require 'logstash/devutils/rspec/spec_helper' require 'logstash/plugin_mixins/http_client' require 'logstash/plugin_mixins/http_client/deprecated_ssl_config_support' require 'stud/temporary' shared_examples 'setting ca bundles' do |key, type| subject(:client_config) { } it 'should correctly set the path' do expect(client_config[:ssl][key]).to eql(path), "Expected to find path for #{key}" end if type == :jks let(:store_password) { conf["#{use_deprecated_config ? '' : 'ssl_'}#{key}_password"] } let(:store_type) { conf["#{use_deprecated_config ? '' : 'ssl_'}#{key}_type"]} it 'should set the bundle password' do expect(client_config[:ssl]["#{key}_password".to_sym]).to eql(store_password) end it 'should set the bundle type' do expect(client_config[:ssl]["#{key}_type".to_sym]).to eql(store_type) end end end shared_examples 'a deprecated setting with guidance' do |deprecations_and_guidance| let(:logger_stub) { double('Logger').as_null_object } before(:each) do allow(plugin_class).to receive(:logger).and_return(logger_stub) end deprecations_and_guidance.each do |deprecated_setting_name, canonical_setting_name| it "emits a warning about the setting `#{deprecated_setting_name}` being deprecated and provides guidance to use `#{canonical_setting_name}`" do deprecation_text = "deprecated config setting \"#{deprecated_setting_name}\" set" guidance_text = "Use `#{canonical_setting_name}` instead" expect(logger_stub).to have_received(:warn).with(a_string_including(deprecation_text).and(including(guidance_text)), anything) end end end shared_examples 'an obsolete setting with guidance' do |deprecations_and_guidance| deprecations_and_guidance.each do |obsolete_setting, canonical_setting_name| it "emits an error about the setting `#{obsolete_setting}` now being obsolete and provides guidance to use `#{canonical_setting_name}`" do error_text = /The setting `#{obsolete_setting}` in plugin `with_obsolete` is obsolete and is no longer available. Use `#{canonical_setting_name}` instead/i expect {}.to raise_error LogStash::ConfigurationError, error_text end end end shared_examples 'with common ssl options' do describe 'with verify mode' do let(:file) { Stud::Temporary.file } let(:path) { file.path } after { File.unlink(path)} context 'default' do let(:conf) { basic_config } it 'sets manticore verify to :strict' do expect([:ssl]).to include :verify => :strict end end context "'full'" do let(:conf) { basic_config.merge('ssl_verification_mode' => 'full') } it 'sets manticore verify to :strict' do expect([:ssl]).to include :verify => :strict end end context "'none'" do let(:conf) { basic_config.merge('ssl_verification_mode' => 'none') } it 'sets manticore verify to :disable' do expect([:ssl]).to include :verify => :disable end end end describe 'with supported protocols' do context 'default' do let(:conf) { basic_config } it 'does not set manticore protocols option' do expect([:ssl]).to_not include :protocols end end context 'empty' do let(:conf) { basic_config.merge('ssl_supported_protocols' => []) } it 'does not set manticore protocols option' do expect([:ssl]).to_not include :protocols end end context "'TLSv1.3'" do let(:conf) { basic_config.merge('ssl_supported_protocols' => ['TLSv1.3']) } it 'sets manticore protocols option' do expect([:ssl]).to include :protocols => ['TLSv1.3'] end end context "'TLSv1.2' and 'TLSv1.3'" do let(:conf) { basic_config.merge('ssl_supported_protocols' => ['TLSv1.3', 'TLSv1.2']) } it 'sets manticore protocols option' do expect([:ssl]).to include :protocols => ['TLSv1.3', 'TLSv1.2'] end end end describe 'with ssl_cipher_suites' do context 'default' do let(:conf) { basic_config } it 'does not set manticore cipher_suites option' do expect([:ssl]).to_not include :cipher_suites end end context 'empty' do let(:conf) { basic_config.merge('ssl_cipher_suites' => []) } it 