# This file provided many common build-related tasks and helper methods from # the SIMP Rakefile ecosystem. require 'rake' require 'rake/clean' require 'rake/tasklib' require 'fileutils' require 'find' require 'simp/rpm' require 'simp/rake/helpers/rpm_spec' module Simp; end module Simp::Rake class Pkg < ::Rake::TaskLib include Simp::Rake::Helpers::RPMSpec # path to the project's directory. Usually `File.dirname(__FILE__)` attr_accessor :base_dir # the name of the package. Usually `File.basename(@base_dir)` attr_accessor :pkg_name # path to the project's RPM specfile attr_accessor :spec_file # path to the directory to place generated assets (e.g., rpm, srpm, tar.gz) attr_accessor :pkg_dir # array of items to exclude from the tarball attr_accessor :exclude_list # array of items to additionally clean attr_accessor :clean_list # array of items to ignore when checking if the tarball needs to be rebuilt attr_accessor :ignore_changes_list attr_reader :spec_info def initialize( base_dir, unique_name=nil, unique_namespace=nil, simp_version=nil ) @base_dir = base_dir @pkg_name = File.basename(@base_dir) @pkg_dir = File.join(@base_dir, 'dist') @pkg_tmp_dir = File.join(@pkg_dir, 'tmp') @pkg_stash_dir = File.join(@pkg_tmp_dir, '.stash') @exclude_list = [ File.basename(@pkg_dir) ] @clean_list = [] @ignore_changes_list = [ 'Gemfile.lock', 'spec/fixtures/modules' ] @chroot_name = unique_name local_spec = Dir.glob(File.join(@base_dir, 'build', '*.spec')) unless local_spec.empty? @spec_file = local_spec.first else FileUtils.mkdir_p(@pkg_stash_dir) unless File.directory?(@pkg_stash_dir) @spec_tempfile = File.open(File.join(@pkg_tmp_dir, "#{@pkg_name}.spec"), 'w') @spec_tempfile.write(rpm_template(simp_version)) @spec_file = @spec_tempfile.path @spec_tempfile.flush @spec_tempfile.close FileUtils.chmod(0640, @spec_file) end # The following are required to build successful RPMs using the new # LUA-based RPM template @puppet_module_info_files = [ @spec_file, %(#{@base_dir}/build), %(#{@base_dir}/CHANGELOG), %(#{@base_dir}/metadata.json) ] ::CLEAN.include( @pkg_dir ) yield self if block_given? ::CLEAN.include( @clean_list ) if unique_namespace namespace unique_namespace.to_sym do define end else define end end def define # For the most part, we don't want to hear Rake's noise, unless it's an error # TODO: Make this configurable verbose(false) define_clean define_clobber define_pkg_tar define_pkg_srpm define_pkg_rpm define_pkg_scrub define_pkg_check_version task :default => 'pkg:tar' Rake::Task['pkg:tar'].enhance(['pkg:restore_stash']) Rake::Task['pkg:srpm'].enhance(['pkg:restore_stash']) Rake::Task['pkg:rpm'].enhance(['pkg:restore_stash']) self end # Add a file to the pkg stash # These will be restored to the @pkg_dir at the end of the run def stash(file) FileUtils.mv(file, @pkg_stash_dir) end # Restore everything from the stash dir def restore_stash Dir.glob(File.join(@pkg_stash_dir, '*')).each do |file| FileUtils.mv(file, @pkg_dir) end end # Initialize the mock space if passed and retrieve the spec info from that # space directly. # # Ensures that the correct file names are used across the board. def initialize_spec_info(chroot, unique='false') unless @spec_info # This gets the resting spec file and allows us to pull out the name @spec_info = Simp::RPM.get_info(@spec_file) @spec_info_dir = @base_dir if chroot @chroot_name = @chroot_name || "#{@spec_info[:name]}__#{ENV.fetch( 'USER', 'USER' )}" if ENV['SIMP_PKG_rand_name'] && (ENV['SIMP_PKG_rand_name'] != 'no') @chroot_name = @chroot_name + '__' + Time.now.strftime('%s%L') end if @spec_info[:has_dist_tag] mock_cmd = mock_pre_check( chroot, @chroot_name, unique ) + " --root #{chroot}" # Need to do this in case there is already a directory in /tmp rand_dirname = (0...10).map { ('a'..'z').to_a[rand(26)] }.join rand_tmpdir = %(/tmp/#{rand_dirname}_tmp) # Hack to work around the fact that we have conflicting '-D' entries # TODO: Refactor this mock_cmd = mock_cmd.split(/-D '.*?'