module Metacrunch class Job require_relative "job/dsl" require_relative "job/buffer" attr_reader :dsl class << self def define(file_content = nil, &block), &block) end end def initialize(file_content = nil, &block) @dsl = if file_content @dsl.instance_eval(file_content, "Check your metacrunch Job at Line") elsif block_given? @dsl.instance_eval(&block) end end def source @source end def source=(source) ensure_source!(source) @source = source end def destination @destination end def destination=(destination) ensure_destination!(destination) @destination = destination end def pre_process @pre_process end def pre_process=(callable) ensure_callable!(callable) @pre_process = callable end def post_process @post_process end def post_process=(callable) ensure_callable!(callable) @post_process = callable end def transformations @transformations ||= [] end def add_transformation(callable, buffer_size: nil) ensure_callable!(callable) if buffer_size && buffer_size.to_i > 0 transformations << end transformations << callable end def run run_pre_process if source # Run transformation for each data object available in source source.each do |data| data = run_transformations(data) write_destination(data) end # Run all transformations a last time to flush existing buffers data = run_transformations(nil, flush_buffers: true) write_destination(data) # Close destination destination.close if destination end run_post_process self end private def ensure_source!(object) raise ArgumentError, "#{object} doesn't respond to #each." unless object.respond_to?(:each) end def ensure_destination!(object) raise ArgumentError, "#{object} doesn't respond to #write." unless object.respond_to?(:write) raise ArgumentError, "#{object} doesn't respond to #close." unless object.respond_to?(:close) end def ensure_callable!(object) raise ArgumentError, "#{object} doesn't respond to #call." unless object.respond_to?(:call) end def run_pre_process if pre_process end def run_post_process if post_process end def run_transformations(data, flush_buffers: false) transformations.each do |transformation| if transformation.is_a?(Buffer) if data data = transformation.buffer(data) data = transformation.flush if flush_buffers else data = transformation.flush end else data = if data end end data end def write_destination(data) destination.write(data) if destination && data end end end