require 'rubygems'
require 'sqlite3'
=begin rdoc
A #Dataset defines a single 3D or 4D image, i.e. either a volume or a time series
of volumes. This encapsulation will provide easy manipulation of groups of raw
image files including basic reconstruction.
class RawImageDataset
# The directory that contains all the raw images and related files that make up
# this data set.
attr_reader :directory
# An array of #RawImageFile objects that compose the complete data set.
attr_reader :raw_image_files
# From the first raw image file in the dataset
attr_reader :series_description
# From the first raw image file in the dataset
attr_reader :rmr_number
# From the first raw image file in the dataset
attr_reader :timestamp
# A key string unique to a dataset composed of the rmr number and the timestamp.
attr_reader :dataset_key
# the file scanned
attr_reader :scanned_file
=begin rdoc
* dir: The directory containing the files.
* files: An array of #RawImageFile objects that compose the complete data set.
Initialization raises errors in several cases:
* directory doesn't exist => IOError
* any of the raw image files is not actually a RawImageFile => IndexError
* series description, rmr number, or timestamp cannot be extracted from the first RawImageFile => IndexError
def initialize(directory, raw_image_files)
@directory = File.expand_path(directory)
raise(IOError, "#{@directory} not found.") if not
raise(IOError, "No raw image files supplied.") if (raw_image_files.nil? or raw_image_files.empty?)
raw_image_files.each do |im|
raise(IndexError, im.to_s + " is not a RawImageFile") if im.class.to_s != "RawImageFile"
@raw_image_files = raw_image_files
@series_description = @raw_image_files.first.series_description
raise(IndexError, "No series description found") if @series_description.nil?
@rmr_number = @raw_image_files.first.rmr_number
raise(IndexError, "No rmr found") if @rmr_number.nil?
@timestamp = get_earliest_timestamp
raise(IndexError, "No timestamp found") if @timestamp.nil?
@dataset_key = @rmr_number + "::" + @timestamp.to_s
@scanned_file = @raw_image_files.first.filename
raise(IndexError, "No scanned file found") if @scanned_file.nil?
=begin rdoc
Generates an SQL insert statement for this dataset that can be used to populate
the Johnson Lab rails TransferScans application database backend. The motivation
for this is that many dataset inserts can be collected into one db transaction
at the visit level, or even higher when doing a whole file system scan.
def db_insert(visit_id)
"INSERT INTO image_datasets
(rmr, series_description, path, timestamp, created_at, updated_at, visit_id,
glob, rep_time, bold_reps, slices_per_volume, scanned_file)
VALUES ('#{@rmr_number}', '#{@series_description}', '#{@directory}', '#{@timestamp.to_s}', '#{}',
'#{}', '#{visit_id}', '#{self.glob}', '#{@raw_image_files.first.rep_time}',
'#{@raw_image_files.first.bold_reps}', '#{@raw_image_files.first.num_slices}', '#{@scanned_file}')"
def db_update(dataset_id)
"UPDATE image_datasets SET
rmr = '#{@rmr_number}',
series_description = '#{@series_description}',
path = '#{@directory}',
timestamp = '#{@timestamp.to_s}',
updated_at = '#{}',
glob = '#{self.glob}',
rep_time = '#{@raw_image_files.first.rep_time}',
bold_reps = '#{@raw_image_files.first.bold_reps}',
slices_per_volume = '#{@raw_image_files.first.num_slices}',
scanned_file = '#{@scanned_file}'
WHERE id = '#{dataset_id}'"
def db_fetch
"SELECT * FROM image_datasets
WHERE rmr = '#{@rmr_number}'
AND path = '#{@directory}'
AND timestamp LIKE '#{@timestamp.to_s.split(/\+|Z/).first}%'"
=begin rdoc
Returns a globbing wildcard that is used by to3D to gather files for
reconstruction. If no compatible glob is found for the data set, nil is returned.
This is always the case for pfiles. For example if the first file in a data set is I.001, then:
=> "I.*"
including the quotes, which are necessary becuase some data sets (functional dicoms)
have more component files than shell commands can handle.
def glob
case @raw_image_files.first.filename
when /^E.*dcm$/
return 'E*.dcm'
when /\.dcm$/
return '*.dcm'
when /^I\./
return 'I.*'
when /^I/
return 'I*.dcm'
when /\.0/
return '*.0*'
return nil
# Gets the earliest timestamp among the raw image files in this dataset.
def get_earliest_timestamp
@timestamp = (@raw_image_files.sort_by { |i| i.timestamp }).first.timestamp
#### END OF CLASS ####