require "hydra/testing_server" # if you would like to see solr startup messages on STDERR # when starting solr test server during functional tests use: # # rake SOLR_CONSOLE=true JETTY_PARAMS = { :quiet => ENV['HYDRA_CONSOLE'] ? false : true, :jetty_home => ENV['HYDRA_JETTY_HOME'], :jetty_port => 8983, :solr_home => ENV['HYDRA_SOLR_HOME'], :fedora_home => ENV['HYDRA_SOLR_HOME'] } #:jetty_port => ENV['HYDRA_JETTY_PORT'], namespace :jetty do desc "Apply all configs to Testing Server (relies on hydra:jetty:config tasks unless you override it)" task :config do Rake::Task["hydra:jetty:config"].invoke end end namespace :hydra do namespace :jetty do desc "Starts the bundled Hydra Testing Server" task :start do Hydra::TestingServer.configure(JETTY_PARAMS) Hydra::TestingServer.instance.start end desc "Stops the bundled Hydra Testing Server" task :stop do Hydra::TestingServer.instance.stop end desc "Restarts the bundled Hydra Testing Server" task :restart do Hydra::TestingServer.instance.stop Hydra::TestingServer.configure(JETTY_PARAMS) Hydra::TestingServer.instance.start end desc "Copies the default Solr & Fedora configs into the bundled Hydra Testing Server" task :config do Rake::Task["hydra:jetty:config_fedora"].invoke Rake::Task["hydra:jetty:config_solr"].invoke end desc "Copies the contents of solr_conf into the Solr development-core and test-core of Testing Server" task :config_solr do FileList['solr_conf/*'].each do |f| cp_r("#{f}", 'jetty/solr/development-core/', :verbose => true) cp_r("#{f}", 'jetty/solr/test-core/', :verbose => true) end end desc "Copies a custom fedora config for the bundled Hydra Testing Server" task :config_fedora do # load a custom fedora.fcfg - if defined?(Rails.root) app_root = Rails.root else app_root = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),"..") end fcfg = File.join(app_root,"fedora_conf","conf","fedora.fcfg") puts "PWD:: #{FileUtils.pwd}" if File.exists?(fcfg) puts "copying over fedora.fcfg" cp("#{fcfg}", 'jetty/fedora/default/server/config/', :verbose => true) else puts "#{fcfg} file not found -- skipping fedora config" end end desc "Copies the default SOLR config files and starts up the fedora instance." task :load => [:config, :start] desc "Returns the status of the Hydra::TestingServer." task :status do status = ? "Running: #{}" : "Not running" puts status end end end