# # Copyright 2012 Mortar Data Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "vendor/mortar/uuid" require "mortar/helpers" require "set" module Mortar module Git class GitError < RuntimeError; end class Git # # core commands # def has_git?(major_version=1, minor_version=7, revision_version=7) # Needs to have git version 1.7.7 or greater. Earlier versions lack # the necessary untracked option for stash. git_version_output, has_git = run_cmd("git --version") if has_git git_version = git_version_output.split(" ")[2] versions = git_version.split(".") is_ok_version = versions[0].to_i >= major_version + 1 || ( versions[0].to_i == major_version && versions[1].to_i >= minor_version + 1 ) || ( versions[0].to_i == major_version && versions[1].to_i == minor_version && versions[2].to_i >= revision_version) end has_git && is_ok_version end def ensure_has_git unless has_git? raise GitError, "git 1.7.7 or higher must be installed" end end def run_cmd(cmd) begin output = %x{#{cmd}} rescue Exception => e output = "" end return [output, $?.success?] end def has_dot_git? File.directory?(".git") end def git_init ensure_has_git run_cmd("git init") end def git(args, check_success=true, check_git_directory=true) ensure_has_git if check_git_directory && !has_dot_git? raise GitError, "No .git directory found" end flattened_args = [args].flatten.compact.join(" ") output = %x{ git #{flattened_args} 2>&1 }.strip success = $?.success? if check_success && (! success) raise GitError, "Error executing 'git #{flattened_args}':\n#{output}" end output end def push_master unless has_commits? raise GitError, "No commits found in repository. You must do an initial commit to initialize the repository." end safe_copy(mortar_manifest_pathlist) do did_stash_changes = stash_working_dir("Stash for push to master") git('push mortar master') end end # # Create a safe temporary directory with a given list of filesystem paths (files or dirs) copied into it # def safe_copy(pathlist, &block) # Copy code into a temp directory so we don't confuse editors while snapshotting curdir = Dir.pwd tmpdir = Dir.mktmpdir FileUtils.cp_r(pathlist, tmpdir) Dir.chdir(tmpdir) if block yield FileUtils.remove_entry_secure(tmpdir) Dir.chdir(curdir) else return tmpdir end end # # Only snapshot filesystem paths that are in a whitelist # def mortar_manifest_pathlist(include_dot_git = true) ensure_valid_mortar_project_manifest() manifest_pathlist = File.read(".mortar-project-manifest").split("\n") if include_dot_git manifest_pathlist << ".git" end manifest_pathlist.each do |path| unless File.exists? path Helpers.error(".mortar-project-manifest includes file/dir \"#{path}\" that is not in the mortar project directory.") end end manifest_pathlist end # # Create a snapshot whitelist file if it doesn't already exist # def ensure_valid_mortar_project_manifest() if File.exists? ".mortar-project-manifest" File.open(".mortar-project-manifest", "r+") do |manifest| contents = manifest.read() manifest.seek(0, IO::SEEK_END) # `contents` in ruby 1.8.7 is array with entries of the # type Fixnum which isn't semantically comparable with # the \n char, but the ascii code 10 is unless (contents[-1] == "\n" or contents[-1] == 10) manifest.puts "" # ensure file ends with a newline end if File.directory?('controlscripts') and not contents.include?('controlscripts') manifest.puts "controlscripts" end if File.directory?("vendor") and not contents.include?("vendor") manifest.puts "vendor" end end else create_mortar_project_manifest('.') end end # # Create a project manifest file # def create_mortar_project_manifest(path) File.open("#{path}/.mortar-project-manifest", 'w') do |manifest| if File.directory? "#{path}/controlscripts" manifest.puts "controlscripts" end if File.directory? "#{path}/fixtures" manifest.puts "fixtures" end manifest.puts "pigscripts" manifest.puts "macros" manifest.puts "udfs" if File.directory? "#{path}/vendor" manifest.puts "vendor" end if File.directory? "#{path}/lib" manifest.puts "lib" end end end # # snapshot # def create_snapshot_branch # TODO: handle Ctrl-C in the middle unless has_commits? raise GitError, "No