module Onebox module Engine class GithubBlobOnebox include Engine include LayoutSupport MAX_LINES = 20 MAX_CHARS = 5000 matches_regexp(/^https?:\/\/(www\.)?github\.com.*\/blob\//) private def raw return @raw if @raw m = @url.match(/github\.com\/(?[^\/]+)\/(?[^\/]+)\/blob\/(?[^\/]+)\/(?[^#]+)(#(L(?[^-]*)(-L(?.*))?))?/mi) if m from = (m[:from] || -1).to_i to = (m[:to] || -1).to_i @file = m[:file] contents = open("{m[:user]}/#{m[:repo]}/#{m[:sha1]}/#{m[:file]}", read_timeout: timeout).read if from > 0 if to < 0 from = from - 10 to = from + 20 end if to > from contents = contents.split("\n")[].join("\n") end end if contents.length > MAX_CHARS contents = contents[0..MAX_CHARS] @truncated = true end split = contents.split("\n") if split.length > MAX_LINES contents = split[0..MAX_LINES].join("\n") @truncated = true end @raw = contents end end def data @data ||= {title: link.sub(/^https?\:\/\//, ''), link: link, content: raw, truncated: @truncated} end end end end