'does not set manticore cipher_suites option' do expect([:ssl]).to_not include :cipher_suites end end context "set to ['TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384']" do let(:conf) { basic_config.merge('ssl_cipher_suites' => ['TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384']) } it 'sets manticore cipher_suites option' do expect([:ssl]).to include :cipher_suites => ['TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384'] end end end end shared_examples("raise an http config error") do |message| it "should raise an error error" do expect { }.to raise_error(LogStash::PluginMixins::HttpClient::InvalidHTTPConfigError, message) end end shared_examples 'a client with obsolete ssl options' do describe LogStash::PluginMixins::HttpClient do let(:basic_config) { {} } let(:impl) { } let(:use_deprecated_config) { true } include_examples 'with common ssl options' [{:name => 'cacert', :canonical_name => 'ssl_certificate_authorities'}, {:name => 'client_cert', :canonical_name => 'ssl_certificate'}, {:name => 'client_key', :canonical_name => 'ssl_key'}, {:name => "keystore", :canonical_name => 'ssl_keystore_path'}, {:name => 'truststore', :canonical_name => 'ssl_truststore_path'}, {:name => "keystore_password", :canonical_name => "ssl_keystore_password"}, {:name => 'truststore_password', :canonical_name => "ssl_truststore_password"}, {:name => "keystore_type", :canonical_name => "ssl_keystore_type"}, {:name => 'truststore_type', :canonical_name => 'ssl_truststore_type'} ].each do |settings| context "with option #{settings[:name]}" do let(:conf) { basic_config.merge(settings[:name] => 'test_value') } it_behaves_like('an obsolete setting with guidance', settings[:name] => settings[:canonical_name]) end end end end shared_examples 'a client with deprecated ssl options' do describe LogStash::PluginMixins::HttpClient do let(:basic_config) { {} } let(:impl) { } let(:use_deprecated_config) { true } include_examples 'with common ssl options' describe 'with a custom ssl bundle' do let(:file) { Stud::Temporary.file } let(:path) { file.path } after { File.unlink(path)} context 'with x509' do let(:conf) { basic_config.merge('cacert' => path) } include_examples('setting ca bundles', :ca_file) it_behaves_like('a deprecated setting with guidance', 'cacert' => 'ssl_certificate_authorities') end context 'with JKS' do let(:conf) { basic_config.merge( 'truststore' => path, 'truststore_password' => 'foobar', 'truststore_type' => 'jks' ) } include_examples('setting ca bundles', :truststore, :jks) it_behaves_like('a deprecated setting with guidance', 'truststore' => 'ssl_truststore_path', 'truststore_password' => 'ssl_truststore_password', 'truststore_type' => 'ssl_truststore_type') end end describe 'with a client cert' do let(:file) { Stud::Temporary.file } let(:path) { file.path } after { File.unlink(path)} context 'with correct client certs' do let(:conf) { basic_config.merge('client_cert' => path, 'client_key' => path) } it 'should create without error' do expect { }.not_to raise_error end it_behaves_like('a deprecated setting with guidance', 'client_cert' => 'ssl_certificate', 'client_key' => 'ssl_key') end context 'without a key' do let(:conf) { basic_config.merge('client_cert' => path) } include_examples('raise an http config error', 'When `client_cert` is provided, `client_key` must also be provided') end context 'without a cert' do let(:conf) { basic_config.merge('client_key' => path) } include_examples('raise an http config error', 'A `client_key` is not allowed unless a `client_cert` is provided') end end %w[keystore truststore].each do |store| describe "with a custom #{store}" do let(:file) { Stud::Temporary.file } let(:path) { file.path } let(:password) { "foo" } after { File.unlink(path)} let(:conf) { basic_config.merge( store => path, "#{store}_password" => password, "#{store}_type" => "jks" ).compact } include_examples("setting ca bundles", store.to_sym, :jks) it_behaves_like('a deprecated setting with guidance', "#{store}" => "ssl_#{store}_path", "#{store}_password" => "ssl_#{store}_password", "#{store}_type" => "ssl_#{store}_type") context "with no password set" do let(:password) { nil } it "should raise an error" do expect do raise_error(LogStash::ConfigurationError) end end end end end end shared_examples 'a client with standardized ssl options' do describe LogStash::PluginMixins::HttpClient do let(:basic_config) { {} } let(:impl) { } let(:use_deprecated_config) { false } include_examples 'with common ssl options' describe 'with a custom ssl bundle' do let(:file) { Stud::Temporary.file } let(:path) { file.path } after { File.unlink(path)} context 'with x509' do let(:conf) { basic_config.merge('ssl_certificate_authorities' => path) } include_examples('setting ca bundles', :ca_file) end context 'with JKS' do let(:conf) { basic_config.merge( 'ssl_truststore_path' => path, 'ssl_truststore_password' => 'foobar', 'ssl_truststore_type' => 'jks' ) } include_examples('setting ca bundles', :truststore, :jks) end end describe 'with a client cert' do let(:file) { Stud::Temporary.file } let(:path) { file.path } after { File.unlink(path)} context 'with correct client certs' do let(:conf) { basic_config.merge('ssl_certificate' => path, 'ssl_key' => path) } it 'should create without error' do expect { }.not_to raise_error end end context 'without an ssl_key' do let(:conf) { basic_config.merge('ssl_certificate' => path) } include_examples('raise an http config error', 'You must specify both `ssl_certificate` and `ssl_key` for an HTTP client, or neither!') end context 'without an ssl_certificate' do let(:conf) { basic_config.merge('ssl_key' => path) } include_examples('raise an http config error', 'You must specify both `ssl_certificate` and `ssl_key` for an HTTP client, or neither!') end end %w[keystore truststore].each do |store| describe "with a custom #{store}" do let(:file) { Stud::Temporary.file } let(:path) { file.path } let(:password) { "foo" } after { File.unlink(path)} let(:conf) { basic_config.merge( "ssl_#{store}_path" => path, "ssl_#{store}_password" => password, "ssl_#{store}_type" => "jks" ).compact } include_examples("setting ca bundles", store.to_sym, :jks) context "with no password set" do let(:password) { nil } it "should not raise an error" do expect do end.to_not raise_error end end end end describe 'with ssl_enabled' do context 'set to false' do let(:basic_config) { super().merge('ssl_enabled' => false) } let(:plugin) { } it 'should not configure the client :ssl' do expect(plugin.client_config[:ssl]).to eq({}) end context 'and another ssl_* config set' do let(:basic_config) { super().merge('ssl_verification_mode' => 'none') } let(:logger_mock) { double('logger') } before(:each) do allow(plugin).to receive(:logger).and_return(logger_mock) end it 'should log a warn message' do allow(logger_mock).to receive(:warn) plugin.client_config expect(logger_mock).to have_received(:warn).with('Configured SSL settings are not used when `ssl_enabled` is set to `false`: ["ssl_verification_mode"]') end end end end end end class PluginWithNoModuleConfig < LogStash::Inputs::Base include LogStash::PluginMixins::HttpClient config_name 'no_config' end class PluginWithDeprecatedTrue < LogStash::Inputs::Base include LogStash::PluginMixins::HttpClient[:with_deprecated => true] config_name 'with_deprecated' end class PluginWithObsoleteTrue < LogStash::Inputs::Base include LogStash::PluginMixins::HttpClient[:with_obsolete => true] config_name 'with_obsolete' end class PluginWithDeprecatedFalse < LogStash::Inputs::Base include LogStash::PluginMixins::HttpClient[:with_deprecated => false] config_name 'without_deprecated' end