commits found in repository. You must do an initial commit to initialize the repository." end # Copy code into a temp directory so we don't confuse editors while snapshotting curdir = Dir.pwd tmpdir = safe_copy(mortar_manifest_pathlist) starting_branch = current_branch snapshot_branch = "mortar-snapshot-#{Mortar::UUID.create_random.to_s}" # checkout a new branch git("checkout -b #{snapshot_branch}") # stage all changes (including deletes) git("add .") git("add -u .") # commit the changes if there are any if ! is_clean_working_directory? git("commit -m \"mortar development snapshot commit\"") end Dir.chdir(curdir) return tmpdir, snapshot_branch end def create_and_push_snapshot_branch(project) curdir = Dir.pwd # create a snapshot branch in a temporary directory snapshot_dir, snapshot_branch = Helpers.action("Taking code snapshot") do create_snapshot_branch() end Dir.chdir(snapshot_dir) git_ref = push_with_retry(project.remote, snapshot_branch, "Sending code snapshot to Mortar") FileUtils.remove_entry_secure(snapshot_dir) Dir.chdir(curdir) return git_ref end def retry_snapshot_push? @last_snapshot_retry_sleep_time ||= 0 @snapshot_retry_sleep_time ||= 1 sleep(@snapshot_retry_sleep_time) @last_snapshot_retry_sleep_time, @snapshot_retry_sleep_time = @snapshot_retry_sleep_time, @last_snapshot_retry_sleep_time + @snapshot_retry_sleep_time @snapshot_push_attempts ||= 0 @snapshot_push_attempts += 1 @snapshot_push_attempts < 10 end def mortar_mirrors_dir() "/tmp/mortar-git-mirrors" end def sync_embedded_project(project, branch, git_organization) # the project is not a git repo, so we manage a mirror directory that is a git repo # branch is which branch to sync to. this will be master if the cloud repo # is being initialized, or a branch based on the user's name in any other circumstance project_dir = project.root_path mirror_dir = "#{mortar_mirrors_dir}/#{project.name}" ensure_embedded_project_mirror_exists(mirror_dir, git_organization) sync_embedded_project_with_mirror(mirror_dir, project_dir, branch) git_ref = sync_embedded_project_mirror_with_cloud(mirror_dir, branch) Dir.chdir(project_dir) return git_ref end def ensure_embedded_project_mirror_exists(mirror_dir, git_organization) # create and initialize mirror git repo if it doesn't already exist unless File.directory? mirror_dir unless File.directory? mortar_mirrors_dir FileUtils.mkdir_p mortar_mirrors_dir end # clone mortar-code repo remote_path = File.open(".mortar-project-remote").read.strip clone(remote_path, mirror_dir) Dir.chdir(mirror_dir) # ensure that the mortar remote is defined unless remotes(git_organization).include? "mortar" git("remote add mortar #{remote_path}") end # make an initial commit to the specified branch unless File.exists? ".gitkeep" # flag that signals that the repo has been initialized # initialization is not necessary if this is not the first user to use it File.open(".gitkeep", "w").close() git("add .") git("commit -m \"Setting up embedded Mortar project\"") push_with_retry("mortar", "master", "Setting up embedded Mortar project") end end end def sync_embedded_project_with_mirror(mirror_dir, project_dir, local_branch) # pull from remote branch and overwrite everything, if it exists. # if it doesn't exist, create it. Dir.chdir(mirror_dir) # stash any local changes # so we can change branches w/ impunity stash_working_dir("cleaning out mirror working directory") # fetch remotes git("fetch --all") remote_branch = "mortar/#{local_branch}" if branches.include?(local_branch) # if the local branch already exists, use that git("checkout #{local_branch}") # if a remote branch exists, hard reset the local branch to that # to avoid push conflicts if all_branches.include?("remotes/#{remote_branch}") git("reset --hard #{remote_branch}") end else # start a new local branch off of master git("checkout master") # if a remote branch exists, checkout the local to track the remote if all_branches.include?