/* * twemproxy - A fast and lightweight proxy for memcached protocol. * Copyright (C) 2011 Twitter, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include /* * Return true, if the redis command accepts no arguments, otherwise * return false */ static bool redis_arg0(struct msg *r) { switch (r->type) { case MSG_REQ_REDIS_EXISTS: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_PERSIST: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_PTTL: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_TTL: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_TYPE: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_DUMP: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_DECR: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_GET: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_INCR: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_STRLEN: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_HGETALL: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_HKEYS: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_HLEN: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_HVALS: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_LLEN: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_LPOP: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_RPOP: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_SCARD: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_SMEMBERS: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_SPOP: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_SRANDMEMBER: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_ZCARD: return true; default: break; } return false; } /* * Return true, if the redis command accepts exactly 1 argument, otherwise * return false */ static bool redis_arg1(struct msg *r) { switch (r->type) { case MSG_REQ_REDIS_EXPIRE: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_EXPIREAT: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_PEXPIRE: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_PEXPIREAT: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_APPEND: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_DECRBY: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_GETBIT: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_GETSET: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_INCRBY: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_INCRBYFLOAT: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_SET: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_SETNX: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_HEXISTS: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_HGET: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_LINDEX: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_LPUSHX: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_RPOPLPUSH: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_RPUSHX: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_SISMEMBER: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_ZRANK: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_ZREVRANK: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_ZSCORE: return true; default: break; } return false; } /* * Return true, if the redis command accepts exactly 2 arguments, otherwise * return false */ static bool redis_arg2(struct msg *r) { switch (r->type) { case MSG_REQ_REDIS_GETRANGE: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_PSETEX: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_SETBIT: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_SETEX: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_SETRANGE: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_HINCRBY: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_HINCRBYFLOAT: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_HSET: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_HSETNX: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_LRANGE: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_LREM: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_LSET: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_LTRIM: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_SMOVE: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_ZCOUNT: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_ZINCRBY: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_ZREMRANGEBYRANK: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_ZREMRANGEBYSCORE: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_RESTORE: return true; default: break; } return false; } /* * Return true, if the redis command accepts exactly 3 arguments, otherwise * return false */ static bool redis_arg3(struct msg *r) { switch (r->type) { case MSG_REQ_REDIS_LINSERT: return true; default: break; } return false; } /* * Return true, if the redis command accepts 0 or more arguments, otherwise * return false */ static bool redis_argn(struct msg *r) { switch (r->type) { case