Test <!-- The description displayed in the AIR application installer. --> <description>Test</description> <!-- The application copyright information. --> <copyright>2007</copyright> <!-- The main content file of the application, which must be a SWF or HTML file. (Required.) Attributes: systemChrome - "standard" or "none". If "standard", the application window is opened with operating system-specific window elements such as a title bar, minimize, and close buttons. If "none", the application must provide its own window controls. (Note, the Flex WindowedApplication class supplies a set of window controls, which are only shown when systemChrome="none".) transparent - "true" or "false". If "true", the application has support for full transparency. visible - "true" or "false". If "false", the main window will not be displayed until the application changes the window visible property to "true". width - the initial window height (including chrome). height - the initial window width (including chrome). In Flex Builder, the SWF reference required within this tag will be set automatically when you launch or export this application. --> <rootContent systemChrome="standard" visible="true">bin/Test.swf</rootContent> <!-- The subdirectory within the default application installation location in which to install the application. --> <!-- <installFolder></installFolder> --> <!-- One or more PNG, GIF, or JPEG graphics files to be used as application icons. The path specified is relative to the application root directory. If an image is specified, it must be the exact size. The image files must be included in the AIR package. --> <!-- <icon> <image16x16>icons/AIRApp_16.png</image16x16> <image32x32>icons/AIRApp_32.png</image32x32> <image48x48>icons/AIRApp_48.png</image48x48> <image128x128>icons/AIRApp_128.png</image128x128> </icon> --> <!-- If the handleUpdates element is present in the application descriptor, then the AIR runtime will defer version updates to this application. --> <!-- <handleUpdates/> --> <!-- One or more file types to register when this application is installed. --> <!-- <fileTypes> <fileType> <name>com.example</name> <extension>xmpl</extension> <description>Example file</description> <contentType>example/x-data-type</contentType> </fileType> </fileTypes> --> </application>