/).join mock_cmd = "#{mock_cmd} -D 'pup_module_info_dir #{rand_tmpdir}'" sh %Q(#{mock_cmd} --chroot 'mkdir -p #{rand_tmpdir}') @puppet_module_info_files.each do |copy_in| if File.exist?(copy_in) sh %Q(#{mock_cmd} --copyin #{copy_in} #{rand_tmpdir}) end end sh %Q(#{mock_cmd} --chroot 'chmod -R ugo+rwX #{rand_tmpdir}') info_hash = { :command => %Q(#{mock_cmd} --chroot --cwd='#{rand_tmpdir}'), :rpm_extras => %(--specfile #{rand_tmpdir}/#{File.basename(@spec_file)} ) } @spec_info = Simp::RPM.get_info(@spec_file, info_hash) end end @dir_name = "#{@spec_info[:name]}-#{@spec_info[:version]}" _full_pkg_name = "#{@dir_name}-#{@spec_info[:release]}" @full_pkg_name = _full_pkg_name.gsub("%{?snapshot_release}","") @tar_dest = "#{@pkg_dir}/#{@full_pkg_name}.tar.gz" if @tar_dest =~ /UNKNOWN/ fail("Error: Could not determine package information from 'metadata.json'. Got '#{File.basename(@tar_dest)}'") end end end def define_clean desc <<-EOM Clean build artifacts for #{@pkg_name} (except for mock) EOM task :clean do |t,args| # this is provided by 'rake/clean' and the ::CLEAN constant end end def define_clobber desc <<-EOM Clobber build artifacts for #{@pkg_name} (except for mock) EOM task :clobber do |t,args| end end def define_pkg_tar namespace :pkg do directory @pkg_dir task :restore_stash do |t,args| at_exit { restore_stash } end task :initialize_spec_info,[:chroot,:unique] => [@pkg_dir] do |t,args| args.with_defaults(:chroot => nil) args.with_defaults(:unique => false) initialize_spec_info(args[:chroot], args[:unique]) end # :pkg:tar # ----------------------------- desc <<-EOM Build the #{@pkg_name} tar package. * :snapshot_release - Add snapshot_release (date and time) to rpm version, rpm spec file must have macro for this to work. EOM task :tar,[:chroot,:unique,:snapshot_release] => [:initialize_spec_info] do |t,args| args.with_defaults(:snapshot_release => 'false') args.with_defaults(:chroot => nil) args.with_defaults(:unique => 'false') l_date = '' if args[:snapshot_release] == 'true' l_date = '.' + "#{TIMESTAMP}" @tar_dest = "#{@pkg_dir}/#{@full_pkg_name}#{l_date}.tar.gz" end # Remove any tar files that are not from this version tar_files = Dir.glob(%(#{@pkg_dir}/#{@spec_info[:name]}-#{@spec_info[:version]}*.tar.gz)) tar_files.delete(@tar_dest) tar_files.each do |tf| stash(tf) end target_dir = File.basename(@base_dir) Dir.chdir(%(#{@base_dir}/..)) do require_rebuild = false if File.exist?(@tar_dest) Find.find(target_dir) do |path| filename = File.basename(path) Find.prune if filename =~ /^\./ Find.prune if ((filename == File.basename(@pkg_dir)) && File.directory?(path)) to_ignore = @ignore_changes_list.map{|x| x = Dir.glob(File.join(@base_dir, x))}.flatten Find.prune if to_ignore.include?(File.expand_path(path)) next if File.directory?(path) unless uptodate?(@tar_dest,[path]) require_rebuild = true break end end else require_rebuild = true end if require_rebuild sh %Q(tar --owner 0 --group 0 --exclude-vcs --exclude=#{@exclude_list.join(' --exclude=')} --transform='s/^#{@pkg_name}/#{@dir_name}/' -cpzf "#{@tar_dest}" #{@pkg_name}) end end end end end def define_pkg_srpm namespace :pkg do desc <<-EOM Build the #{@pkg_name} SRPM. Building RPMs requires a working Mock setup (http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Projects/Mock) * :chroot - The Mock chroot configuration to use. See the '--root' option in mock(1)." * :unique - Whether or not to build the SRPM in a unique Mock environment. This can be very useful for parallel builds of all modules. * :snapshot_release - Add snapshot_release (date and time) to rpm version. Rpm spec file must have macro for this to work. By default, the package will be built to support a SIMP-6.X file structure. To build the package for a different version of SIMP, export SIMP_BUILD_version=<5.X,4.X> EOM task :srpm,[:chroot,:unique,:snapshot_release] => [:tar] do |t,args| args.with_defaults(:unique => 'false') args.with_defaults(:snapshot_release => 'false') l_date = '' if args[:snapshot_release] == 'true' l_date = '.' + "#{TIMESTAMP}" mocksnap = "-D 'snapshot_release #{l_date}'" @tar_dest = "#{@pkg_dir}/#{@full_pkg_name}#{l_date}.tar.gz" end srpms = Dir.glob(%(#{@pkg_dir}/#{@spec_info[:name]}*-#{@spec_info[:version]}-*#{l_date}*.src.rpm)) # Get rid of any SRPMs that are not of this distribution build if we # have found one if @spec_info[:dist_tag] srpms.delete_if do |srpm| if srpm.split(@spec_info[:dist_tag]).last != '.src.rpm' if File.exist?