require 'test_helper' class RailsCellsTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase include Cell::TestCase::TestMethods def swap(object, new_values) old_values = {} new_values.each do |key, value| old_values[key] = object.send key object.send :"#{key}=", value end yield ensure old_values.each do |key, value| object.send :"#{key}=", value end end context "#render_state" do should "work without args" do BassistCell.class_eval do def listen render :text => options[:note] end end assert_equal "D", cell(:bassist, :note => "D").render_state(:listen) end should "accept state-args" do BassistCell.class_eval do def listen(args) render :text => args[:note] end end assert_equal "D", cell(:bassist).render_state(:listen, :note => "D") end end context "A rails cell" do should "respond to view_paths" do assert_kind_of ActionView::PathSet, Cell::Rails.view_paths, "must be a PathSet for proper template caching/reloading (see issue#2)" end should "respond to view_paths=" do swap( Cell::Base, :view_paths => ['you', 'are', 'here']) do assert_kind_of ActionView::PathSet, Cell::Base.view_paths, "must not wipe out the PathSet" end end should "respond to #request" do assert_equal @request, cell(:bassist).request end should "respond to #config" do assert_equal({}, cell(:bassist).config) end include ActiveSupport::Testing::Deprecation should "mark @opts as deprecated, but still works" do res = nil assert_deprecated do res = cell(:bassist, :song => "Lockdown").instance_eval do @opts[:song] end end assert_equal "Lockdown", res end should "respond to #options and return the cell options" do assert_equal({:song => "Lockdown"}, cell(:bassist, :song => "Lockdown").options) end context "invoking defaultize_render_options_for" do should "set default values" do options = cell(:bassist).send(:defaultize_render_options_for, {}, :play) assert_equal :play, options[:view] end should "allow overriding defaults" do assert cell(:bassist).send(:defaultize_render_options_for, {:view => :slap}, :play)[:view] == :slap end end context "invoking find_family_view_for_state" do should "raise an error when a template is missing" do assert_raises ActionView::MissingTemplate do cell(:bassist).find_template("bassist/playyy") end puts "format: #{cell(:bassist).find_template("bassist/play.js").formats.inspect}" end should "return play.html.erb" do assert_equal "bassist/play", cell(:bassist).send(:find_family_view_for_state, :play).virtual_path end should "find inherited play.html.erb" do assert_equal "bassist/play", cell(:bad_guitarist).send(:find_family_view_for_state, :play).virtual_path end should_eventually "find the EN-version if i18n instructs" do swap I18n, :locale => :en do assert_equal "bassist/yell.en.html.erb", cell(:bassist).find_family_view_for_state(:yell).virtual_path end end should_eventually "return an already cached family view" end context "delegation" do setup do @request.env["action_dispatch.request.request_parameters"] = {:song => "Creatures"} @controller = @controller.request = @request @cell = cell(:bassist) end should_eventually "delegate log" do assert_nothing_raised do cell(:bassist)"everything is perfect!") end end should "respond to session" do assert_kind_of Hash, @cell.session end should "respond to #params and return the request parameters" do assert_equal({"song" => "Creatures"}, cell(:bassist).params) end should "not merge #params and #options" do assert_equal({"song" => "Creatures"}, cell(:bassist, "song" => "Lockdown").params) end end # DISCUSS: do we really need that test anymore? should "precede cell ivars over controller ivars" do @controller.instance_variable_set(:@note, "E") BassistCell.class_eval do def slap; @note = "A"; render; end end assert_equal "Boing in A", render_cell(:bassist, :slap) end end end