MSG_REQ_REDIS_BITCOUNT: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_HDEL: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_HMGET: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_HMSET: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_LPUSH: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_RPUSH: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_SADD: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_SDIFF: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_SDIFFSTORE: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_SINTER: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_SINTERSTORE: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_SREM: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_SUNION: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_SUNIONSTORE: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_ZADD: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_ZINTERSTORE: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_ZRANGE: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_ZRANGEBYSCORE: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_ZREM: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_ZREVRANGE: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_ZREVRANGEBYSCORE: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_ZUNIONSTORE: return true; default: break; } return false; } /* * Return true, if the redis command is a vector command accepting one or * more keys, otherwise return false */ static bool redis_argx(struct msg *r) { switch (r->type) { case MSG_REQ_REDIS_MGET: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_DEL: return true; default: break; } return false; } /* * Return true, if the redis command is either EVAL or EVALSHA. These commands * have a special format with exactly 2 arguments, followed by one or more keys, * followed by zero or more arguments (the documentation online seems to suggest * that at least one argument is required, but that shouldn't be the case). */ static bool redis_argeval(struct msg *r) { switch (r->type) { case MSG_REQ_REDIS_EVAL: case MSG_REQ_REDIS_EVALSHA: return true; default: break; } return false; } /* * Reference: http://redis.io/topics/protocol * * Redis >= 1.2 uses the unified protocol to send requests to the Redis * server. In the unified protocol all the arguments sent to the server * are binary safe and every request has the following general form: * * * CR LF * $ CR LF * CR LF * ... * $ CR LF * CR LF * * Before the unified request protocol, redis protocol for requests supported * the following commands * 1). Inline commands: simple commands where arguments are just space * separated strings. No binary safeness is possible. * 2). Bulk commands: bulk commands are exactly like inline commands, but * the last argument is handled in a special way in order to allow for * a binary-safe last argument. * * Nutcracker only supports the Redis unified protocol for requests. */ void redis_parse_req(struct msg *r) { struct mbuf *b; uint8_t *p, *m; uint8_t ch; enum { SW_START, SW_NARG, SW_NARG_LF, SW_REQ_TYPE_LEN, SW_REQ_TYPE_LEN_LF, SW_REQ_TYPE, SW_REQ_TYPE_LF, SW_KEY_LEN, SW_KEY_LEN_LF, SW_KEY, SW_KEY_LF, SW_ARG1_LEN, SW_ARG1_LEN_LF, SW_ARG1, SW_ARG1_LF, SW_ARG2_LEN, SW_ARG2_LEN_LF, SW_ARG2, SW_ARG2_LF, SW_ARG3_LEN, SW_ARG3_LEN_LF, SW_ARG3, SW_ARG3_LF, SW_ARGN_LEN, SW_ARGN_LEN_LF, SW_ARGN, SW_ARGN_LF, SW_FRAGMENT, SW_SENTINEL } state; state = r->state; b = STAILQ_LAST(&r->mhdr, mbuf, next); ASSERT(r->request); ASSERT(state >= SW_START && state < SW_SENTINEL); ASSERT(b != NULL); ASSERT(b->pos <= b->last); /* validate the parsing maker */ ASSERT(r->pos != NULL); ASSERT(r->pos >= b->pos && r->pos <= b->last); for (p = r->pos; p < b->last; p++) { ch = *p; switch (state) { case SW_START: case SW_NARG: if (r->token == NULL) { if (ch != '*') { goto error; } r->token = p; /* req_start <- p */ r->narg_start = p; r->rnarg = 0; state = SW_NARG; } else if (isdigit(ch)) { r->rnarg = r->rnarg * 10 + (uint32_t)(ch - '0'); } else if (ch == CR) { if (r->rnarg == 0) { goto error; } r->narg = r->rnarg; r->narg_end = p; r->token = NULL; state = SW_NARG_LF; } else { goto error; } break; case SW_NARG_LF: switch (ch) { case LF: state = SW_REQ_TYPE_LEN; break; default: goto error; } break; case SW_REQ_TYPE_LEN: if (r->token == NULL) { if (ch != '$') { goto error; } r->token = p; r->rlen = 0; } else if (isdigit(ch)) { r->rlen = r->rlen * 10 + (uint32_t)(ch - '0'); } else if (ch == CR) { if (r->rlen == 0 || r->rnarg == 0) { goto error; } r->rnarg--; r->token = NULL; state = SW_REQ_TYPE_LEN_LF; } else { goto error; } break; case SW_REQ_TYPE_LEN_LF: switch (ch) { case LF: state = SW_REQ_TYPE; break; default: goto error; } break; case SW_REQ_TYPE: if (r->token == NULL) { r->token = p; } m = r->token + r->rlen; if (m >= b->last) { m = b->last - 1; p = m; break; } if (*m != CR) { goto error; } p = m; /* move forward by rlen bytes */ r->rlen = 0; m = r->token; r->token = NULL; r->type = MSG_UNKNOWN; switch (p - m) { case 3: if (str3icmp(m, 'g', 'e', 't')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_GET; break; } if (str3icmp(m, 's', 'e', 't')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_SET; break; } if (str3icmp(m, 't', 't', 'l')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_TTL; break; } if (str3icmp(m, 'd', 'e', 