("remotes/#{remote_branch}") # track the remote branch git("checkout -b #{local_branch} #{remote_branch}") else # start a new branch, nothing to track git("checkout -b #{local_branch}") end end # wipe mirror dir and copy project files into it # since we fetched mortar/master earlier, the git diff will now be b/tw master and the current state # mortar_manifest_pathlist(false) means don't copy .git FileUtils.rm_rf(Dir.glob("#{mirror_dir}/*")) Dir.chdir(project_dir) FileUtils.cp_r(mortar_manifest_pathlist(false), mirror_dir) # update remote branch Dir.chdir(mirror_dir) unless is_clean_working_directory? git("add .") git("add -u .") # this gets deletes git("commit -m \"mortar development snapshot commit\"") end end def sync_embedded_project_mirror_with_cloud(mirror_dir, branch) # checkout snapshot branch. # it will permenantly keep the code in this state (as opposed to the user's base branch, which will be updated) Dir.chdir(mirror_dir) snapshot_branch = "mortar-snapshot-#{Mortar::UUID.create_random.to_s}" git("checkout -b #{snapshot_branch}") # push base branch and snapshot branch push_with_retry("mortar", branch, "Sending code base branch to Mortar") git_ref = push_with_retry("mortar", snapshot_branch, "Sending code snapshot to Mortar") git("checkout #{branch}") return git_ref end # # add # def add(path) git("add #{path}") end # # branch # def branches git("branch") end # # Includes remote tracking branches. # def all_branches git("branch --all") end def current_branch branches.split("\n").each do |branch_listing| # current branch will be the one that starts with *, e.g. # not_my_current_branch # * my_current_branch if branch_listing =~ /^\*\s(\S*)/ return $1 end end raise GitError, "Unable to find current branch in list #{branches}" end def branch_delete(branch_name) git("branch -D #{branch_name}") end # # push # def push(remote_name, ref) git("push #{remote_name} #{ref}") end def push_all(remote_name) git("push #{remote_name} --all") end def push_with_retry(remote_name, branch_name, action_msg, push_all_branches = false) git_ref = Helpers.action(action_msg) do # push the code begin if push_all_branches push_all(remote_name) else push(remote_name, branch_name) end rescue retry if retry_snapshot_push? Helpers.error("Could not connect to github remote. Tried #{@snapshot_push_attempts.to_s} times.") end # grab the commit hash ref = git_ref(branch_name) ref end return git_ref end # # pull # def pull(remote_name, ref) git("pull #{remote_name} #{ref}") end # # remotes # def remotes(git_organization) # returns {git_remote_name => project_name} remotes = {} git("remote -v").split("\n").each do |remote| name, url, method = remote.split(/\s/) if url =~ /^git@([\w\d\.]+):#{git_organization}\/[a-f0-9]{24}+_([\w\d-]+)\.git$$/ || url =~ /^git@([\w\d\.]+):#{git_organization}\/([\w\d-]+)\.git$$/ remotes[name] = $2 end end remotes end def remote_add(name, url) git("remote add #{name} #{url}") end def set_upstream(remote_branch_name) if has_git?(major_version=1, minor_version=8, revision_version=0) git("branch --set-upstream-to #{remote_branch_name}") else git("branch --set-upstream master #{remote_branch_name}") end end # # rev-parse # def git_ref(refname) git("rev-parse --verify --quiet #{refname}") end # # stash # def stash_working_dir(stash_description) stash_output = git("stash save --include-untracked #{stash_description}") did_stash_changes? stash_output end def did_stash_changes?(stash_message) ! (stash_message.include? "No local changes to save") end # # status # def status git('status --porcelain') end def has_commits? # see http://stackoverflow.com/a/5492347 %x{ git rev-parse --verify --quiet HEAD } $?.success? end def is_clean_working_directory? status.empty? end # see https://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/git-status.html#_output GIT_STATUS_CODES__CONFLICT = Set.new ["DD", "AU", "UD", "UA", "DU", "AA", "UU"] def has_conflicts? def status_code(status_str) status_str[0,2] end status_codes = status.split("\n").collect{|s| status_code(s)} ! GIT_STATUS_CODES__CONFLICT.intersection(status_codes).empty? end def untracked_files git("ls-files -o --exclude-standard").split("\n") end # # clone # def clone(git_url, path="", remote_name="origin") git("clone -o %s %s \"%s\"" % [remote_name, git_url, path], true, false) end end end end