Feature: Add Test Kitchen support to an existing project In order to add Test Kitchen to a project with minimal effort As an operator I want to run a command to initialize my project Background: Given a sandboxed GEM_HOME directory named "kitchen-init" @spawn Scenario: Displaying help When I run `kitchen help init` Then the output should contain: """ Usage: kitchen init """ And the exit status should be 0 @spawn Scenario: Running init with default values Given I have a git repository When I run `kitchen init` Then the exit status should be 0 And a directory named "test/integration/default" should exist And the file ".gitignore" should contain ".kitchen/" And the file ".gitignore" should contain ".kitchen.local.yml" And the file ".kitchen.yml" should contain: """ driver: name: vagrant """ And a file named "Gemfile" should not exist And a file named "Rakefile" should not exist And a file named "Thorfile" should not exist And a gem named "kitchen-vagrant" is installed And a file named "chefignore" should exist And the file "chefignore" should contain ".kitchen" Scenario: Running init that creates a Gemfile When I successfully run `kitchen init --create-gemfile` Then the file "Gemfile" should contain "https://rubygems.org" And the file "Gemfile" should contain: """ gem "test-kitchen" """ And the file "Gemfile" should contain: """ gem "kitchen-vagrant" """ And the output should contain "You must run `bundle install'" Scenario: Running init with an existing Gemfile appends to the Gemfile Given a file named "Gemfile" with: """ source "https://rubygems.org" """ When I successfully run `kitchen init` Then the file "Gemfile" should contain exactly: """ source "https://rubygems.org" gem "test-kitchen" gem "kitchen-vagrant" """ And the output should contain "You must run `bundle install'" Scenario: Running init with a Gemfile containing test-kitchen does not re-append Given a file named "Gemfile" with: """ source "https://rubygems.org" gem 'test-kitchen' """ When I successfully run `kitchen init` Then the file "Gemfile" should contain exactly: """ source "https://rubygems.org" gem 'test-kitchen' gem "kitchen-vagrant" """ And the output should contain "You must run `bundle install'" Scenario: Running init with a Gemfile containing the driver gem does not re-append Given a file named "Gemfile" with: """ source "https://rubygems.org" gem 'test-kitchen' gem 'kitchen-ec2' """ When I successfully run `kitchen init --driver=kitchen-ec2` Then the file "Gemfile" should contain exactly: """ source "https://rubygems.org" gem 'test-kitchen' gem 'kitchen-ec2' """ And the output should not contain "You must run `bundle install'" Scenario: Running init with multiple drivers appends to the Gemfile Given an empty file named "Gemfile" When I successfully run `kitchen init --driver=kitchen-bluebox kitchen-wakka` Then the file "Gemfile" should contain: """ gem "kitchen-bluebox" """ And the file "Gemfile" should contain: """ gem "kitchen-wakka" """ And the output should contain "You must run `bundle install'" Scenario: Running init with multiple driver sets the plugin_driver to the first driver given Given an empty file named "Gemfile" When I successfully run `kitchen init --driver=kitchen-bluebox kitchen-wakka` Then the file ".kitchen.yml" should contain: """ driver: name: bluebox """ Scenario: Running init with no drivers sets the plugin_driver to the dummy driver Given an empty file named "Gemfile" When I successfully run `kitchen init --no-driver` Then the file ".kitchen.yml" should contain: """ driver: name: dummy """ Scenario: Running init without a provisioner sets the default provisioner to chef_solo in .kitchen.yml Given an empty file named "Gemfile" When I successfully run `kitchen init --no-driver` Then the file ".kitchen.yml" should contain: """ provisioner: name: chef_solo """ Scenario: Running init with a provisioner sets the provisioner in .kitchen.yml Given an empty file named "Gemfile" When I successfully run `kitchen init --no-driver --provisioner=chef_zero` Then the file ".kitchen.yml" should contain: """ provisioner: name: chef_zero """ Scenario: Running with a Rakefile file appends Kitchen tasks Given an empty file named "Gemfile" And an empty file named "Rakefile" When I successfully run `kitchen init` Then the file "Rakefile" should contain: """ begin require "kitchen/rake_tasks" Kitchen::RakeTasks.new rescue LoadError puts ">>>>> Kitchen gem not loaded, omitting tasks" unless ENV["CI"] end """ Scenario: Running without git doesn't make a .gitignore When I successfully run `kitchen init --no-driver` Then the exit status should be 0 And a file named ".gitignore" should not exist Scenario: Running with a Thorfile file appends Kitchen tasks Given an empty file named "Gemfile" Given an empty file named "Thorfile" When I successfully run `kitchen init` Then the file "Thorfile" should contain: """ begin require "kitchen/thor_tasks" Kitchen::ThorTasks.new rescue LoadError puts ">>>>> Kitchen gem not loaded, omitting tasks" unless ENV["CI"] end """ Scenario: Running init with a name in metadata.rb sets a run list Given an empty file named "Gemfile" Given a file named "metadata.rb" with: """ name "ntp" license "Apache 2.0" description "Installs and configures ntp as a client or server" version "0.1.0" support "ubuntu" support "centos" """ When I successfully run `kitchen init` Then the file ".kitchen.yml" should contain exactly: """ --- driver: name: vagrant provisioner: name: chef_solo platforms: - name: ubuntu-14.04 - name: centos-7.1 suites: - name: default run_list: - recipe[ntp::default] attributes: """