'l')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_DEL; break; } break; case 4: if (str4icmp(m, 'p', 't', 't', 'l')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_PTTL; break; } if (str4icmp(m, 'd', 'e', 'c', 'r')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_DECR; break; } if (str4icmp(m, 'd', 'u', 'm', 'p')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_DUMP; break; } if (str4icmp(m, 'h', 'd', 'e', 'l')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_HDEL; break; } if (str4icmp(m, 'h', 'g', 'e', 't')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_HGET; break; } if (str4icmp(m, 'h', 'l', 'e', 'n')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_HLEN; break; } if (str4icmp(m, 'h', 's', 'e', 't')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_HSET; break; } if (str4icmp(m, 'i', 'n', 'c', 'r')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_INCR; break; } if (str4icmp(m, 'l', 'l', 'e', 'n')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_LLEN; break; } if (str4icmp(m, 'l', 'p', 'o', 'p')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_LPOP; break; } if (str4icmp(m, 'l', 'r', 'e', 'm')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_LREM; break; } if (str4icmp(m, 'l', 's', 'e', 't')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_LSET; break; } if (str4icmp(m, 'r', 'p', 'o', 'p')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_RPOP; break; } if (str4icmp(m, 's', 'a', 'd', 'd')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_SADD; break; } if (str4icmp(m, 's', 'p', 'o', 'p')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_SPOP; break; } if (str4icmp(m, 's', 'r', 'e', 'm')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_SREM; break; } if (str4icmp(m, 't', 'y', 'p', 'e')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_TYPE; break; } if (str4icmp(m, 'm', 'g', 'e', 't')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_MGET; break; } if (str4icmp(m, 'z', 'a', 'd', 'd')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_ZADD; break; } if (str4icmp(m, 'z', 'r', 'e', 'm')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_ZREM; break; } if (str4icmp(m, 'e', 'v', 'a', 'l')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_EVAL; break; } break; case 5: if (str5icmp(m, 'h', 'k', 'e', 'y', 's')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_HKEYS; break; } if (str5icmp(m, 'h', 'm', 'g', 'e', 't')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_HMGET; break; } if (str5icmp(m, 'h', 'm', 's', 'e', 't')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_HMSET; break; } if (str5icmp(m, 'h', 'v', 'a', 'l', 's')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_HVALS; break; } if (str5icmp(m, 'l', 'p', 'u', 's', 'h')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_LPUSH; break; } if (str5icmp(m, 'l', 't', 'r', 'i', 'm')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_LTRIM; break; } if (str5icmp(m, 'r', 'p', 'u', 's', 'h')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_RPUSH; break; } if (str5icmp(m, 's', 'c', 'a', 'r', 'd')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_SCARD; break; } if (str5icmp(m, 's', 'd', 'i', 'f', 'f')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_SDIFF; break; } if (str5icmp(m, 's', 'e', 't', 'e', 'x')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_SETEX; break; } if (str5icmp(m, 's', 'e', 't', 'n', 'x')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_SETNX; break; } if (str5icmp(m, 's', 'm', 'o', 'v', 'e')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_SMOVE; break; } if (str5icmp(m, 'z', 'c', 'a', 'r', 'd')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_ZCARD; break; } if (str5icmp(m, 'z', 'r', 'a', 'n', 'k')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_ZRANK; break; } break; case 6: if (str6icmp(m, 'a', 'p', 'p', 'e', 'n', 'd')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_APPEND; break; } if (str6icmp(m, 'd', 'e', 'c', 'r', 'b', 'y')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_DECRBY; break; } if (str6icmp(m, 'e', 'x', 'i', 's', 't', 's')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_EXISTS; break; } if (str6icmp(m, 'e', 'x', 'p', 'i', 'r', 'e')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_EXPIRE; break; } if (str6icmp(m, 'g', 'e', 't', 'b', 'i', 't')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_GETBIT; break; } if (str6icmp(m, 'g', 'e', 't', 's', 'e', 't')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_GETSET; break; } if (str6icmp(m, 'p', 's', 'e', 't', 'e', 'x')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_PSETEX; break; } if (str6icmp(m, 'h', 's', 'e', 't', 'n', 'x')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_HSETNX; break; } if (str6icmp(m, 'i', 'n', 'c', 'r', 'b', 'y')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_INCRBY; break; } if (str6icmp(m, 'l', 'i', 'n', 'd', 'e', 'x')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_LINDEX; break; } if (str6icmp(m, 'l', 'p', 'u', 's', 'h', 'x')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_LPUSHX; break; } if (str6icmp(m, 'l', 'r', 'a', 'n', 'g', 