end self.attribute_names_for_inlining << name name end def enum_attribute(name, enum, default: nil, allow_nil: false) check_not_finalized! unless enum.is_a?(Array) && enum.any? raise ArgumentError, "enum should be an Array and can't empty" end enum = attribute name, :string, default: default pluralized_name = name.to_s.pluralize generated_class_methods.synchronize do generated_class_methods.module_eval <<-STR, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{pluralized_name} %w(#{enum.join(" ")}).freeze end STR validates name, inclusion: {in: enum}, allow_nil: allow_nil end end def embeds_one(name, class_name: nil, anonymous_class: nil) check_not_finalized! if class_name.blank? && anonymous_class.nil? raise ArgumentError, "must provide at least one of `class_name` or `anonymous_class`" end name = name.to_sym check_name_validity! name if class_name.present? nested_classes[name] = class_name.constantize else nested_classes[name] = anonymous_class end generated_attribute_methods.synchronize do generated_attribute_methods.module_eval <<-STR, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{name} nested_attributes[:#{name}] ||= self.class.nested_classes[:#{name}].new(attributes[:#{name}]) end STR generated_attribute_methods.module_eval <<-STR, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{name}=(value) klass = self.class.nested_classes[:#{name}] if value.respond_to?(:to_h) nested_attributes[:#{name}] = elsif value.is_a? klass nested_attributes[:#{name}] = value elsif value.nil? nested_attributes[:#{name}] = else raise ArgumentError, "`value` should respond to `to_h` or \#{klass}, but got \#{value.class}" end end STR end self.attribute_names_for_nesting << name name end def attribute_defaults @attribute_defaults ||= end def nested_classes @nested_classes ||= end def attribute_names_for_nesting @attribute_names_for_nesting ||= end def attribute_names_for_inlining @attribute_names_for_inlining ||= end def attribute_names attribute_names_for_nesting + attribute_names_for_inlining end def finalized? @finalized ||= false end def finalize!(nested = true) if nested nested_classes.values.each &:finalize! end @finalized = true end protected def check_name_validity!(symbolized_name) if dangerous_attribute_method?(symbolized_name) raise ArgumentError, "#{symbolized_name} is defined by #{OptionsModel::Base}. Check to make sure that you don't have an attribute or method with the same name." end if attribute_names_for_inlining.include?(symbolized_name) || attribute_names_for_nesting.include?(symbolized_name) raise ArgumentError, "duplicate define attribute `#{symbolized_name}`" end end def check_not_finalized! if finalized? raise "can't modify finalized #{self}" end end # A method name is 'dangerous' if it is already (re)defined by OptionsModel, but # not by any ancestors. (So 'puts' is not dangerous but 'save' is.) def dangerous_attribute_method?(name) # :nodoc: method_defined_within?(name, OptionsModel::Base) end def method_defined_within?(name, klass, superklass = klass.superclass) # :nodoc: if klass.method_defined?(name) || klass.private_method_defined?(name) if superklass.method_defined?(name) || superklass.private_method_defined?(name) klass.instance_method(name).owner != superklass.instance_method(name).owner else true end else false end end def generated_attribute_methods @generated_attribute_methods ||= { extend Mutex_m }.tap { |mod| include mod } end def generated_class_methods @generated_class_methods ||= { extend Mutex_m }.tap { |mod| extend mod } end end end end end