import { OWNER } from '@ember/-internals/owner'; import { assign } from '@ember/polyfills'; import { window } from '@ember/-internals/browser-environment'; import { run } from '@ember/runloop'; import { get } from '@ember/-internals/metal'; import AutoLocation from '../../lib/location/auto_location'; import { getHistoryPath, getHashPath } from '../../lib/location/auto_location'; import HistoryLocation from '../../lib/location/history_location'; import HashLocation from '../../lib/location/hash_location'; import NoneLocation from '../../lib/location/none_location'; import { buildOwner, moduleFor, AbstractTestCase } from 'internal-test-helpers'; function mockBrowserLocation(overrides, assert) { return assign( { href: '', pathname: '/', hash: '', search: '', replace() { assert.ok(false, 'location.replace should not be called during testing'); }, }, overrides ); } function mockBrowserHistory(overrides, assert) { return assign( { pushState() { assert.ok(false, 'history.pushState should not be called during testing'); }, replaceState() { assert.ok(false, 'history.replaceState should not be called during testing'); }, }, overrides ); } function createLocation(location, history) { owner = buildOwner(); owner.register('location:history', HistoryLocation); owner.register('location:hash', HashLocation); owner.register('location:none', NoneLocation); let autolocation = AutoLocation.create({ [OWNER]: owner, location: location, history: history, global: {}, }); return autolocation; } let location, owner; moduleFor( 'AutoLocation', class extends AbstractTestCase { teardown() { if (owner) { run(owner, 'destroy'); owner = location = undefined; } } ['@test AutoLocation should have the `global`'](assert) { let location = AutoLocation.create(); assert.ok(, 'has a global defined'); assert.strictEqual(, window, 'has the environments window global'); } ["@test AutoLocation should return concrete implementation's value for `getURL`"](assert) { let browserLocation = mockBrowserLocation({}, assert); let browserHistory = mockBrowserHistory({}, assert); location = createLocation(browserLocation, browserHistory); location.detect(); let concreteImplementation = get(location, 'concreteImplementation'); concreteImplementation.getURL = function() { return '/lincoln/park'; }; assert.equal(location.getURL(), '/lincoln/park'); } ['@test AutoLocation should use a HistoryLocation instance when pushStates is supported']( assert ) { let browserLocation = mockBrowserLocation({}, assert); let browserHistory = mockBrowserHistory({}, assert); location = createLocation(browserLocation, browserHistory); location.detect(); assert.ok(get(location, 'concreteImplementation') instanceof HistoryLocation); } ['@test AutoLocation should use a HashLocation instance when pushStates are not supported, but hashchange events are and the URL is already in the HashLocation format']( assert ) { let browserLocation = mockBrowserLocation( { hash: '#/testd', }, assert ); location = createLocation(browserLocation); = { onhashchange() {}, }; location.detect(); assert.ok(get(location, 'concreteImplementation') instanceof HashLocation); } ['@test AutoLocation should use a NoneLocation instance when neither history nor hashchange are supported.']( assert ) { location = createLocation(mockBrowserLocation({}, assert)); location.detect(); assert.ok(get(location, 'concreteImplementation') instanceof NoneLocation); } ["@test AutoLocation should use an index path (i.e. '/') without any location.hash as OK for HashLocation"]( assert ) { let browserLocation = mockBrowserLocation( { href: '', pathname: '/', hash: '', search: '', replace() { assert.ok(false, 'location.replace should not be called'); }, }, assert ); location = createLocation(browserLocation); = { onhashchange() {}, }; location.detect(); assert.ok( get(location, 'concreteImplementation') instanceof HashLocation, 'uses a HashLocation' ); } ['@test AutoLocation should transform the URL for hashchange-only browsers viewing a HistoryLocation-formatted path']( assert ) { assert.expect(3); let browserLocation = mockBrowserLocation( { hash: '', hostname: '', href: '', pathname: '/test', protocol: 'http:', port: '', search: '', replace(path) { assert.equal( path, '', 'location.replace should be called with normalized HashLocation path' ); }, }, assert ); let location = createLocation(browserLocation); = { onhashchange() {}, }; location.detect(); assert.ok( get(location, 'concreteImplementation') instanceof NoneLocation, 'NoneLocation should be used while we attempt to location.replace()' ); assert.equal( get(location, 'cancelRouterSetup'), true, 'cancelRouterSetup should be set so the router knows.' ); } ['@test AutoLocation should replace the URL for pushState-supported browsers viewing a HashLocation-formatted url']( assert ) { assert.expect(2); let browserLocation = mockBrowserLocation( { hash: '#/test', hostname: '', href: '', pathname: '/', protocol: 'http:', port: '', search: '', }, assert ); let browserHistory = mockBrowserHistory( { replaceState(state, title, path) { assert.equal( path, '/test', 'history.replaceState should be called with normalized HistoryLocation url' ); }, }, assert ); let location = createLocation(browserLocation, browserHistory); location.detect(); assert.ok(get(location, 'concreteImplementation'), HistoryLocation); } ['@test AutoLocation requires any rootURL given to end in a trailing forward slash'](assert) { let browserLocation = mockBrowserLocation({}, assert); let expectedMsg = /rootURL must end with a trailing forward slash e.g. "\/app\/"/; location = createLocation(browserLocation); location.rootURL = 'app'; expectAssertion(function() { location.detect(); }, expectedMsg); location.rootURL = '/app'; expectAssertion(function() { location.detect(); }, expectedMsg); // Note the trailing whitespace location.rootURL = '/app/ '; expectAssertion(function() { location.detect(); }, expectedMsg); } ['@test AutoLocation provides its rootURL to the concreteImplementation'](assert) { let browserLocation = mockBrowserLocation( { pathname: '/some/subdir/derp', }, assert ); let browserHistory = mockBrowserHistory({}, assert); location = createLocation(browserLocation, browserHistory); location.rootURL = '/some/subdir/'; location.detect(); let concreteLocation = get(location, 'concreteImplementation'); assert.equal(location.rootURL, concreteLocation.rootURL); } ['@test getHistoryPath() should return a normalized, HistoryLocation-supported path'](assert) { let browserLocation = mockBrowserLocation( { href: '', pathname: '/app/about', search: '?foo=bar', hash: '#foo', }, assert ); assert.equal( getHistoryPath('/app/', browserLocation), '/app/about?foo=bar#foo', 'URLs already in HistoryLocation form should come out the same' ); browserLocation = mockBrowserLocation( { href: '', pathname: '/app/', search: '', hash: '#/about?foo=bar#foo', }, assert ); assert.equal( getHistoryPath('/app/', browserLocation), '/app/about?foo=bar#foo', 'HashLocation formed URLs should be normalized' ); browserLocation = mockBrowserLocation( { href: '', pathname: '/app/', search: '', hash: '#about?foo=bar#foo', }, assert ); assert.equal( getHistoryPath('/app', browserLocation), '/app/#about?foo=bar#foo', "URLs with a hash not following #/ convention shouldn't be normalized as a route" ); } ['@test getHashPath() should return a normalized, HashLocation-supported path'](assert) { let browserLocation = mockBrowserLocation( { href: '', pathname: '/app/', search: '', hash: '#/about?foo=bar#foo', }, assert ); assert.equal( getHashPath('/app/', browserLocation), '/app/#/about?foo=bar#foo', 'URLs already in HistoryLocation form should come out the same' ); browserLocation = mockBrowserLocation( { href: '', pathname: '/app/about', search: '?foo=bar', hash: '#foo', }, assert ); assert.equal( getHashPath('/app/', browserLocation), '/app/#/about?foo=bar#foo', 'HistoryLocation formed URLs should be normalized' ); browserLocation = mockBrowserLocation( { href: '', pathname: '/app/', search: '', hash: '#about?foo=bar#foo', }, assert ); assert.equal( getHashPath('/app/', browserLocation), '/app/#/#about?foo=bar#foo', "URLs with a hash not following #/ convention shouldn't be normalized as a route" ); } } );