module Loquacious # # class Configuration # :stopdoc: class Error < StandardError; end @table = # :startdoc: class << self # call-seq: # Configuration.for( name ) # Configuration.for( name ) { block } # # Returns the configuration associated with the given _name_. If a # _block_ is given, then it will be used to create the configuration. # # The same _name_ can be used multiple times with different # configuration blocks. Each different block will be used to add to the # configuration; i.e. the configurations are additive. # def for( name, &block ) if block.nil? return @table.has_key?(name) ? @table[name] : nil end cfg = DSL.evaluate(&block) if @table.has_key? name @table[name].merge! cfg else @table[name] = cfg end end # call-seq: # Configuration.help_for( name, opts = {} ) # # Returns a Help instance for the configuration associated with the # given _name_. See the Help#initialize method for the options that # can be used with this method. # def help_for( name, opts = {} ), opts) end alias :help :help_for end exceptions = %w[instance_of? kind_of? equal?] instance_methods.each do |m| undef_method m unless m[%r/^__/] or exceptions.include? m.to_s end # Accessor for the description hash. attr_reader :__desc # Create a new configuration object and initialize it using an optional # _block_ of code. # def initialize( &block ) @__desc = self.merge!(DSL.evaluate(&block)) if block end # When invoked, an attribute reader and writer are defined for the # _method_. Any arguments given are used to set the value of the # attributes. If a _block_ is given, then the attribute is a nested # configuration and the _block_ is evaluated in the context of a new # configuration object. # def method_missing( method, *args, &block ) m = method.to_s.delete('=').to_sym __eigenclass_eval "attr_writer :#{m}" __eigenclass_eval <<-CODE def #{m}( *args, &block ) v = (1 == args.length ? args.first : args) v = nil if args.empty? v = DSL.evaluate(&block) if block return @#{m} unless v if @#{m}.kind_of?(Configuration) @#{m}.merge! v else @#{m} = v end return @#{m} end CODE __desc[m] self.__send__("#{m}=", nil) self.__send__("#{m}", *args, &block) end # Evaluate the given _code_ string in the context of this object's # eigenclass (singleton class). # def __eigenclass_eval( code ) ec = class << self; self; end ec.module_eval code rescue StandardError raise Error, "cannot evalutate this code:\n#{code}\n" end # Merge the contents of the _other_ configuration into this one. Values # from the _other_ configuratin will overwite values in this # configuration. # # This function is recursive. Nested configurations will be merged with # their counterparts in the _other_ configuration. # def merge!( other ) return self if other.equal? self raise Error, "can only merge another Configuration" unless other.kind_of?(Configuration) other.__desc.each do |key,desc| value = other.__send__(key) if self.__send__(key).kind_of?(Configuration) self.__send__(key).merge! value else self.__send__("#{key}=", value) end __desc[key] = desc end self end # Implementation of a doman specific language for creating configuration # objects. Blocks of code are evaluted by the DSL which returns a new # configuration object. # class DSL alias :__instance_eval :instance_eval instance_methods.each do |m| undef_method m unless m[%r/^__/] end # Create a new DSL and evaluate the given _block_ in the context of # the DSL. Returns a newly created configuration object. # def self.evaluate( &block ) dsl = dsl.__config end # Returns the configuration object. attr_reader :__config # Creates a new DSL and evaluates the given _block_ in the context of # the DSL. # def initialize( &block ) @description = nil @__config = self.__instance_eval(&block) if block end # Dynamically adds the given _method_ to the configuration as an # attribute. The _args_ will be used to set the value of the # attribute. If a _block_ is given then the _args_ are ignored and the # attribute will be a nested configuration object. # def method_missing( method, *args, &block ) m = method.to_s.delete('=').to_sym opts = args.last.instance_of?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} self.desc(opts[:desc]) if opts.has_key? :desc __config.__send__(m, *args, &block) __config.__desc[m] = @description @description = nil end # Store the _string_ as the description for the next attribute that # will be configured. This description will be overwritten if the # attribute has a description passed as an options hash. # def desc( string ) string = string.to_s string.strip! string.gutter! @description = string.empty? ? nil : string end end # class DSL end # class Configuration end # module Loquacious # EOF