(srpm) stash(srpm) end true else false end end end if require_rebuild?(srpms, @tar_dest) mock_cmd = mock_pre_check( args[:chroot], @chroot_name, args[:unique] ) @puppet_module_info_files.each do |file| next unless File.exist?(file) Find.find(file) do |path| next if File.directory?(path) tgt_file = File.join(@pkg_dir, File.basename(path)) FileUtils.remove_entry_secure(tgt_file) if File.exist?(tgt_file) FileUtils.cp(path, @pkg_dir) if File.exist?(path) end end cmd = %Q(#{mock_cmd} --root #{args[:chroot]} #{mocksnap} --buildsrpm --spec #{@spec_file} --sources #{@pkg_dir}) sh cmd end end end end def define_pkg_rpm namespace :pkg do desc <<-EOM Build the #{@pkg_name} RPM. Building RPMs requires a working Mock setup (http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Projects/Mock) * :chroot - The Mock chroot configuration to use. See the '--root' option in mock(1)." * :unique - Whether or not to build the RPM in a unique Mock environment. This can be very useful for parallel builds of all modules. * :snapshot_release - Add snapshot_release (date and time) to rpm version. Rpm spec file must have macro for this to work. By default, the package will be built to support a SIMP-6.X file structure. To build the package for a different version of SIMP, export SIMP_BUILD_version=<5.X,4.X> EOM task :rpm,[:chroot,:unique,:snapshot_release] => [:srpm] do |t,args| args.with_defaults(:unique => 'false') args.with_defaults(:snapshot_release => 'false') l_date = '' if args[:snapshot_release] == 'true' l_date = '.' + "#{TIMESTAMP}" mocksnap = "-D 'snapshot_release #{l_date}'" @tar_dest = "#{@pkg_dir}/#{@full_pkg_name}#{l_date}.tar.gz" end rpms = Dir.glob(%(#{@pkg_dir}/#{@spec_info[:name]}-*#{@spec_info[:version]}-*#{l_date}*.rpm)) srpms = rpms.select{|x| x =~ /src\.rpm$/} rpms = (rpms - srpms) # Get rid of any RPMs that are not of this distribution build if we # have found one if @spec_info[:dist_tag] rpms.delete_if do |rpm| if rpm.split(@spec_info[:dist_tag]).last != ".#{@spec_info[:arch]}.rpm" if File.exist?(rpm) stash(rpm) end true else false end end end srpms.each do |srpm| dirname = File.dirname(srpm) basename = File.basename(srpm,'.src.rpm') srpm_info = Simp::RPM.get_info(srpm) rpm = [File.join(dirname, basename), srpm_info[:arch], 'rpm'].join('.') if require_rebuild?(rpm, srpm) mock_cmd = mock_pre_check(args[:chroot], @chroot_name, args[:unique]) cmd = %Q(#{mock_cmd} --root #{args[:chroot]} #{mocksnap} #{srpm}) sh cmd # remote chroot unless told not to (saves LOTS of space during ISO builds) unless ENV['SIMP_RAKE_MOCK_cleanup'] == 'no' cmd = %Q(#{mock_cmd} --root #{args[:chroot]} --clean) sh cmd end end end end end end def define_pkg_scrub namespace :pkg do # :pkg:scrub # ----------------------------- desc <<-EOM Scrub the #{@pkg_name} mock build directory. EOM task :scrub,[:chroot,:unique] do |t,args| args.with_defaults(:unique => 'false') mock_cmd = mock_pre_check( args[:chroot], @chroot_name, args[:unique], false ) cmd = %Q(#{mock_cmd} --scrub=all) sh cmd end end end def define_pkg_check_version namespace :pkg do # :pkg:check_version # ----------------------------- desc <<-EOM Ensure that #{@pkg_name} has a properly updated version number. EOM task :check_version do |t,args| require 'json' # Get the current version if File.exist?('metadata.json') mod_version = JSON.load(File.read('metadata.json'))['version'].strip success_msg = "#{@pkg_name}: Version #{mod_version} up to date" # If we have no tags, we need a new version if %x(git tag).strip.empty? puts "#{@pkg_name}: New Version Required" else # See if the module is newer than all tags matching_tag = %x(git tag --points-at HEAD).strip.split("\n").first if matching_tag.nil? || matching_tag.empty? # We don't have a matching release # Get the closest tag nearest_tag = %x(git describe --abbrev=0 --tags).strip if mod_version == nearest_tag puts "#{@pkg_name}: Error: metadata.json needs to be updated past #{mod_version}" else # Check the CHANGELOG Version if File.exist?