module EndState class StateMachine < SimpleDelegator attr_accessor :failure_messages, :success_messages def initialize(object) super, self.class.initial_state).call if self.state.nil? end @initial_state = :__nil__ @mode = :soft def self.initial_state @initial_state end def self.set_initial_state(state) @initial_state = state.to_sym end def self.treat_all_transitions_as_hard! @mode = :hard end def self.mode @mode end def self.store_states_as_strings! @store_states_as_strings = true end def self.store_states_as_strings !!@store_states_as_strings end def self.transition(state_map) initial_states = Array(state_map.keys.first) final_state = state_map.values.first transition_alias = state_map[:as] if state_map.keys.length > 1 transition = initial_states.each do |state| transitions[{ state.to_sym => final_state.to_sym }] = transition end unless transition_alias.nil? events[transition_alias.to_sym] = { |s| { s.to_sym => final_state.to_sym } } end yield transition if block_given? end def self.transitions @transitions ||= {} end def @events ||= {} end def self.state_attribute(attribute) define_method(:state) { send(attribute.to_sym) } define_method(:state=) { |val| send("#{attribute}=".to_sym, val) } end def self.states (start_states + end_states).uniq end def self.start_states { |state_map| state_map.keys.first }.uniq end def self.end_states { |state_map| state_map.values.first }.uniq end def object __getobj__ end def can_transition?(state, params = {}) previous_state = self.state.to_sym state = state.to_sym transition = transition_for(previous_state, state) return block_transistion(transition, state, :soft) unless transition transition.will_allow? state, params end def transition(state, params = {}, mode = self.class.mode) @failure_messages = [] @success_messages = [] previous_state = self.state ? self.state.to_sym : self.state state = state.to_sym transition = transition_for(previous_state, state) return block_transistion(transition, state, mode) unless transition return guard_failed(state, mode) unless transition.allowed?(self, params) return false unless, state).call return conclude_failed(state, mode) unless transition.conclude(self, previous_state, params) true end def transition!(state, params = {}) transition state, params, :hard end def method_missing(method, *args, &block) check_state = method.to_s[0..-2].to_sym return super unless is_state_or_event?(check_state) return current_state?(check_state) if method.to_s.end_with?('?') check_state = state_for_event(check_state) || check_state return false if check_state == :__invalid_event__ if method.to_s.end_with?('!') transition check_state, (args[0] || {}) else super end end private def is_state_or_event?(check_state) self.class.states.include?(check_state) or[check_state] end def current_state?(check_state) state.to_sym == check_state end def state_for_event(event) transitions =[event] return false unless transitions return invalid_event(event) unless { |t| t.keys.first }.include?(state.to_sym) transitions.first.values.first end def transition_for(from, to) self.class.transitions[{ from => to }] || self.class.transitions[{ any_state: to }] end def invalid_event(event) fail InvalidEvent, "Transition by event: #{event} is invalid." if self.class.mode == :hard message = self.class.transitions[[event].first].blocked_event_message @failure_messages = [message] if message :__invalid_event__ end def block_transistion(transition, state, mode) if self.class.end_states.include? state fail UnknownTransition, "The transition: #{object.state} => #{state} is unknown." if mode == :hard return false end fail UnknownState, "The state: #{state} is unknown." end def guard_failed(state, mode) return false unless mode == :hard fail GuardFailed, "The transition to #{state} was blocked: #{failure_messages.join(', ')}" end def conclude_failed(state, mode) return false unless mode == :hard fail ConcluderFailed, "The transition to #{state} was rolled back: #{failure_messages.join(', ')}" end end end