'e')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_LRANGE; break; } if (str6icmp(m, 'r', 'p', 'u', 's', 'h', 'x')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_RPUSHX; break; } if (str6icmp(m, 's', 'e', 't', 'b', 'i', 't')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_SETBIT; break; } if (str6icmp(m, 's', 'i', 'n', 't', 'e', 'r')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_SINTER; break; } if (str6icmp(m, 's', 't', 'r', 'l', 'e', 'n')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_STRLEN; break; } if (str6icmp(m, 's', 'u', 'n', 'i', 'o', 'n')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_SUNION; break; } if (str6icmp(m, 'z', 'c', 'o', 'u', 'n', 't')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_ZCOUNT; break; } if (str6icmp(m, 'z', 'r', 'a', 'n', 'g', 'e')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_ZRANGE; break; } if (str6icmp(m, 'z', 's', 'c', 'o', 'r', 'e')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_ZSCORE; break; } break; case 7: if (str7icmp(m, 'p', 'e', 'r', 's', 'i', 's', 't')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_PERSIST; break; } if (str7icmp(m, 'p', 'e', 'x', 'p', 'i', 'r', 'e')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_PEXPIRE; break; } if (str7icmp(m, 'h', 'e', 'x', 'i', 's', 't', 's')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_HEXISTS; break; } if (str7icmp(m, 'h', 'g', 'e', 't', 'a', 'l', 'l')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_HGETALL; break; } if (str7icmp(m, 'h', 'i', 'n', 'c', 'r', 'b', 'y')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_HINCRBY; break; } if (str7icmp(m, 'l', 'i', 'n', 's', 'e', 'r', 't')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_LINSERT; break; } if (str7icmp(m, 'z', 'i', 'n', 'c', 'r', 'b', 'y')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_ZINCRBY; break; } if (str7icmp(m, 'e', 'v', 'a', 'l', 's', 'h', 'a')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_EVALSHA; break; } if (str7icmp(m, 'r', 'e', 's', 't', 'o', 'r', 'e')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_RESTORE; break; } break; case 8: if (str8icmp(m, 'e', 'x', 'p', 'i', 'r', 'e', 'a', 't')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_EXPIREAT; break; } if (str8icmp(m, 'b', 'i', 't', 'c', 'o', 'u', 'n', 't')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_BITCOUNT; break; } if (str8icmp(m, 'g', 'e', 't', 'r', 'a', 'n', 'g', 'e')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_GETRANGE; break; } if (str8icmp(m, 's', 'e', 't', 'r', 'a', 'n', 'g', 'e')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_SETRANGE; break; } if (str8icmp(m, 's', 'm', 'e', 'm', 'b', 'e', 'r', 's')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_SMEMBERS; break; } if (str8icmp(m, 'z', 'r', 'e', 'v', 'r', 'a', 'n', 'k')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_ZREVRANK; break; } break; case 9: if (str9icmp(m, 'p', 'e', 'x', 'p', 'i', 'r', 'e', 'a', 't')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_PEXPIREAT; break; } if (str9icmp(m, 'r', 'p', 'o', 'p', 'l', 'p', 'u', 's', 'h')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_RPOPLPUSH; break; } if (str9icmp(m, 's', 'i', 's', 'm', 'e', 'm', 'b', 'e', 'r')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_SISMEMBER; break; } if (str9icmp(m, 'z', 'r', 'e', 'v', 'r', 'a', 'n', 'g', 'e')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_ZREVRANGE; break; } break; case 10: if (str10icmp(m, 's', 'd', 'i', 'f', 'f', 's', 't', 'o', 'r', 'e')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_SDIFFSTORE; break; } case 11: if (str11icmp(m, 'i', 'n', 'c', 'r', 'b', 'y', 'f', 'l', 'o', 'a', 't')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_INCRBYFLOAT; break; } if (str11icmp(m, 's', 'i', 'n', 't', 'e', 'r', 's', 't', 'o', 'r', 'e')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_SINTERSTORE; break; } if (str11icmp(m, 's', 'r', 'a', 'n', 'd', 'm', 'e', 'm', 'b', 'e', 'r')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_SRANDMEMBER; break; } if (str11icmp(m, 's', 'u', 'n', 'i', 'o', 'n', 's', 't', 'o', 'r', 'e')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_SUNIONSTORE; break; } if (str11icmp(m, 'z', 'i', 'n', 't', 'e', 'r', 's', 't', 'o', 'r', 'e')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_ZINTERSTORE; break; } if (str11icmp(m, 'z', 'u', 'n', 'i', 'o', 'n', 's', 't', 'o', 'r', 'e')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_ZUNIONSTORE; break; } break; case 12: if (str12icmp(m, 'h', 'i', 'n', 'c', 'r', 'b', 'y', 'f', 'l', 'o', 'a', 't')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_HINCRBYFLOAT; break; } break; case 13: if (str13icmp(m, 'z', 'r', 'a', 'n', 'g', 'e', 'b', 'y', 's', 'c', 'o', 'r', 'e')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_ZRANGEBYSCORE; break; } break; case 15: if (str15icmp(m, 'z', 'r', 'e', 'm', 'r', 'a', 'n', 'g', 'e', 'b', 'y', 'r', 'a', 'n', 'k')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_ZREMRANGEBYRANK; break; } break; case 16: if (str16icmp(m, 'z', 'r', 'e', 'm', 'r', 'a', 'n', 'g', 'e', 'b', 'y', 's', 'c', 'o', 'r', 'e')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_ZREMRANGEBYSCORE; break; } if (str16icmp(m, 'z', 'r', 'e', 'v', 'r', 'a', 'n', 'g', 'e', 'b', 'y', 's', 'c', 'o', 'r', 'e')) { r->type = MSG_REQ_REDIS_ZREVRANGEBYSCORE; break; } break; default: break; } if (r->type == MSG_UNKNOWN) { log_error("parsed unsupported command '%.