require 'hammer_cli/exception_handler' require 'hammer_cli/logger_watch' require 'hammer_cli/options/option_definition' require 'hammer_cli/clamp' require 'logging' module HammerCLI class CommandConflict < StandardError; end class AbstractCommand < Clamp::Command class << self attr_accessor :validation_block end def adapter :base end def run(arguments) exit_code = super raise "exit code must be integer" unless exit_code.is_a? Integer return exit_code rescue => e handle_exception e end def parse(arguments) super validate_options safe_options = options.dup safe_options.keys.each { |k| safe_options[k] = '***' if k.end_with?('password') } "Called with options: %s" % safe_options.inspect rescue HammerCLI::Validator::ValidationError => e signal_usage_error e.message end def execute HammerCLI::EX_OK end def self.validate_options(&block) self.validation_block = block end def validate_options &self.class.validation_block if self.class.validation_block end def exception_handler @exception_handler ||= => output) end def initialize(*args) super context[:path] ||= [] context[:path] << self end def parent_command context[:path][-2] end def self.remove_subcommand(name) self.recognised_subcommands.delete_if do |sc| if sc.is_called?(name) "subcommand #{name} (#{sc.subcommand_class}) was removed." true else false end end end def self.subcommand!(name, description, subcommand_class = self, &block) remove_subcommand(name) self.subcommand(name, description, subcommand_class, &block) "subcommand #{name} (#{subcommand_class}) was created." end def self.subcommand(name, description, subcommand_class = self, &block) existing = find_subcommand(name) if existing raise HammerCLI::CommandConflict, "can't replace subcommand #{name} (#{existing.subcommand_class}) with #{name} (#{subcommand_class})" end super end class SortedBuilder < Clamp::Help::Builder def add_list(heading, items) items.sort! do |a, b|[0] <=>[0] end super(heading, items) end end def help, end def self.output(definition=nil, &block) dsl = &block if block_given? output_definition.append definition.fields unless definition.nil? output_definition.append dsl.fields end def output @output ||=, :default_adapter => adapter) end def output_definition self.class.output_definition end def self.inherited_output_definition od = nil if superclass.respond_to? :output_definition od_super = superclass.output_definition od = od_super.dup unless od_super.nil? end od end def self.output_definition @output_definition = @output_definition || inherited_output_definition || @output_definition end def interactive? HammerCLI.interactive? end def self.option_builder @option_builder ||= = custom_option_builders @option_builder end def self.custom_option_builders [] end def self.build_options(builder_params={}) do |option| # skip switches that are already defined next if option.nil? or option.switches.any? {|s| find_option(s) } declared_options << option block ||= option.default_conversion_block define_accessors_for(option, &block) end end protected def print_record(definition, record) output.print_record(definition, record) end def print_collection(definition, collection) output.print_collection(definition, collection) end def print_message(msg, msg_params={}) output.print_message(msg, msg_params) end def self.logger(name=self) logger = Logging.logger[name] logger.extend(HammerCLI::Logger::Watch) if not logger.respond_to? :watch logger end def logger(name=self.class) self.class.logger(name) end def validator options = self.class.recognised_options.collect{|opt| opt.of(self)} @validator ||= end def handle_exception(e) exception_handler.handle_exception(e) end def exception_handler_class #search for exception handler class in parent modules/classes module_list ='::').inject([Object]) do |mod, class_name| mod << mod[-1].const_get(class_name) end module_list.reverse.each do |mod| return mod.send(:exception_handler_class) if mod.respond_to? :exception_handler_class end return HammerCLI::ExceptionHandler end def self.desc(desc=nil) @desc = desc if desc @desc end def self.command_name(name=nil) @name = name if name @name || (superclass.respond_to?(:command_name) ? superclass.command_name : nil) end def self.autoload_subcommands commands = { |c| const_get(c) }.select { |c| c <= HammerCLI::AbstractCommand } commands.each do |cls| subcommand cls.command_name, cls.desc, cls end end def self.define_simple_writer_for(attribute, &block) define_method(attribute.write_method) do |value| value = instance_exec(value, &block) if block if attribute.respond_to?(:context_target) && attribute.context_target context[attribute.context_target] = value end attribute.of(self).set(value) end end def self.option(switches, type, description, opts = {}, &block), type, description, opts).tap do |option| declared_options << option block ||= option.default_conversion_block define_accessors_for(option, &block) end end def all_options self.class.recognised_options.inject({}) do |h, opt| h[opt.attribute_name] = send(opt.read_method) h end end def options all_options.reject {|key, value| value.nil? } end end end