module Sequel module Plugins # The prepared_statements_associations plugin modifies the regular association # load method to use a cached prepared statement to load the associations. # It will not work on all associations, but it should skip the use of prepared # statements for associations where it will not work, assuming you load the # plugin before defining the associations. # # Usage: # # # Make all model subclasses more safe when using prepared statements (called before loading subclasses) # Sequel::Model.plugin :prepared_statements_associations # # # Make the Album class more safe when using prepared statements # Album.plugin :prepared_statements_associations module PreparedStatementsAssociations # Synchronize access to the integer sequence so that no two calls get the same integer. MUTEX = i = 0 # This plugin names prepared statements uniquely using an integer sequence, this # lambda returns the next integer to use. NEXT = lambda{MUTEX.synchronize{i += 1}} module ClassMethods # Disable prepared statement use if a block is given, or the :dataset or :conditions # options are used, or you are cloning an association. def associate(type, name, opts = {}, &block) if block || opts[:dataset] || opts[:conditions] || (opts[:clone] && association_reflection(opts[:clone])[:prepared_statement] == false) opts = opts.merge(:prepared_statement=>false) end super(type, name, opts, &block) end end module InstanceMethods private # Return a bound variable hash that maps the keys in +ks+ (qualified by the +table+) # to the values of the results of sending the methods in +vs+. def association_bound_variable_hash(table, ks, vs) Hash[*{|k, v| [:"#{table}.#{k}", send(v)]}.flatten] end # Given an association reflection, return a bound variable hash for the given # association for this instance's values. def association_bound_variables(opts) case opts[:type] when :many_to_one association_bound_variable_hash(opts.associated_class.table_name, opts.primary_keys, opts[:keys]) when :one_to_many association_bound_variable_hash(opts.associated_class.table_name, opts[:keys], opts[:primary_keys]) when :many_to_many association_bound_variable_hash(opts.join_table_alias, opts[:left_keys], opts[:left_primary_keys]) when :many_through_many opts.reverse_edges association_bound_variable_hash(opts[:final_reverse_edge][:alias], Array(opts[:left_key]), opts[:left_primary_keys]) end end # Given an association reflection, return and cache a prepared statement for this association such # that, given appropriate bound variables, the prepared statement will work correctly for any # instance. def association_prepared_statement(opts) opts[:prepared_statement] ||= begin ps = _associated_dataset(opts, {}).unbind.first.prepare(opts.returns_array? ? :select : :first, :"smpsap_#{}") ps.log_sql = true ps end end # If a prepared statement can be used to load the associated objects, execute it to retrieve them. Otherwise, # fall back to the default implementation. def _load_associated_objects(opts, dynamic_opts={}) if !opts.can_have_associated_objects?(self) || dynamic_opts[:callback] || (ps = opts[:prepared_statement]) == false super else if bv = association_bound_variables(opts) (ps || association_prepared_statement(opts)).call(bv) else super end end end end end end end