name: nightly_build on: # push: schedule: # # 5:24 am UTC (11:24pm MDT the day before) every weekday night in MDT - cron: '24 5 * * 2-6' env: # Favor_Local_Gems enforces develop branch of all Ruby dependencies # This is our canary in the coal mine! If any simulation tests fail, comment this and retry. # If CI is then successful, we have a breaking change in a dependency somewhere. FAVOR_LOCAL_GEMS: true GEM_DEVELOPER_KEY: ${{ secrets.GEM_DEVELOPER_KEY }} UO_NUM_PARALLEL: 2 # GHA machines only have 2 cores. Trying to run more than that is even slower. # jobs: weeknight-tests: # ubuntu-latest works since (July 10, 2022) # runs-on: ubuntu-latest container: image: docker://nrel/openstudio:3.5.1 steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Set up Python uses: actions/setup-python@v4 with: # Disco needs python 3.10 python-version: '3.10' - name: Install Ruby dependencies run: | ruby --version bundle update bundle exec certified-update - name: Install python dependencies run: bundle exec uo install_python - name: Run Rspec continue-on-error: true # Continue to upload step even if a test fails, so we can troubleshoot run: bundle exec rspec - name: Upload artifacts # Save results for examination - useful for debugging uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 if: failure() # Only upload if rspec fails with: name: rspec_results path: | spec/test_directory**/run/ # coverage/ retention-days: 7 # save for 1 week before deleting # coveralls action docs: # - name: Coveralls # uses: coverallsapp/github-action@1.1.3 # with: # github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} # path-to-lcov: "./coverage/lcov/urbanopt-cli.lcov"