var FnordMetric = (function(){ var canvasElem = false; var currentNamespace = false; var currentView = false; var currentWidgetUID=23; function decPrint(val){ return (val < 10 ? '0'+val : val); } function formatTimeOfDay(_time){ var time = new Date(); time.setTime(_time*1000); return decPrint(time.getHours()) + ':' + decPrint(time.getMinutes()) + ':' + decPrint(time.getSeconds()); } function formatTimeRange(range){ if (range < 60){ return parseInt(range) + ' sec'; } else if(range<3600){ return parseInt(range/60) + ' min'; } else if(range==3600){ return '1 hour'; } else if(range<(3600*24)){ return parseInt(range/3600) + ' hours'; } else if(range==(3600*24)){ return '1 day'; } else { return parseInt(range/(3600*24)) + ' days'; } } function formatTimeSince(time){ var now = new Date().getTime()/1000; var since = now - time; return formatTimeRange(since); } function formatOffset(offset, next_offset){ if((offset == 0) && (next_offset==(3600*24))){ return 'today'; } if((offset == 0) && (next_offset==3600)){ return 'this hour'; } else if(offset == 0){ return 'last ' + formatTimeRange(next_offset||0); } else if(offset==(3600*24)){ return 'yesterday'; } else if(offset==3600){ return 'last hour'; } else { return formatTimeRange(offset) + ' ago'; } } function formatValue(value){ if(value < 10){ return value.toFixed(2); } else if(value > 1000){ return (value/1000.0).toFixed(1) + "k"; } else { return value.toFixed(0); } } function formatTimeValue(value){ if (value < 60){ return parseFloat(value).toFixed(1) + 's'; } else if(value<3600){ return parseFloat(value/60).toFixed(1) + 'm'; } else if(value<(3600*24)){ return parseFloat(value/3600).toFixed(1) + 'h'; } else { return parseFloat(value/(3600*24)).toFixed(1) + 'd'; } } function formatGaugeValue(gauge_key, value){ if(gauge_key.slice(0,8) === '__time__'){ return formatTimeValue(value); } else { return formatValue(value); } } function getNextWidgetUID(){ return (currentWidgetUID += 1); } var toplistWidget = function(){ function render(opts){ var current_gauge = false; var headbar = $('<div class="headbar"></div>').append( $('<h2></h2>').html(opts.title) ); opts.elem.append(headbar).css({ 'marginBottom': 20, 'overflow': 'hidden' }).append( $('<div class="toplist_inner"></div>') ); var first = true; for(k in opts.gauges){ headbar.append( $('<div></div>') .attr('class', 'button mr') .attr('rel', k) .append( $('<span></span>').html(opts.gauges[k].title) ).click(function(){ loadGauge($(this).attr('rel')); } ) ); if(first){ first = false; loadGauge(k); } } if(opts.autoupdate){ var secs = parseInt(opts.autoupdate); if(secs > 0){ var autoupdate_interval = window.setInterval(function(){ loadGauge(false, true); }, secs*1000); $('body').bind('fm_dashboard_close', function(){ window.clearInterval(autoupdate_interval); }); } }; function loadGauge(gkey, silent){ if(!gkey){ gkey = current_gauge; } current_gauge = gkey; if(!silent){ $('.toplist_inner', opts.elem).addClass('loading'); } var _url = FnordMetric.p + '/' + currentNamespace + '/gauge/' + gkey; $.get(_url, function(_resp){ var resp = JSON.parse(_resp); renderGauge(gkey, resp); }) } function renderGauge(gkey, gdata){ var _elem = $('.toplist_inner', opts.elem).removeClass('loading').html(''); $(gdata.values).each(function(n, _gd){ var _perc = (parseInt(gdata.values[n][1]) / parseFloat(gdata.count))*100; var _item = $('<div class="toplist_item"><div class="title"></div><div class="value"></div><div class="percent"></div></div>'); $('.title', _item).html(gdata.values[n][0]); $('.value', _item).html(formatGaugeValue(gkey, parseInt(gdata.values[n][1]))); $('.percent', _item).html(_perc.toFixed(1) + '%'); _elem.append(_item); }); } } return { render: render }; }; var numbersWidget = function(){ function render(opts){ opts.elem.append( $('<div class="headbar small"></div>').html(opts.title) ).css({ 'marginBottom': 20, 'overflow': 'hidden' }); for(k in opts.gauges){ var gtick = parseInt(opts.gauges[k].tick); var gtitle = opts.gauges[k].title; var container = $('<div></div>') .addClass('numbers_container') .addClass('size_'+opts.offsets.length) .attr('rel', k) .append( $('<div></div>') .addClass('title') .html(gtitle) ); $(opts.offsets).each(function(n, offset){ var _off, _nextoff, _sum; if (offset[0]=="s"){ _off = 0; _sum = _nextoff = (gtick * parseInt(offset.slice(1))); } else { _sum = 0; _off = offset*gtick; _nextoff = gtick; } container.append( $('<div></div>') .addClass('number') .attr('rel', k) .attr('data-offset', _off) .attr('data-sum', _sum) .attr('data',0) .append( $('<span></span>').addClass('desc').html(formatOffset(_off, _nextoff)) ) .append( $('<span></span>').addClass('value').html(0) ) ); }); opts.elem.append(container); } if(opts.autoupdate){ var secs = parseInt(opts.autoupdate); if(secs > 0){ var autoupdate_interval = window.setInterval(function(){ updateValues(opts); }, secs*1000); $('body').bind('fm_dashboard_close', function(){ window.clearInterval(autoupdate_interval); }); } }; updateValues(opts); } function updateValues(opts){ var values = $('.number', $(opts.elem)); var values_pending = values.length; values.each(function(){ var _sum = parseInt($(this).attr('data-sum')); var num = this; var at = parseInt(new Date().getTime()/1000); var url = FnordMetric.p + '/' + currentNamespace + '/gauge/' + $(this).attr('rel'); if(_sum > 0){ url += '?at='+(at-_sum)+'-'+at+'&sum=true'; } else { at -= parseInt($(this).attr('data-offset')); url += '?at='+at; } $.get(url, function(_resp){ var resp = JSON.parse(_resp); for(_k in resp){ $(num).attr('data', (resp[_k]||0)); } if((values_pending -= 1)==0){ updateDisplay(opts, 4); } }); }); } function updateDisplay(opts, diff_factor){ var still_running = false; $('.number', $(opts.elem)).each(function(){ var target_val = parseFloat($(this).attr('data')); var current_val = parseFloat($(this).attr('data-current')); if(!current_val){ current_val=0; } var diff = (target_val-current_val)/diff_factor; if(diff < 1){ diff=1; } if(target_val > current_val){ still_running = true; var new_val = current_val+diff; if(new_val > target_val){ new_val = target_val; } $(this).attr('data-current', new_val); $('.value', this).html(formatGaugeValue($(this).attr('rel'), new_val)); } }); if(still_running){ (function(df){ window.setTimeout(function(){ updateDisplay(opts, df); }, 30); })(diff_factor); } } return { render: render }; }; var timelineWidget = function(){ function render(opts){ var widget_uid = getNextWidgetUID(); var chart=false; var max_y=0; function redrawWithRange(first_time, silent){ if(!silent){ $(opts.elem).css('opacity', 0.5); } redrawDatepicker(); var _query = '?at='+opts.start_timestamp+'-'+opts.end_timestamp; //chart.series = []; max_y=0; //metrics_completed = 0; $(opts.gauges).each(function(i,gauge){ $.ajax({ url: FnordMetric.p + '/' + currentNamespace +'/gauge/'+gauge+_query, success: redrawGauge(first_time, gauge) }); }); } function redrawGauge(first_time, gauge){ return (function(json){ var raw_data = JSON.parse(json); var series_data = []; for(p in raw_data){ series_data.push([parseInt(p)*1000, raw_data[p]||0]); max_y = Math.max(max_y, raw_data[p]); } if(!first_time){ chart.get('series-'+gauge).setData(series_data); } else { chart.addSeries({ name: opts.gauge_titles[gauge], data: series_data, id: 'series-'+gauge }); } chart.yAxis[0].setExtremes(0,max_y); chart.redraw(); // shown on the *first* gauge load $(opts.elem).css('opacity', 1); }); } function redrawDatepicker(){ $('.datepicker', opts.elem).html( Highcharts.dateFormat('%d.