Feature: Ganbaruzoi Scenario: Init new project with ganbaruzoi Given I run `middleman init MY_PROJECT -T ganbaruzoi` Then the exit status should be 0 When I cd to "MY_PROJECT" Then the following files should exist: | Gemfile | | config.rb | | source/index.html.slim | | source/layouts/layout.slim | | source/partial/_header.slim | | source/partial/_footer.slim | | source/partial/_script.slim | | source/assets/stylesheets/style.sass | | source/assets/stylesheets/_mixin.sass | | source/assets/stylesheets/options/_normalize.scss | | source/assets/stylesheets/variables/_color.scss | | source/assets/stylesheets/variables/_common.sass | | source/assets/javascripts/all.js.coffee | And a directory named "source/assets/images" should exist