language: ruby rvm: - 2.4.0 - 2.3.3 - 2.2.6 gemfile: - gemfiles/activerecord_5.0.gemfile - gemfiles/activerecord_4.2.gemfile env: - DB=postgresql - DB=mysql - DB=sqlite before_install: - gem install bundler script: WITH_ADVISORY_LOCK_PREFIX=$TRAVIS_JOB_ID bundle exec rake --trace before_script: - mysql -e 'create database with_advisory_lock_test' - psql -c 'create database with_advisory_lock_test' -U postgres matrix: allow_failures: - gemfile: gemfiles/activerecord_edge.gemfile - rvm: jruby-19mode # travis' version of jruby has issues. Tests pass with jruby 1.7.13/java 1.8.0_11 on mac. - rvm: rbx-2