%m.%y %H:%M', parseInt(opts.start_timestamp)*1000) + ' ‐ ' + Highcharts.dateFormat('%d.%m.%y %H:%M', parseInt(opts.end_timestamp)*1000) ); } function moveRange(direction){ v = opts.tick*direction*8; opts.start_timestamp += v; opts.end_timestamp += v; redrawWithRange(); } function drawLayout(){ $(opts.elem).append( $('<div></div>').attr('class', 'headbar').append( $('<div></div>').attr('class', 'button mr').append($('<span></span>').html('refresh')).click( function(){ redrawWithRange(); } ) ).append( $('<div></div>').attr('class', 'button mr').append($('<span></span>').html('→')).click( function(){ moveRange(1); } ) ).append( $('<div></div>').attr('class', 'datepicker') ).append( $('<div></div>').attr('class', 'button').append($('<span></span>').html('←')).click( function(){ moveRange(-1); } ) ).append( $('<h2></h2>').html(opts.title) ) ).append( $('<div></div>').attr('id', 'container-'+widget_uid).css({ height: 256, marginBottom: 20, overflow: 'hidden' }) ); } function drawChart(){ chart = new Highcharts.Chart({ chart: { renderTo: 'container-'+widget_uid, defaultSeriesType: opts.plot_style, height: 270 }, series: [], title: { text: '' }, xAxis: { type: 'datetime', tickInterval: opts.tick * 1000, title: (opts.x_title||''), labels: { step: 2 } }, yAxis: { title: (opts.y_title||''), min: 0, max: 1000 }, legend: { layout: 'horizontal', align: 'top', verticalAlign: 'top', x: -5, y: -3, margin: 25, borderWidth: 0 }, plotOptions: { line: { shadow: false, lineWidth: 3 } } }); } drawLayout(); drawChart(); redrawWithRange(true); if(opts.autoupdate){ var secs = parseInt(opts.autoupdate); if(secs > 0){ var autoupdate_interval = window.setInterval(function(){ if( (parseInt(new Date().getTime()/1000) - opts.end_timestamp) > (opts.include_current ? 0 : opts.tick) ){ opts.end_timestamp += opts.tick; opts.start_timestamp += opts.tick; } redrawWithRange(false, true); }, secs*1000); $('body').bind('fm_dashboard_close', function(){ window.clearInterval(autoupdate_interval); }); } }; } return { render: render }; }; var barsWidget = function(){ function render(opts){ var widget_uid = getNextWidgetUID(); var chart=false; var max_y=0; function redraw(first_time, silent){ if(!silent){ $(opts.elem).css('opacity', 0.5); } max_y=0; $(opts.gauges).each(function(i,gauge){ $.ajax({ url: FnordMetric.p + '/' + currentNamespace +'/gauge/'+gauge, success: redrawGauge(first_time, gauge) }); }); } function redrawGauge(first_time, gauge){ return (function(json){ var raw_data = JSON.parse(json); var series_data = []; var series_type; var label_data = []; if(opts.plot_style == 'horizontal'){ series_type = 'bar'; } else { series_type = 'column'; } if(opts.order_by == 'field'){ raw_data.values.sort(function(a,b){ if(a[0] == b[0]){ return 0; }else if(a[0] > b[0]){ return 1; } else { return -1; } }); } for(p in raw_data.values){ label_data.push(raw_data.values[p][0]||'?'); series_data.push(parseInt(raw_data.values[p][1]||0)); //max_y = Math.max(max_y, raw_data[p]); } chart = new Highcharts.Chart({ chart: { renderTo: 'container-'+widget_uid, defaultSeriesType: series_type, height: 270 }, title: { text: '' }, xAxis: { categories: label_data }, yAxis: { title: { text: '' } }, legend: { layout: 'horizontal', align: 'top', verticalAlign: 'top', x: -5, y: -3, margin: 25, borderWidth: 0 }, plotOptions: { column: { animation: first_time, } }, series: [ { name: opts.gauge_titles[gauge], data: series_data } ] }); //chart.redraw(); $(opts.elem).css('opacity', 1); }); } function drawLayout(){ $(opts.elem).append( $('<div></div>').attr('class', 'headbar').append( $('<div></div>').attr('class', 'button mr').append($('<span></span>').html('refresh')).click( function(){ redraw(); } ) ).append( $('<h2></h2>').html(opts.title) ) ).append( $('<div></div>').attr('id', 'container-'+widget_uid).css({ height: 256, marginBottom: 20, overflow: 'hidden' }) ); } drawLayout(); redraw(true); if(opts.autoupdate){ var autoupdate_interval = window.setInterval(function(){ redraw(false, true); }, opts.autoupdate*1000); $('body').bind('fm_dashboard_close', function(){ window.clearInterval(autoupdate_interval); }); } } return { render: render }; }; var pieWidget = function(){ function render(opts){ var widget_uid = getNextWidgetUID(); var chart=false; function redraw(first_time, silent){ if(!silent){ $(opts.elem).css('opacity', 0.5); } var gauge_values = {}; var gauges_left = opts.gauges.length; var at = parseInt(new Date().getTime()/1000); $(opts.gauges).each(function(i,gauge){ $.ajax({ url: FnordMetric.p + '/' + currentNamespace+'/gauge/'+gauge+'?at='+at, success: function(_resp){ var resp = JSON.parse(_resp); gauges_left -= 1; for(_tk in resp){ gauge_values[gauge] = parseInt(resp[_tk]||0); } if(gauges_left==0){ redrawChart(first_time, gauge_values); } } }); }); } function redrawChart(first_time, gauge_values){ var series_data = []; for(_gkey in gauge_values){ series_data.push([ opts.gauge_titles[_gkey], gauge_values[_gkey] ]); } chart = new Highcharts.Chart({ chart: { renderTo: 'container-'+widget_uid, defaultSeriesType: 'pie', height: 270, spacingTop: 5, spacingBottom: 30 }, credits: { enabled: false }, title: { text: '' }, legend: { layout: 'horizontal', align: 'top', verticalAlign: 'top', margin: 25, borderWidth: 0 }, tooltip: { formatter: function() { return '<b>'+ +'</b>: '+ this.y + ' (' + this.percentage.toFixed(1) + '%)'; } }, plotOptions: { pie: { animation: first_time, dataLabels: { formatter: function() { return '<b>'+ +'</b><br />'+ this.percentage.toFixed(1) +' %'; } } } }, series: [ { name: opts.title, data: series_data } ] }); //chart.redraw(); $(opts.elem).css('opacity', 1); } function drawLayout(){ $(opts.elem).append( $('<div></div>').attr('class', 'headbar small').append( $('<span></span>').html(opts.title) ) ).append( $('<div></div>').attr('id', 'container-'+widget_uid).css({ height: 270 }) ); } drawLayout(); redraw(true); if(opts.autoupdate){ var autoupdate_interval = window.setInterval(function(){ redraw(false, true); }, opts.autoupdate*1000); $('body').bind('fm_dashboard_close', function(){ window.clearInterval(autoupdate_interval); }); } } return { render: render }; }; var sessionView = (function(){ var listElem = $('<ul class="session_list"></ul>'); var feedInnerElem = $('<ul class="feed_inner"></ul>'); var typeListElem = $('<ul class="event_type_list"></ul>'); var filterElem = $('<div class="events_sidebar"></div>').html( $('<div class="headbar small"></div>').html('Event Types') ).append(typeListElem); var feedElem = $('<div class="sessions_feed"></div>').html( $('<div class="headbar small"></div>').html('Event Feed') ).append(feedInnerElem); var sideElem = $('<div class="sessions_sidebar"></div>').html( $('<div class="headbar small"></div>').html('Active Users') ).append(listElem); var eventsPolledUntil = false; var eventsFilter = []; var sessionData = {}; var pollRunning = true; function load(elem){ eventsPolledUntil = parseInt(new Date().getTime()/10000); elem.html('') .append(filterElem) .append(feedElem) .append(sideElem); startPoll(); loadEventTypes(); }; function