require 'rubygems' require 'sinatra' require 'json' require 'digest/md5' require 'pathname' require 'launchy' require 'thimblr/parser' require 'thimblr/importer' require 'rbconfig' require 'fileutils' class Thimblr::Application < Sinatra::Base Editors = { 'textmate' => {'command' => "mate",'platform' => "mac",'name' => "TextMate"}, 'bbedit' => {'command' => "bbedit",'platform' => 'mac','name' => "BBEdit"}, 'textedit' => {'command' => "open -a",'platform' => 'mac','name' => "TextEdit"} } Locations = { "mac" => {"dir" => "~/Library/Application Support/Thimblr/", 'name' => "Application Support", 'platform' => "mac"}, "nix" => {'dir' => "~/.thimblr/",'name' => "Home directory", 'platform' => "nix"} } case RbConfig::CONFIG['target_os'] when /darwin/i Platform = "mac" when /mswin32/i Platform = "win" else Platform = "nix" end def self.parse_config(s) set :themes, File.expand_path(File.join(Locations[Platform]['dir'],"themes")) set :data, File.expand_path(File.join(Locations[Platform]['dir'],"data")) set :allowediting, (s['AllowEditing']) ? true : false set :editor, s['Editor'] if s['Editor'] set :tumblr, Thimblr::Parser::Defaults.merge(s['Tumblr'] || {}) set :port, (s['Port'].to_i > 0) ? s['Port'].to_i : 4567 end configure do |s| set :root, File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),"..") Dir.chdir root set :config, File.join(root,'config') set :settingsfile, File.expand_path(File.join(Locations[Platform]['dir'],'settings.yaml')) # Generate Data & Theme directories if required if not[Platform]['dir'],"themes"))) FileUtils.cp_r(File.join(root,'themes'),File.expand_path(Locations[Platform]['dir'])) end if not[Platform]['dir'],"data"))) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.expand_path(File.join(Locations[Platform]['dir'],"data"))) FileUtils.cp(File.join(config,'demo.yaml'),File.expand_path(File.join(Locations[Platform]['dir'],'data','demo.yml'))) end begin # Try to load the settings file, if it's crap then overwrite it with the defaults s.parse_config(YAML::load(open(settingsfile))) rescue FileUtils.cp(File.join(config,'settings.default.yaml'),settingsfile) retry end enable :sessions set :bind, ''"http://localhost:#{port}") end helpers do def get_relative(path) end end get '/' do redirect 'index.html' end get '/menu' do erb :menu end get '/help' do erb :help end get '/theme.set' do if File.exists?(File.join(settings.themes,"#{params['theme']}.html")) response.set_cookie('theme',params['theme']) else halt 404, "Not found" end end get '/themes.json' do themes = {} Dir.glob("#{settings.themes}/*.html").collect do |theme| themes[File.basename(theme,".html")] = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(open(theme).read) end themes.to_json end get '/data.set' do if File.exists?(File.join(,"#{params['data']}.yml")) response.set_cookie('data',params['data']) else halt 404, "Not found" end end get '/data.json' do data = {} Dir.glob("#{}/*.yml").collect do |datum| data[File.basename(datum,".yml")] = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(open(datum).read) end data.to_json end get %r{^/edit/(theme|data)$} do |file| halt 403, "Forbidden" if !settings.allowediting case file when 'theme' filename = "#{settings.themes}/#{request.cookies['theme']}.html" when 'data' filename = File.exists?(File.join(,"#{request.cookies['data']}.yml")) ? "#{}/#{request.cookies['data']}.yml" : File.join(settings.config,"demo.yml") else halt 400, "Not a valid edit selection" end if File.exists? filename # TODO: Send useful http status response puts "Launching #{settings.editor} to edit file #{filename}" `#{settings.editor} "#{filename}"` else puts "Failed to launch #{settings.editor} to edit file #{filename}" halt 404, "Odd, I can't find that file" end end get %r{/(tumblr)?settings.set} do |tumblr| halt 501 if tumblr == "tumblr" # TODO: Tumblr settings save params['AllowEditing'] = (params['AllowEditing'] == "on") settings.parse_config(params) open(settings.settingsfile,"w") do |f| f.write YAML.dump({ "Tumblr" => settings.tumblr, "AllowEditing" => settings.allowediting, "Editor" => settings.editor, "Port" => settings.port }) end "Settings saved" end # Downloads feed data from a tumblr site get %r{/import/([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)} do |username| begin data = Thimblr::Import.username(username) open(File.join(,"#{username}.yml"),'w') do |f| f.write data end rescue Exception => e halt 404, e.message end "Imported as '#{username}'" end before do request.cookies['data'] ||= "demo" if request.env['REQUEST_PATH'] =~ /^\/thimblr/ if File.exists?(File.join(settings.themes,"#{request.cookies['theme']}.html")) data = File.exists?(File.join(,"#{request.cookies['data']}.yml")) ? "#{}/#{request.cookies['data']}.yml" : File.join(settings.config,"demo.yml") @parser =,"#{settings.themes}/#{request.cookies['theme']}.html",settings.tumblr) else redirect '/help' end end end # The index page get %r{^/thimblr(?:/page/(\d+))?/?$} do |pageno| @parser.render_posts((pageno || 1).to_i) end # An individual post get %r{^/thimblr/post/(\d+)/?.*$} do |postid| @parser.render_permalink(postid) end # TODO: Search page get %r{^/thimblr/search/(.+)$} do |query| @parser.render_search(query) end # TODO: tagged pages get %r{^/thimblr/tagged/(.+)$} do |tags| halt 501, "Not Implemented" end # Protected page names that shouldn't go to pages and aren't implemented in Thimblr get %r{^/thimblr/(?:rss|archive)$} do halt 501, "Not Implemented" end # TODO: Pages get '/thimblr/*' do @parser.render_page(params[:splat]) end end