# Copyright (c) 2006 Michael Fellinger m.fellinger@gmail.com # All files in this distribution are subject to the terms of the Ruby license. module Ramaze unless defined?(GlobalStruct) # prevent problems for SourceReload class GlobalStruct < Struct.new('Global', *OPTIONS.keys) end end # Class for Ramaze::Global instance. class GlobalStruct ENV_TRIGGER = { 'EVENT' => lambda{ require 'ramaze/adapter/evented_mongrel' }, 'SWIFT' => lambda{ require 'ramaze/adapter/swiftiplied_mongrel' } } # mapping of :adapter => to the right class-name. ADAPTER_ALIAS = { :webrick => :WEBrick, :cgi => :Cgi, :fcgi => :Fcgi, :mongrel => :Mongrel, :evented_mongrel => :Mongrel, :swiftiplied_mongrel => :Mongrel, } # mapping of :cache => to the right class-name. CACHE_ALIAS = { :memcached => :MemcachedCache, :memory => :MemoryCache, :yaml => :YAMLStoreCache, } class << self alias setup fill end # Called from Ramaze::start, sets all the options. def startup(options = {}) options.each do |key, value| if (method(key) rescue false) send("#{key}=", value) else create_member(key, value) end end ENV_TRIGGER.values_at(*ENV.keys).compact.each{|l| l.call} engines = self[:load_engines] (Symbol === engines ? [engines] : engines).each do |engine| Ramaze::Template.const_get(engine) end end # batch-assignment of key/value from hash, yields self if a block is given. def setup(hash = {}) hash.each do |key, value| self.send("#{key}=", value) end yield(self) if block_given? end # Object wraps # get right classname, require the file for given adapter and answer with # the actual class. def adapter if internal = self[:adapter] class_name = ADAPTER_ALIAS.fetch(internal.to_sym, internal) require("ramaze/adapter"/internal.to_s.downcase) adapter = Ramaze::Adapter.const_get(class_name) end end # get right classname, require the file for given cache and answer with # the actual class. def cache cache_name = self[:cache].to_sym class_name = CACHE_ALIAS[cache_name] || cache_name cache = Ramaze.const_get(class_name) end # a range built from port and the number of spawns. def ports (port.to_i..(port.to_i + (spawn.to_i - 1))) end # reassigns the interval in the instance of SourceReload that is running or # just waiting. def sourcereload=(interval) self[:sourcereload] = interval sri = Thread.main[:sourcereload] sri.interval = interval if sri end def template_root=(tr) self[:template_root] = File.expand_path(tr) end def public_root=(pr) self[:public_root] = File.expand_path(pr) end def list_directories=(active) require 'ramaze/dispatcher' d = Ramaze::Dispatcher self[:list_directories] = active if active d::FILTER.put_within(d::Directory, :after => d::File, :before => d::Action) else d::FILTER.delete(d::Directory) end end # External helpers # Answers with values for given keys by sending each to self def values_at(*keys) keys.map{|key| __send__(key)} end # Creates a new attr_accessor like method-pair. def create_member key, value = nil Inform.warn "Create #{key}=#{value.inspect} on Global" @table ||= {} key = key.to_sym (class << self; self; end).class_eval do define_method(key){ @table[key] } define_method("#{key}="){|val| @table[key] = val } end @table[key] = value end end end