*s'", p - m, m); goto error; } log_debug(LOG_VERB, "parsed command '%.*s'", p - m, m); state = SW_REQ_TYPE_LF; break; case SW_REQ_TYPE_LF: switch (ch) { case LF: if (redis_argeval(r)) { state = SW_ARG1_LEN; } else { state = SW_KEY_LEN; } break; default: goto error; } break; case SW_KEY_LEN: if (r->token == NULL) { if (ch != '$') { goto error; } r->token = p; r->rlen = 0; } else if (isdigit(ch)) { r->rlen = r->rlen * 10 + (uint32_t)(ch - '0'); } else if (ch == CR) { if (r->rlen == 0) { log_error("parsed bad req %"PRIu64" of type %d with empty " "key", r->id, r->type); goto error; } if (r->rlen >= mbuf_data_size()) { log_error("parsed bad req %"PRIu64" of type %d with key " "length %d that greater than or equal to maximum" " redis key length of %d", r->id, r->type, r->rlen, mbuf_data_size()); goto error; } if (r->rnarg == 0) { goto error; } r->rnarg--; r->token = NULL; state = SW_KEY_LEN_LF; } else { goto error; } break; case SW_KEY_LEN_LF: switch (ch) { case LF: state = SW_KEY; break; default: goto error; } break; case SW_KEY: if (r->token == NULL) { r->token = p; } m = r->token + r->rlen; if (m >= b->last) { m = b->last - 1; p = m; break; } if (*m != CR) { goto error; } p = m; /* move forward by rlen bytes */ r->rlen = 0; m = r->token; r->token = NULL; r->key_start = m; r->key_end = p; state = SW_KEY_LF; break; case SW_KEY_LF: switch (ch) { case LF: if (redis_arg0(r)) { if (r->rnarg != 0) { goto error; } goto done; } else if (redis_arg1(r)) { if (r->rnarg != 1) { goto error; } state = SW_ARG1_LEN; } else if (redis_arg2(r)) { if (r->rnarg != 2) { goto error; } state = SW_ARG1_LEN; } else if (redis_arg3(r)) { if (r->rnarg != 3) { goto error; } state = SW_ARG1_LEN; } else if (redis_argn(r)) { if (r->rnarg == 0) { goto done; } state = SW_ARG1_LEN; } else if (redis_argx(r)) { if (r->rnarg == 0) { goto done; } state = SW_FRAGMENT; } else if (redis_argeval(r)) { if (r->rnarg == 0) { goto done; } state = SW_ARGN_LEN; } else { goto error; } break; default: goto error; } break; case SW_FRAGMENT: r->token = p; goto fragment; case SW_ARG1_LEN: if (r->token == NULL) { if (ch != '$') { goto error; } r->rlen = 0; r->token = p; } else if (isdigit(ch)) { r->rlen = r->rlen * 10 + (uint32_t)(ch - '0'); } else if (ch == CR) { if ((p - r->token) <= 1 || r->rnarg == 0) { goto error; } r->rnarg--; r->token = NULL; state = SW_ARG1_LEN_LF; } else { goto error; } break; case SW_ARG1_LEN_LF: switch (ch) { case LF: state = SW_ARG1; break; default: goto error; } break; case SW_ARG1: m = p + r->rlen; if (m >= b->last) { r->rlen -= (uint32_t)(b->last - p); m = b->last - 1; p = m; break; } if (*m != CR) { goto error; } p = m; /* move forward by rlen bytes */ r->rlen = 0; state = SW_ARG1_LF; break; case SW_ARG1_LF: switch (ch) { case LF: if (redis_arg1(r)) { if (r->rnarg != 0) { goto error; } goto done; } else if (redis_arg2(r)) { if (r->rnarg != 1) { goto error; } state = SW_ARG2_LEN; } else if (redis_arg3(r)) { if (r->rnarg != 2) { goto error; } state = SW_ARG2_LEN; } else if (redis_argn(r)) { if (r->rnarg == 0) { goto done; } state = SW_ARGN_LEN; } else if (redis_argeval(r)) { if (r->rnarg < 2) { goto error; } state = SW_ARG2_LEN; } else { goto error; } break; default: goto error; } break; case SW_ARG2_LEN: if (r->token == NULL) { if (ch != '$') { goto error; } r->rlen = 0; r->token = p; } else if (isdigit(ch)) { r->rlen = r->rlen * 10 + (uint32_t)(ch - '0'); } else if (ch == CR) { if ((p - r->token) <= 1 || r->rnarg == 0) { goto error; } r->rnarg--; r->token = NULL; state = SW_ARG2_LEN_LF; } else { goto error; } break; case SW_ARG2_LEN_LF: switch (ch) { case LF: state = SW_ARG2; break; default: goto error; } break; case SW_ARG2: if (r->token == NULL && redis_argeval(r)) { /* * For EVAL/EVALSHA, ARG2 represents the # key/arg pairs which must * be tokenized and stored in contiguous memory. */ r->token = p; } m = p + r->rlen; if (m >= b->last) { r->rlen -= (uint32_t)(b->last - p); m = b->last - 1; p = m; break; } if (*m != CR) { goto error; } p = m; /* move forward by rlen bytes */ r->rlen = 0; if (redis_argeval(r)) { uint32_t nkey; uint8_t *chp; /* * For EVAL/EVALSHA, we need to find the integer value of this * argument. It tells us the number of keys in the script, and * we need to error out if number of keys is 0. At this point, * both p and m point to the end of the argument and r->token * points to the start. */ if (p - r->token < 1) { goto error; } for (nkey = 0, chp = r->token; chp < p; chp++) { if (isdigit(*chp)) { nkey = nkey * 10 + (uint32_t)(*chp - '0'); } else { goto error; } } if (nkey == 0) { goto error; } r->token = NULL; } state = SW_ARG2_LF; break; case SW_ARG2_LF: switch (ch) { case LF: if (redis_arg2(r)) { if (r->rnarg != 0) { goto error; } goto done; } else if (redis_arg3(r)) { if (r->rnarg != 1) { goto error; } state = SW_ARG3_LEN; } else if (redis_argn(r)) { if (r->rnarg == 0) { goto done; } state = SW_ARGN_LEN; } else if (redis_argeval(r)) { if (r->rnarg < 1) { goto error; } state = SW_KEY_LEN; } else { goto error; } break; default: goto error; } break; case SW_ARG3_LEN: if (r->token == NULL) { if (ch != '$') { goto error; } r->rlen = 0; r->token = p; } else if (isdigit(ch)) { r->rlen = r->rlen * 10 + (uint32_t)(ch - '0'); } else if (ch == CR) { if ((p - r->token) <= 1 || r->rnarg == 0) { goto error; } r->rnarg--; r->token = NULL; state = SW_ARG3_LEN_LF; } else { goto error; } break; case SW_ARG3_LEN_LF: switch (ch) { case LF: state = SW_ARG3; break; default: goto error; } break; case SW_ARG3: m = p + r->rlen; if (m >= b->last) { r->rlen -= (uint32_t)(b->last - p); m = b->last - 1; p = m; break; } if (*m != CR) { goto error; } p = m; /* move forward by rlen bytes */ r->rlen = 0; state = SW_ARG3_LF; break; case SW_ARG3_LF: switch (ch) { case LF: if (redis_arg3(r)) { if (r->rnarg != 0) { goto error; } goto done; } else if (redis_argn(r)) { if (r->rnarg == 0) { goto done; } state = SW_ARGN_LEN; } else { goto error; } break; default: goto error; } break; case SW_ARGN_LEN: if (r->token == NULL) { if (ch != '$') { goto error; } r->rlen = 0; r->token = p; } else if (isdigit(ch)) { r->rlen = r->rlen * 10 + (uint32_t)(ch - '0'); } else if (ch == CR) { if ((p - r->token) <= 1 || r->rnarg == 0) { goto error; } r->rnarg--; r->token = NULL; state = SW_ARGN_LEN_LF; } else { goto error; } break; case SW_ARGN_LEN_LF: switch (ch) { case LF: state = SW_ARGN; break; default: goto error; } break; case SW_ARGN: m = p + r->rlen; if (m >= b->last) { r->rlen -= (uint32_t)(b->last - p); m = b->last - 1; p = m; break; } if (*m != CR) { goto error; } p = m; /* move forward by rlen bytes */ r->rlen = 0; state = SW_ARGN_LF; break; case SW_ARGN_LF: switch (ch) { case LF: if (redis_argn(r) || redis_argeval(r)) { if (r->rnarg == 0) { goto done; } state = SW_ARGN_LEN; } else { goto error; } break; default: goto error; } break; case SW_SENTINEL: default: NOT_REACHED(); break; } } ASSERT(p == b->last); r->pos = p; r->state = state; if (b->last == b->end && r->token != NULL) { r->pos = r->token; r->token = NULL; r->result = MSG_PARSE_REPAIR; } else { r->result = MSG_PARSE_AGAIN; } log_hexdump(LOG_VERB, b->pos, mbuf_length(b), "parsed req %"PRIu64" res %d " "type %d state %d rpos %d of %d", r->id, r->result, r->type, r->state, r->pos - b->pos, b->last - b->pos); return; fragment: ASSERT(p != b->last); ASSERT(r->token != NULL); r->pos = r->token; r->token = NULL; r->state = state; r->result = MSG_PARSE_FRAGMENT; log_hexdump(LOG_VERB, b->pos, mbuf_length(b), "parsed req %"PRIu64" res %d " "type %d state %d rpos %d of %d", r->id, r->result, r->type, r->state, r->pos - b->pos, b->last - b->pos); return; done: ASSERT(r->type > MSG_UNKNOWN && r->type < MSG_SENTINEL); r->pos = p + 1; ASSERT(r->pos <= b->last); r->state = SW_START; r->token = NULL; r->result = MSG_PARSE_OK; log_hexdump(LOG_VERB, b->pos, mbuf_length(b), "parsed req %"PRIu64" res %d " "type %d state %d rpos %d of %d", r->id, r->result, r->type, r->state, r->pos - b->pos, b->last - b->pos); return; error: r->result = MSG_PARSE_ERROR; r->state = state; errno = EINVAL; log_hexdump(LOG_INFO, b->pos, mbuf_length(b), "parsed bad req %"PRIu64" " "res %d type %d state %d", r->id, r->result, r->type, r->state); } /* * Reference: http://redis.io/topics/protocol * * Redis will reply to commands with different kinds of replies. It is * possible to check the kind of reply from the first byte sent by the * server: * - with a single line reply the first byte of the reply will be "+" * - with an error message the first byte of the reply will be "-" * - with an integer number the first byte of the reply will be ":" * - with bulk reply the first byte of the reply will be "$" * - with multi-bulk reply the first byte of the reply will be "*" * * 1). Status reply (or single line reply) is in the form of a single line * string starting with "+" terminated by "\r\n". * 2). Error reply are similar to status replies. The only difference is * that the first byte is "-" instead of "+". * 3). Integer reply is just a CRLF terminated string representing an * integer, and prefixed by a ":" byte. * 4). Bulk reply is used by server to return a single binary safe string. * The first reply line is a "$" byte followed by the number of bytes * of the actual reply, followed by CRLF, then the actual data bytes, * followed by additional two bytes for the final CRLF. If the requested * value does not exist the bulk reply will use the special value '-1' * as the data length. * 5). Multi-bulk reply is used by the server to return many binary safe * strings (bulks) with the initial line indicating how many bulks that * will follow. The first byte of a multi bulk reply is always *. */ void redis_parse_rsp(struct msg *r) { struct mbuf *b; uint8_t *p, *m; uint8_t ch; enum { SW_START, SW_STATUS, SW_ERROR, SW_INTEGER, SW_INTEGER_START, SW_BULK, SW_BULK_LF, SW_BULK_ARG, SW_BULK_ARG_LF, SW_MULTIBULK, SW_MULTIBULK_NARG_LF, SW_MULTIBULK_ARGN_LEN, SW_MULTIBULK_ARGN_LEN_LF, SW_MULTIBULK_ARGN, SW_MULTIBULK_ARGN_LF, SW_RUNTO_CRLF, SW_ALMOST_DONE, SW_SENTINEL } state; state = r->state; b = STAILQ_LAST(&r->mhdr, mbuf, next); ASSERT(!r->request); ASSERT(state >= SW_START && state < SW_SENTINEL); ASSERT(b != NULL); ASSERT(b->pos <= b->last); /* validate the parsing marker */ ASSERT(r->pos != NULL); ASSERT(r->pos >= b->pos && r->pos <= b->last); for (p = r->pos; p < b->last; p++) { ch = *p; switch (state) { case SW_START: r->type = MSG_UNKNOWN; switch (ch) { case '+': p = p - 1; /* go back by 1 byte */ r->type = MSG_RSP_REDIS_STATUS; state = SW_STATUS; break; case '-': r->type = MSG_RSP_REDIS_ERROR; p = p - 1; /* go back by 1 byte */ state = SW_ERROR; break; case ':': r->type = MSG_RSP_REDIS_INTEGER; p = p - 1; /* go back by 1 byte */ state = SW_INTEGER; break; case '$': r->type = MSG_RSP_REDIS_BULK; p = p - 1; /* go back by 1 byte */ state = SW_BULK; break; case '*': r->type = MSG_RSP_REDIS_MULTIBULK; p = p - 1; /* go back by 1 byte */ state = SW_MULTIBULK; break; default: goto error; } break; case SW_STATUS: /* rsp_start <- p */ state = SW_RUNTO_CRLF; break; case SW_ERROR: /* rsp_start <- p */ state = SW_RUNTO_CRLF; break; case SW_INTEGER: /* rsp_start <- p */ state = SW_INTEGER_START; r->integer = 0; break; case SW_INTEGER_START: if (ch == CR) { state = SW_ALMOST_DONE; } else if (ch == '-') { ; } else if (isdigit(ch)) { r->integer = r->integer * 10 + (uint32_t)(ch - '0'); } else { goto error; } break; case SW_RUNTO_CRLF: switch (ch) { case CR: state = SW_ALMOST_DONE; break; default: break; } break; case SW_ALMOST_DONE: switch (ch) { case LF: /* rsp_end <- p */ goto done; default: goto error; } break; case SW_BULK: if (r->token == NULL) { if (ch != '$') { goto error; } /* rsp_start <- p */ r->token = p; r->rlen = 0; } else if (ch == '-') { state = SW_RUNTO_CRLF; } else if (isdigit(ch)) { r->rlen = r->rlen * 10 + (uint32_t)(ch - '0'); } else if (ch == CR) { if ((p - r->token) <= 1) { goto error; } r->token = NULL; state = SW_BULK_LF; } else { goto error; } break; case SW_BULK_LF: switch (ch) { case LF: state = SW_BULK_ARG; break; default: goto error; } break; case SW_BULK_ARG: m = p + r->rlen; if (m >= b->last) { r->rlen -= (uint32_t)(b->last - p); m = b->last - 1; p = m; break; } if (*m != CR) { goto error; } p = m; /* move forward by rlen bytes */ r->rlen = 0; state = SW_BULK_ARG_LF; break; case SW_BULK_ARG_LF: switch (ch) { case LF: goto done; default: goto error; } break; case SW_MULTIBULK: if (r->token == NULL) { if (ch != '*') { goto error; } r->token = p; /* rsp_start <- p */ r->narg_start = p; r->rnarg = 0; } else if (isdigit(ch)) { r->rnarg = r->rnarg * 10 + (uint32_t)(ch - '0'); } else if (ch == CR) { if ((p - r->token) <= 1) { goto error; } r->narg = r->rnarg; r->narg_end = p; r->token = NULL; state = SW_MULTIBULK_NARG_LF; } else { goto error; } break; case SW_MULTIBULK_NARG_LF: switch (ch) { case LF: if (r->rnarg == 0) { /* response is '*0\r\n' */ goto done; } state = SW_MULTIBULK_ARGN_LEN; break; default: goto error; } break; case SW_MULTIBULK_ARGN_LEN: if (r->token == NULL) { if (ch != '$') { goto error; } r->token = p; r->rlen = 0; } else if (isdigit(ch)) { r->rlen = r->rlen * 10 + (uint32_t)(ch - '0'); } else if (ch == '-') { ; } else if (ch == CR) { if ((p - r->token) <= 1 || r->rnarg == 0) { goto error; } if (r->rlen == 1 && (p - r->token) == 3) { /* handles not-found reply = '$-1'*/ r->rlen = 0; state = SW_MULTIBULK_ARGN_LF; } else { state = SW_MULTIBULK_ARGN_LEN_LF; } r->rnarg--; r->token = NULL; } else { goto error; } break; case SW_MULTIBULK_ARGN_LEN_LF: switch (ch) { case LF: state = SW_MULTIBULK_ARGN; break; default: goto error; } break; case SW_MULTIBULK_ARGN: m = p + r->rlen; if (m >= b->last) { r->rlen -= (uint32_t)(b->last - p); m = b->last - 1; p = m; break; } if (*m != CR) { goto error; } p += r->rlen; /* move forward by rlen bytes */ r->rlen = 0; state = SW_MULTIBULK_ARGN_LF; break; case SW_MULTIBULK_ARGN_LF: switch (ch) { case LF: if (r->rnarg == 0) { goto done; } state = SW_MULTIBULK_ARGN_LEN; break; default: goto error; } break; case SW_SENTINEL: default: NOT_REACHED(); break; } } ASSERT(p == b->last); r->pos = p; r->state = state; if (b->last == b->end && r->token != NULL) { r->pos = r->token; r->token = NULL; r->result = MSG_PARSE_REPAIR; } else { r->result = MSG_PARSE_AGAIN; } log_hexdump(LOG_VERB, b->pos, mbuf_length(b), "parsed rsp %"PRIu64" res %d " "type %d state %d rpos %d of %d", r->id, r->result, r->type, r->state, r->pos - b->pos, b->last - b->pos); return; done: ASSERT(r->type > MSG_UNKNOWN && r->type < MSG_SENTINEL); r->pos = p + 1; ASSERT(r->pos <= b->last); r->state = SW_START; r->token = NULL; r->result = MSG_PARSE_OK; log_hexdump(LOG_VERB, b->pos, mbuf_length(b), "parsed rsp %"PRIu64" res %d " "type %d state %d rpos %d of %d", r->id, r->result, r->type, r->state, r->pos - b->pos, b->last - b->pos); return; error: r->result = MSG_PARSE_ERROR; r->state = state; errno = EINVAL; log_hexdump(LOG_INFO, b->pos, mbuf_length(b), "parsed bad rsp %"PRIu64" " "res %d type %d state %d", r->id, r->result, r->type, r->state); } /* * Pre-split copy handler invoked when the