describe PluginWithNoModuleConfig do let(:plugin_class) { PluginWithNoModuleConfig } it_behaves_like 'a client with deprecated ssl options' it 'includes DeprecatedSslConfigSupport module' do expect(plugin_class.ancestors).to include(LogStash::PluginMixins::HttpClient::DeprecatedSslConfigSupport) end it 'does not include ObsoleteSslConfigSupport module' do expect(plugin_class.ancestors).to_not include(LogStash::PluginMixins::HttpClient::ObsoleteSslConfigSupport) end end describe PluginWithDeprecatedFalse do let(:plugin_class) { PluginWithDeprecatedFalse } it_behaves_like 'a client with standardized ssl options' it 'does not include DeprecatedSslConfigSupport module' do expect(plugin_class.ancestors).to_not include(LogStash::PluginMixins::HttpClient::DeprecatedSslConfigSupport) end it 'does not include ObsoleteSslConfigSupport module' do expect(plugin_class.ancestors).to_not include(LogStash::PluginMixins::HttpClient::ObsoleteSslConfigSupport) end end describe PluginWithDeprecatedTrue do let(:plugin_class) { PluginWithDeprecatedTrue } it 'does not include ObsoleteSslConfigSupport module' do expect(plugin_class.ancestors).to_not include(LogStash::PluginMixins::HttpClient::ObsoleteSslConfigSupport) end it_behaves_like 'a client with deprecated ssl options' it_behaves_like 'a client with standardized ssl options' context 'setting deprecate configs' do let(:cacert) { Stud::Temporary.file.path } let(:client_cert) { Stud::Temporary.file.path } let(:client_key) { Stud::Temporary.file.path } let(:keystore) { Stud::Temporary.file.path } let(:keystore_type) { 'pkcs12' } let(:keystore_password) { 'bar' } let(:truststore) { Stud::Temporary.file.path } let(:truststore_type) { 'pkcs12' } let(:truststore_password) { 'foo' } let(:settings) do { 'cacert' => cacert, 'client_cert' => client_cert, 'client_key' => client_key, 'keystore' => keystore, 'keystore_password' => keystore_password, 'keystore_type' => keystore_type, 'truststore' => truststore, 'truststore_password' => truststore_password, 'truststore_type' => truststore_type } end subject(:plugin_instance) { } after do File.unlink(cacert) File.unlink(client_cert) File.unlink(client_key) File.unlink(keystore) File.unlink(truststore) end it 'normalizes deprecated settings' do expect(plugin_instance.ssl_certificate_authorities).to eq([cacert]) expect(plugin_instance.ssl_certificate).to eq(client_cert) expect(plugin_instance.ssl_key).to eq(client_key) expect(plugin_instance.ssl_keystore_path).to eq(keystore) expect(plugin_instance.ssl_keystore_password.value).to eq(keystore_password) expect(plugin_instance.ssl_keystore_type).to eq(keystore_type) expect(plugin_instance.ssl_truststore_path).to eq(truststore) expect(plugin_instance.ssl_truststore_password.value).to eq(truststore_password) expect(plugin_instance.ssl_truststore_type).to eq(truststore_type) end end it 'includes DeprecatedSslConfigSupport module' do expect(plugin_class.ancestors).to include(LogStash::PluginMixins::HttpClient::DeprecatedSslConfigSupport) end end describe "PluginWithObsoleteAndDeprecatedTrue" do it 'raises an error when trying to create a class with obsolete and deprecated both true' do expect { class PluginWithObsoleteAndDeprecatedTrue < LogStash::Inputs::Base include LogStash::PluginMixins::HttpClient[:with_obsolete => true, :with_deprecated => true] config_name 'with_obsolete_and_deprecated' end }.to raise_error ArgumentError, "A plugin cannot support deprecated and obsolete SSL settings" end end describe PluginWithObsoleteTrue do let(:plugin_class) { PluginWithObsoleteTrue } it 'includes ObsoleteSslConfigSupport module' do expect(plugin_class.ancestors).to include(LogStash::PluginMixins::HttpClient::ObsoleteSslConfigSupport) end it_behaves_like 'a client with obsolete ssl options' it_behaves_like 'a client with standardized ssl options' end