package org.embulk.input.jira.util; import; import org.apache.http.client.config.CookieSpecs; import org.apache.http.client.config.RequestConfig; import org.apache.http.client.methods.CloseableHttpResponse; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient; import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClientBuilder; import org.embulk.config.ConfigException; import org.embulk.input.jira.Issue; import org.embulk.input.jira.JiraInputPlugin.PluginTask; import org.embulk.spi.Column; import org.embulk.spi.ColumnConfig; import org.embulk.spi.ColumnVisitor; import org.embulk.spi.PageBuilder; import org.embulk.spi.Schema; import org.embulk.spi.json.JsonParser; import org.embulk.spi.time.Timestamp; import org.embulk.spi.time.TimestampParser; import; import; import java.util.List; import; import; import static; import static org.embulk.input.jira.Constant.CREDENTIAL_URI_PATH; import static org.embulk.input.jira.Constant.DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_PATTERN; import static org.embulk.input.jira.Constant.HTTP_TIMEOUT; import static org.embulk.input.jira.Constant.SEARCH_URI_PATH; public final class JiraUtil { private JiraUtil() {} public static int calculateTotalPage(int totalCount, int resultPerPage) { return (int) Math.ceil((double) totalCount / resultPerPage); } public static String buildPermissionUrl(String url) { return UriBuilder.fromUri(url).path(CREDENTIAL_URI_PATH).build().toString(); } public static String buildSearchUrl(String url) { return UriBuilder.fromUri(url).path(SEARCH_URI_PATH).build().toString(); } public static void validateTaskConfig(final PluginTask task) { String username = task.getUsername(); if (isNullOrEmpty(username)) { throw new ConfigException("Username or email could not be empty"); } String password = task.getPassword(); if (isNullOrEmpty(password)) { throw new ConfigException("Password could not be empty"); } String uri = task.getUri(); if (isNullOrEmpty(uri)) { throw new ConfigException("JIRA API endpoint could not be empty"); } try (CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create() .setDefaultRequestConfig(RequestConfig.custom() .setConnectTimeout(HTTP_TIMEOUT) .setConnectionRequestTimeout(HTTP_TIMEOUT) .setSocketTimeout(HTTP_TIMEOUT) .setCookieSpec(CookieSpecs.STANDARD) .build()) .build()) { HttpGet request = new HttpGet(uri); try (CloseableHttpResponse response = client.execute(request)) { response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); } } catch (IOException | IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new ConfigException("JIRA API endpoint is incorrect or not available"); } int retryInitialWaitSec = task.getInitialRetryIntervalMillis(); if (retryInitialWaitSec < 1) { throw new ConfigException("Initial retry delay should be equal or greater than 1"); } int retryLimit = task.getRetryLimit(); if (retryLimit < 0 || retryLimit > 10) { throw new ConfigException("Retry limit should between 0 and 10"); } } /* * For getting the timestamp value of the node * Sometime if the parser could not parse the value then return null * */ private static Timestamp getTimestampValue(PluginTask task, Column column, String value) { List columnConfigs = task.getColumns().getColumns(); String pattern = DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_PATTERN; for (ColumnConfig config : columnConfigs) { if (config.getName().equals(column.getName()) && config.getConfigSource() != null && config.getConfigSource().getObjectNode() != null && config.getConfigSource().getObjectNode().get("format") != null && config.getConfigSource().getObjectNode().get("format").isTextual()) { pattern = config.getConfigSource().getObjectNode().get("format").asText(); break; } } TimestampParser parser = TimestampParser.of(pattern, "UTC"); Timestamp result = null; try { result = parser.parse(value); } catch (Exception e) { } return result; } /* * For getting the Long value of the node * Sometime if error occurs (i.e a JSON value but user modified it as long) then return null * */ private static Long getLongValue(JsonElement value) { Long result = null; try { result = value.getAsLong(); } catch (Exception e) { } return result; } /* * For getting the Double value of the node * Sometime if error occurs (i.e a JSON value but user modified it as double) then return null * */ private static Double getDoubleValue(JsonElement value) { Double result = null; try { result = value.getAsDouble(); } catch (Exception e) { } return result; } /* * For getting the Boolean value of the node * Sometime if error occurs (i.e a JSON value but user modified it as boolean) then return null * */ private static Boolean getBooleanValue(JsonElement value) { Boolean result = null; try { result = value.getAsBoolean(); } catch (Exception e) { } return result; } public static void addRecord(Issue issue, Schema schema, PluginTask task, PageBuilder pageBuilder) { schema.visitColumns(new ColumnVisitor() { @Override public void jsonColumn(Column column) { JsonElement data = issue.getValue(column.getName()); if (data.isJsonNull() || data.isJsonPrimitive()) { pageBuilder.setNull(column); } else { pageBuilder.setJson(column, new JsonParser().parse(data.toString())); } } @Override public void stringColumn(Column column) { JsonElement data = issue.getValue(column.getName()); if (data.isJsonNull()) { pageBuilder.setNull(column); } else if (data.isJsonPrimitive()) { pageBuilder.setString(column, data.getAsString()); } else if (data.isJsonArray()) { pageBuilder.setString(column,, false) .map(obj -> { if (obj.isJsonPrimitive()) { return obj.getAsString(); } else { return obj.toString(); } }) .collect(Collectors.joining(","))); } else { pageBuilder.setString(column, data.toString()); } } @Override public void timestampColumn(Column column) { JsonElement data = issue.getValue(column.getName()); if (data.isJsonNull() || data.isJsonObject() || data.isJsonArray()) { pageBuilder.setNull(column); } else { Timestamp value = getTimestampValue(task, column, data.getAsString()); if (value == null) { pageBuilder.setNull(column); } else { pageBuilder.setTimestamp(column, value); } } } @Override public void booleanColumn(Column column) { Boolean value = getBooleanValue(issue.getValue(column.getName())); if (value == null) { pageBuilder.setNull(column); } else { pageBuilder.setBoolean(column, value); } } @Override public void longColumn(Column column) { Long value = getLongValue(issue.getValue(column.getName())); if (value == null) { pageBuilder.setNull(column); } else { pageBuilder.setLong(column, value); } } @Override public void doubleColumn(Column column) { Double value = getDoubleValue(issue.getValue(column.getName())); if (value == null) { pageBuilder.setNull(column); } else { pageBuilder.setDouble(column, value); } } }); pageBuilder.addRecord(); } }