request is a multi vector - * 'mget' or 'del' request and is about to be split into two requests */ void redis_pre_splitcopy(struct mbuf *mbuf, void *arg) { struct msg *r = arg; int n; ASSERT(r->request); ASSERT(r->narg > 1); ASSERT(mbuf_empty(mbuf)); switch (r->type) { case MSG_REQ_REDIS_MGET: n = nc_snprintf(mbuf->last, mbuf_size(mbuf), "*%d\r\n$4\r\nmget\r\n", r->narg - 1); break; case MSG_REQ_REDIS_DEL: n = nc_snprintf(mbuf->last, mbuf_size(mbuf), "*%d\r\n$3\r\ndel\r\n", r->narg - 1); break; default: n = 0; NOT_REACHED(); } mbuf->last += n; } /* * Post-split copy handler invoked when the request is a multi vector - * 'mget' or 'del' request and has already been split into two requests */ rstatus_t redis_post_splitcopy(struct msg *r) { struct mbuf *hbuf, *nhbuf; /* head mbuf and new head mbuf */ struct string hstr = string("*2"); /* header string */ ASSERT(r->request); ASSERT(r->type == MSG_REQ_REDIS_MGET || r->type == MSG_REQ_REDIS_DEL); ASSERT(!STAILQ_EMPTY(&r->mhdr)); nhbuf = mbuf_get(); if (nhbuf == NULL) { return NC_ENOMEM; } /* * Fix the head mbuf in the head (A) msg. The fix is straightforward * as we just need to skip over the narg token */ hbuf = STAILQ_FIRST(&r->mhdr); ASSERT(hbuf->pos == r->narg_start); ASSERT(hbuf->pos < r->narg_end && r->narg_end <= hbuf->last); hbuf->pos = r->narg_end; /* * Add a new head mbuf in the head (A) msg that just contains '*2' * token */ STAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&r->mhdr, nhbuf, next); mbuf_copy(nhbuf, hstr.data, hstr.len); /* fix up the narg_start and narg_end */ r->narg_start = nhbuf->pos; r->narg_end = nhbuf->last; return NC_OK; } /* * Pre-coalesce handler is invoked when the message is a response to * the fragmented multi vector request - 'mget' or 'del' and all the * responses to the fragmented request vector hasn't been received */ void redis_pre_coalesce(struct msg *r) { struct msg *pr = r->peer; /* peer request */ struct mbuf *mbuf; ASSERT(!r->request); ASSERT(pr->request); if (pr->frag_id == 0) { /* do nothing, if not a response to a fragmented request */ return; } switch (r->type) { case MSG_RSP_REDIS_INTEGER: /* only redis 'del' fragmented request sends back integer reply */ ASSERT(pr->type == MSG_REQ_REDIS_DEL); mbuf = STAILQ_FIRST(&r->mhdr); /* * Our response parser guarantees that the integer reply will be * completely encapsulated in a single mbuf and we should skip over * all the mbuf contents and discard it as the parser has already * parsed the integer reply and stored it in msg->integer */ ASSERT(mbuf == STAILQ_LAST(&r->mhdr, mbuf, next)); ASSERT(r->mlen == mbuf_length(mbuf)); r->mlen -= mbuf_length(mbuf); mbuf_rewind(mbuf); /* accumulate the integer value in frag_owner of peer request */ pr->frag_owner->integer += r->integer; break; case MSG_RSP_REDIS_MULTIBULK: /* only redis 'mget' fragmented request sends back multi-bulk reply */ ASSERT(pr->type == MSG_REQ_REDIS_MGET); mbuf = STAILQ_FIRST(&r->mhdr); /* * Muti-bulk reply can span over multiple mbufs and in each reply * we should skip over the narg token. Our response parser * guarantees thaat the narg token and the immediately following * '\r\n' will exist in a contiguous region in the first mbuf */ ASSERT(r->narg_start == mbuf->pos); ASSERT(r->narg_start < r->narg_end); r->narg_end += CRLF_LEN; r->mlen -= (uint32_t)(r->narg_end - r->narg_start); mbuf->pos = r->narg_end; if (pr->first_fragment) { mbuf = mbuf_get(); if (mbuf == NULL) { pr->error = 1; pr->err = EINVAL; return; } STAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&r->mhdr, mbuf, next); } break; default: /* * Valid responses for a fragmented request are MSG_RSP_REDIS_INTEGER or, * MSG_RSP_REDIS_MULTIBULK. For an invalid response, we send out -ERR * with EINVAL errno */ mbuf = STAILQ_FIRST(&r->mhdr); log_hexdump(LOG_ERR, mbuf->pos, mbuf_length(mbuf), "rsp fragment " "with unknown type %d", r->type); pr->error = 1; pr->err = EINVAL; break; } } /* * Post-coalesce handler is invoked when the message is a response to * the fragmented multi vector request - 'mget' or 'del' and all the * responses to the fragmented request vector has been received and * the fragmented request is consider to be done */ void redis_post_coalesce(struct msg *r) { struct msg *pr = r->peer; /* peer response */ struct mbuf *mbuf; int n; ASSERT(r->request && r->first_fragment); if (r->error || r->ferror) { /* do nothing, if msg is in error */ return; } ASSERT(!pr->request); switch (pr->type) { case MSG_RSP_REDIS_INTEGER: /* only redis 'del' fragmented request sends back integer reply */ ASSERT(r->type == MSG_REQ_REDIS_DEL); mbuf = STAILQ_FIRST(&pr->mhdr); ASSERT(pr->mlen == 0); ASSERT(mbuf_empty(mbuf)); n = nc_scnprintf(mbuf->last, mbuf_size(mbuf), ":%d\r\n", r->integer); mbuf->last += n; pr->mlen += (uint32_t)n; break; case MSG_RSP_REDIS_MULTIBULK: /* only redis 'mget' fragmented request sends back multi-bulk reply */ ASSERT(r->type == MSG_REQ_REDIS_MGET); mbuf = STAILQ_FIRST(&pr->mhdr); ASSERT(mbuf_empty(mbuf)); n = nc_scnprintf(mbuf->last, mbuf_size(mbuf), "*%d\r\n", r->nfrag); mbuf->last += n; pr->mlen += (uint32_t)n; break; default: NOT_REACHED(); } }