resize(_width, _height){ $('.sessions_feed').width(_width-452); }; function startPoll(){ (doSessionPoll())(); (doEventsPoll())(); sessionView.session_poll = window.setInterval(doSessionPoll(), 1000); }; function stopPoll(){ pollRunning = false; window.clearInterval(sessionView.session_poll); } function doSessionPoll(){ return (function(){ $.ajax({ url: FnordMetric.p + '/' + currentNamespace+'/sessions', success: callbackSessionPoll() }); }); }; function loadEventHistory(event_type){ feedInnerElem.html(''); $.ajax({ url: FnordMetric.p + '/' + currentNamespace+'/events?type='+event_type, success: function(_data, _status){ var data = JSON.parse(_data).events; for(var n=data.length; n >= 0; n--){ if(data[n]){ renderEvent(data[n]); } } } }); } function callbackSessionPoll(){ return (function(_data, _status){ $.each(JSON.parse(_data).sessions, function(i,v){ updateSession(v); }); sortSessions(); }); }; function loadEventTypes(){ $.ajax({ url: FnordMetric.p + '/' + currentNamespace+'/event_types', success: function(_data){ var data = JSON.parse(_data); $(data.types).each(function(i,v){ if((v.length > 0) && (v.slice(0,5)!='_set_')){ addEventType(v,v); } }); } }); }; function addEventType(type, display){ typeListElem.append( $('<li class="event_type"></li>').append( $('<span class="history"></span>').html('history') .click(function(){ $('.event_type_list .event_type input').attr('checked', false); $('input', $(this).parent()).attr('checked', true); updateEventFilter(); loadEventHistory(type); }) ).append( $('<input type="checkbox" />').attr('checked', true) .click(function(){ updateEventFilter(); }) ).append( $('<span></span>').html(display) ).attr('rel', type) ); } function updateEventFilter(){ var _unchecked_types = []; $('ul.event_type_list li.event_type').each(function(i,v){ if(!$('input', v).attr('checked')){ _unchecked_types.push($(v).attr('rel')); } }); eventsFilter = _unchecked_types; } function doEventsPoll(){ return (function(){ $.ajax({ url: FnordMetric.p + '/' + currentNamespace+'/events?since='+eventsPolledUntil, success: callbackEventsPoll() }); }); }; function callbackEventsPoll(){ return (function(_data, _status){ var data = JSON.parse(_data) var events =; var timout = 1000; var maxevents = 200; if(events.length > 0){ timeout = 200; eventsPolledUntil = parseInt(events[0]._time)-1; } for(var n=events.length-1; n >= 0; n--){ var v = events[n]; if(eventsFilter.indexOf(v._type) == -1){ if(parseInt(v._time)<=eventsPolledUntil){ renderEvent(v); } } }; var elems = $("p", feedInnerElem); for(var n=maxevents; n < elems.length; n++){ $(elems[n]).remove(); } if(pollRunning){ window.setTimeout(doEventsPoll(), timout); } }); }; function updateSession(session_data){ sessionData[session_data.session_key] = session_data; renderSession(session_data); } function sortSessions(){ console.log("fixme: sort and splice to 100"); } function renderSession(session_data){ var session_name = session_data["_name"]; var session_time = formatTimeSince(session_data["_updated_at"]); var session_elem = $('li[data-session='+session_data["session_key"]+']:first'); if(session_elem.length>0){ if(session_data["_picture"] && (session_data["_picture"].length > 1)){ $('.picture img', session_elem).attr('src', session_data["_picture"]) } if(session_name){ $('.name', session_elem).html(session_name); } $('.time', session_elem).html(session_time); } else { var session_picture = $('<img width="18" />'); if(!session_name){ session_name = session_data["session_key"].substr(0,15) }; if(session_data["_picture"]){ session_picture.attr('src', session_data["_picture"]); }; listElem.append( $('<li class="session"></li>').append( $('<div class="picture"></div>').html(session_picture) ).append( $('<span class="name"></span>').html(session_name) ).append( $('<span class="time"></span>').html(session_time) ).attr('data-session', session_data["session_key"]) ); } }; function renderEvent(event_data){ var event_time = $('<span class="time"></span>'); var event_message = $('<span class="message"></span>'); var event_props = $('<span class="properties"></span>'); var event_picture = $('<div class="picture"></picture>'); var event_type = event_data._type; if(!event_type){ return true; } if(event_data._message){ event_message.html(event_data._message); } else if(event_type=="_pageview"){ event_message.html("Pageview: " + event_data.url); } else if(event_type.substr(0,5) == '_set_'){ return true; /* dont render */ } else { event_message.html(event_type); } event_time.html(formatTimeOfDay(event_data._time)); if(event_data._session_key && event_data._session_key.length > 0){ if(session_data=sessionData[event_data._session_key]){ if(session_data._name){ event_props.append( $('<strong></strong>').html(session_data._name) ); } if(session_data._picture){ event_picture.append( $('<img width="40" />').attr('src', session_data._picture) ) } } } feedInnerElem.prepend( $('<li class="feed_event"></li>') .append(event_time) .append(event_picture) .append(event_message) .append(event_props) ); } function close(){ stopPoll(); }; return { load: load, resize: resize, close: close }; }); var dashboardView = (function(dashboard_name){ var widgets = []; var viewport = null; function load(_viewport){ viewport = _viewport.html(''); $.ajax({ url: FnordMetric.p + '/' + currentNamespace+'/dashboard/'+dashboard_name, success: function(resp, status){ var conf = JSON.parse(resp); renderWidgets(conf.widgets); } }); }; function renderWidgets(_widgets){ for(wkey in _widgets){ var widget = _widgets[wkey]; widget["elem"] = $('<div class="widget"></div>'); widgets[wkey] = widget; viewport.append(widget.elem); resizeWidget(wkey); renderWidget(wkey); }; resize(); }; function renderWidget(wkey){ var widget = widgets[wkey]; /* argh... */ if(widget.klass=='TimelineWidget'){ timelineWidget().render(widget); } if(widget.klass=='BarsWidget'){ barsWidget().render(widget); } if(widget.klass=='NumbersWidget'){ numbersWidget().render(widget); } if(widget.klass=='ToplistWidget'){ toplistWidget().render(widget); } if(widget.klass=='PieWidget'){ pieWidget().render(widget); } }; function resizeWidget(wkey){ var widget = widgets[wkey]; var wwperc = widgets[wkey].width; if(!wwperc){ wwperc = 100; } var wwidth = viewport.width() * (wwperc/100.0); if(wwperc==100){ widgets[wkey].elem.addClass('full_width'); } else { wwidth -= 1; } widget.elem.width(wwidth); } function resize(){ for(wkey in widgets){ resizeWidget(wkey); }; }; function close(){ $('body').trigger('fm_dashboard_close'); }; return { load: load, resize: resize, close: close }; }); function renderDashboard(_dash){ loadView(dashboardView(_dash)); }; function renderSessionView(){ loadView(sessionView()); } function loadView(_view){ if(currentView){ currentView.close(); } canvasElem.html('loading!'); currentView = _view; currentView.load(canvasElem); resizeView(); }; function resizeView(){ currentView.resize( canvasElem.innerWidth(), canvasElem.innerHeight() ); }; function init(_namespace, _canvasElem){ canvasElem = _canvasElem; currentNamespace = _namespace; loadView(sessionView()); }; return { p: '', renderDashboard: renderDashboard, renderSessionView: renderSessionView, resizeView: resizeView, init: init }; })();