('CHANGELOG') changelog = File.read('CHANGELOG') changelog_version = nil # Find the first date line changelog.each_line do |line| if line =~ /\*.*(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)(-\d+)?\s*$/ changelog_version = $1 break end end if changelog_version if changelog_version == mod_version puts success_msg else puts "#{@pkg_name}: Error: CHANGELOG version #{changelog_version} out of date for version #{mod_version}" end else puts "#{@pkg_name}: Error: No CHANGELOG version found" end else puts "#{@pkg_name}: Warning: No CHANGELOG found" end end else if mod_version != matching_tag puts "#{@pkg_name}: Error: Tag #{matching_tag} does not match version #{mod_version}" else puts success_msg end end end else puts "#{@pkg_name}: No metadata.json found" end end end end # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # helper methods # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Get a list of all of the mock configs available on the system. def Pkg.get_mock_configs Dir.glob('/etc/mock/*.cfg').sort.map{ |x| x = File.basename(x,'.cfg')} end # Return True if any of the 'old' Array are newer than the 'new' Array def require_rebuild?(new, old) return true if ( Array(old).empty? || Array(new).empty?) Array(new).each do |new_file| unless File.exist?(new_file) return true end unless uptodate?(new_file, Array(old)) return true end end return false end # Run some pre-checks to make sure that mock will work properly. # # chroot = name of mock chroot to use # unique_ext = TODO # Pass init=false if you do not want the function to initialize. # # Returns a String that contains the appropriate mock command. def mock_pre_check( chroot, unique_ext, unique='false', init=true ) mock = ENV['mock'] || '/usr/bin/mock' raise(StandardError,"Could not find mock on your system, exiting") unless File.executable?(mock) mock_configs = Pkg.get_mock_configs unless chroot raise(StandardError, "Error: No mock chroot provided. Your choices are:\n #{mock_configs.join("\n ")}" ) end # If you pass a config file, just take it unless chroot.split('.').last == 'cfg' unless mock_configs.include?(chroot) raise(StandardError, "Error: Invalid mock chroot provided. Your choices are:\n #{mock_configs.join("\n ")}" ) end end raise %Q(unique_ext must be a String ("#{unique_ext}" = #{unique_ext.class})) unless unique_ext.is_a?(String) # if true, restrict yum to the chroot's local yum cache (defaults to false) mock_offline = ENV.fetch( 'SIMP_RAKE_MOCK_OFFLINE', 'N' ).chomp.index( %r{^(1|Y|true|yes)$} ) || false mock_cmd = "#{mock} --quiet" mock_cmd += " --uniqueext=#{unique_ext}" if unique mock_cmd += ' --offline' if mock_offline initialized = is_mock_initialized(mock_cmd, chroot) unless initialized && init sh %Q(#{mock_cmd} --root #{chroot} --init #{unique_ext}) else # Remove any old build cruft from the mock directory. # This is kludgy but WAY faster than rebuilding them all, even with a cache. sh %Q(#{mock_cmd} --root #{chroot} --chroot "/bin/rm -rf /builddir/build/BUILDROOT /builddir/build/*/*") end # Install useful stock packages if ENV.fetch( 'SIMP_RAKE_MOCK_EXTRAS', 'yes' ) == 'yes' pkgs = ['openssl', 'openssl-devel'] env_pkgs = ENV.fetch('SIMP_RAKE_MOCK_PKGS','') unless env_pkgs.empty? pkgs = pkgs + env_pkgs.split(',') end pkgs.each do |pkg| sh %Q(#{mock_cmd} --root #{chroot} --install #{pkg}) end end return mock_cmd + " --no-clean --no-cleanup-after --resultdir=#{@pkg_dir} --disable-plugin=package_state" end def is_mock_initialized( mock_cmd, chroot ) @@initialized_mocks ||= [] return true if @@initialized_mocks.include?(chroot) %x{#{mock_cmd} --root #{chroot} --chroot "test -d /tmp" &> /dev/null } initialized = $?.success? @@initialized_mocks << chroot # A simple test to see if the chroot is initialized. initialized end end end