#------------------- # Other Schema Files #------------------- # This section specifies other configuration files that contain # metadata information. Each other metadata file may contain # any information that would be valid in this file. Schema information # from all files is merged together. # When possible, information from all files is combined. For example, # if a property is defined in one file, it cannot be un-defined in # another file, though more options can be added. # Some options associated with properties can be defined in one file # and overwritten by another. Options like this include 'required' # and 'multiple'. # Other options must be defined only once per property # and cannot be overwritten. These include "predicate" and "definition". #------------------- # Property Settings #------------------- # This section defines every metadata property that can be used # in the system. Individual work types may override some settings # defined here. Predicates for each property should be defined # here, and cannot be overridden once defined. properties: default: definition: "This property has not yet been documented." usage_note: "This is the default usage note for a metadata property. If you are seeing this in an active application, you need to define a usage note for your property." usage_warning: required: false multiple: true primary: false hidden: false work_title: false input: scalar range: RDF:Literal title: definition: "The title of the resource." predicate: "DC:title" label: "Title" range: "rdfs:Literal" required: true primary: true work_title: true title_alternative: definition: "An alternative title for the resource." predicate: "DC:alternative" range: "rdfs:Literal" creator: definition: "A person or organization responsible for creating the resource." predicate: "DC:creator" range: "Agent" # vocabularies: "NAF, ULAN, Local" primary: true required: true facet: true contributor: definition: "A person or organization responsible for making contributions to the resource." predicate: "DC:contributor" range: "Agent" # vocabularies: "NAF, ULAN, Local" facet: true publisher: definition: "An entity responsible for making the resource available." predicate: "DC:publisher" range: "Agent" facet: true description: definition: "A summary or account of the resource." predicate: "DC:description" range: "rdfs:Literal" primary: true description_abstract: definition: "A summary of the resource." predicate: "DC:description" range: "rdfs:Literal" description_contents: definition: "A list of subunits of the resource." predicate: "DC:tableOfContents" range: "rdfs:Literal" scale: definition: "Ratio of the dimensions of a form contained or embodied in a resource to the dimensions of the entity it represents, e.g., for images or cartographic resources." predicate: "Bibframe:cartographicScale" range: "rdfs:Literal" subject: definition: "The topic of the resource." predicate: "DC:subject" range: "skos:Concept" # vocabularies: LCSH, NAF, ULAN, GNIS, AAT, Local facet: true primary: true genre_form: definition: "The genre, form, and/or physical characteristics of the resource being described. The material or physical carrier of the resource. Does not capture aboutness." predicate: "DC:medium" range: "skos:Concept" # vocabularies: AAT facet: true coordinates: definition: Spatial characteristics of the resource. predicate: "DC:spatial" range: Geospatial date_created: definition: "Date of creation of the resource." predicate: "DC:created" range: "edm:TimeSpan" label: "Date Created" primary: true required: true date_published: definition: "Date of formal issuance (e.g., publication) of the resource." predicate: "DC:issued" range: "edm:TimeSpan" label: "Date Published" language: definition: "A language of the resource." predicate: "DC:language" range: skos:concept dcmi_type: definition: "General nature or type of the resource (e.g., image, text, etc.). Does not capture aboutness." predicate: "DC:type" range: "skos:concept" # vocabularies: DCMI facet: true # display_type: true source: definition: "Use to record and previous publication information, e.g., the place of publication and publisher name for a physical resource." predicate: "DC:source" physical_extent: definition: "Physical dimensions of the source resource." predicate: "DC:extent" box_folder: definition: "Location in the holding agency where the item is shelved or stored." predicate: "BF2:physicalLocation" accession_number: definition: "An archival accession number for the resource." predicate: "DC:identifier" range: "rdfs:Literal" # multiple: false call_number: definition: "A call number identifier for the resource." predicate: "Bibframe:classification" # multiple: false donor_provenance: definition: "A statement of any changes in ownership and custody of the resource since its creation that are significant for its authenticity, integrity, and interpretation." predicate: "DC:provenance" range: "rdf:Object" rights_holder: definition: "A person or organization owning or managing rights over the resource." predicate: "DC:rightsHolder" range: "rdf:Object" rights_copyright_statement: definition: "Information about rights held in and over the resource." predicate: "DC:rights" primary: true required: true rights_status: definition: "Information about who can access the resource or an indication of its security status." predicate: "DC:accessRights" primary: true required: true facet: true rights_license: definition: "An associated license for the object (i.e. Creative Commons license, software licenses, etc.)." predicate: "DC:license" "collection_series": definition: "A related resource in which the described resource is physically or logically included." predicate: "DC:isPartOf" facet: true related_resource: definition: "A resource related to this resource in a publicly visible way" predicate: "DC:relation" range: RelatedResource #------------------- # Class Settings #------------------- # This sections defines classes of nested objects defined in # the system that are not PCDM works. These may be used as the objects # of predicates, and may have their own predicates applied. # Here, we define which properties are available to each Class. classes: Agent: parent: "ActiveTripes::Resource" rdf_label: "::RDF::Vocab::FOAF.Agent" properties: local_label: definition: "If set, this is a local label for this agent to be indexed and displayed instead of any label fetched from remote authority" predicate: 'skos:altLabel' # Timespan: # parent: "ActiveTripes::Resource" # rdf_label: "::RDF::Vocab::FOAF.Agent" # properties: # label: # definition: "A name or label for this timespan" # predicate: "skos:prefLabel" # begin: # definition: "The time when a time period began or commenced." # predicate: "edm:begin" # end: # definition: "The time when a time period ended." # predicate: "edm:end" # Link: # properties: # "label": # definition: "The title of this resource to be displayed publicly" # predicate: "skos:prefLabel" # "linked_resource_type": # definition: "The human-readable type of linked resource (e.g. finding aid)." # predicate: "ucsd:relatedType" # url: # definition: "The address of the resource to link to" # predicate: "schema:url" # range: "xsd:anyURI" #------------------- # Work Type Settings #------------------- # Here we define metadata settings based on work type. # This section specifies which properties (defined above) # may be applied to each work type, and may specify display # settings such as "required" or "hidden". # # In the future, this may be extended to actually define # the work types for the application here. work_types: work: properties: title: description: required: true creator: contributor: physical_extent: # rights_license: lecture: course: gdao_work: #------------------- # RDF Namespaces #------------------- # Here we can define additional namespaces for rdf predicates. # The most common namespaces are predefined by the system, but # this allows us to define more. namespaces: edm: "http://www.europeana.eu/schemas/edm/"