# encoding: UTF-8 # # Copyright (c) 2010-2017 GoodData Corporation. All rights reserved. # This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. require 'base64' require 'pathname' require 'hashie' require 'openssl' require_relative '../extensions/object' require_relative 'global_helpers_params' module GoodData module Helpers extend Hashie::Extensions::StringifyKeys::ClassMethods extend Hashie::Extensions::SymbolizeKeys::ClassMethods class DeepMergeableHash < Hash include Hashie::Extensions::DeepMerge end set_const :GD_MAX_RETRY, (ENV['GD_MAX_RETRY'] && ENV['GD_MAX_RETRY'].to_i) || 3 class << self def error(msg) STDERR.puts(msg) exit 1 end # FIXME: Windows incompatible def find_goodfile(pwd = `pwd`.strip!, options = {}) root = Pathname(options[:root] || '/') pwd = Pathname(pwd).expand_path loop do gf = pwd + '.gooddata' return gf if File.exist?(gf) pwd = pwd.parent break if root == pwd end nil end # It takes what should be mapped to what and creates a mapping that is suitable for other internal methods. # This means looking up the objects and returning it as array of pairs. # The input can be given in several ways # # 1. Hash. For example it could look like # {'label.states.name' => 'label.state.id'} # # 2 Arrays. In such case the arrays are zipped together. First item will be swapped for the first item in the second array etc. # ['label.states.name'], ['label.state.id'] # # @param what [Hash | Array] List/Hash of objects to be swapped # @param for_what [Array] List of objects to be swapped # @return [Array] List of pairs of objects def prepare_mapping(what, for_what = nil, options = {}) project = options[:project] || (for_what.is_a?(Hash) && for_what[:project]) || fail('Project has to be provided') mapping = if what.is_a?(Hash) whats = what.keys to_whats = what.values whats.zip(to_whats) elsif what.is_a?(Array) && for_what.is_a?(Array) whats.zip(to_whats) else [[what, for_what]] end mapping.pmap { |f, t| [project.objects(f), project.objects(t)] } end def get_path(an_object, path = [], default = nil) return an_object if path.empty? return default if an_object.nil? path.reduce(an_object) do |a, e| a && a.key?(e) ? a[e] : default end end def last_uri_part(uri) uri.split('/').last end def home_directory running_on_windows? ? ENV['USERPROFILE'] : ENV['HOME'] end def hash_dfs(thing, &block) if !thing.is_a?(Hash) && !thing.is_a?(Array) # rubocop:disable Style/GuardClause elsif thing.is_a?(Array) thing.each do |child| hash_dfs(child, &block) end else thing.each do |key, val| yield(thing, key) hash_dfs(val, &block) end end end def titleize(str) titleized = str.gsub(/[\.|_](.)/, &:upcase) titleized = titleized.tr('_', ' ') titleized[0] = titleized[0].upcase titleized end def join(master, slave, on, on2, options = {}) full_outer = options[:full_outer] inner = options[:inner] lookup = create_lookup(slave, on2) marked_lookup = {} results = master.reduce([]) do |a, line| matching_values = lookup[line.values_at(*on)] || [] marked_lookup[line.values_at(*on)] = 1 if matching_values.empty? && !inner a << line.to_hash else matching_values.each do |matching_value| a << matching_value.to_hash.merge(line.to_hash) end end a end if full_outer (lookup.keys - marked_lookup.keys).each do |key| puts lookup[key] results << lookup[key].first.to_hash end end results end def running_on_windows? RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin32|mingw32/ end def running_on_a_mac? RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /-darwin\d/ end def underline(x) '=' * x.size end def interpolate_error_messages(errors) errors.map { |e| interpolate_error_message(e) } end def interpolate_error_message(error) return unless error && error['error'] && error['error']['message'] message = error['error']['message'] params = error['error']['parameters'] sprintf(message, *params) end def deep_dup(an_object) case an_object when Array an_object.map { |it| GoodData::Helpers.deep_dup(it) } when Hash an_object.each_with_object(an_object.dup) do |(key, value), hash| hash[GoodData::Helpers.deep_dup(key)] = GoodData::Helpers.deep_dup(value) end when Object an_object.duplicable? ? an_object.dup : an_object end end def undot(params) # for each key-value config given params.map do |k, v| # dot notation to hash k.split('__').reverse.reduce(v) do |memo, obj| GoodData::Helper.DeepMergeableHash[{ obj => memo }] end end end def parse_http_exception(e) JSON.parse(e.response) end # Creates a matrix with zeroes in all places. It is implemented as an Array of Arrays. First rows then columns. # # @param [Integer] m Number of rows # @param [Integer] n Number of cols # @param [Integer] val Alternatively can fill in positions with different values than zeroes. Defualt is zero. # @return [Array] Returns a matrix of zeroes def zeroes(m, n, val = 0) m.times.map { n.times.map { val } } end # Turns a boolean or string 'true' into boolean. Useful for bricks. # # @param [Object] Something # @return [Boolean] Returns true or false if the input is 'true' or true def to_boolean(param) param == 'true' || param == true ? true : false end # encrypts data with the given key. returns a binary data with the # unhashed random iv in the first 16 bytes def encrypt(data, key) cipher = OpenSSL::Cipher::Cipher.new('aes-256-cbc') cipher.encrypt cipher.key = key = Digest::SHA256.digest(key) random_iv = cipher.random_iv cipher.iv = Digest::SHA256.digest(random_iv + key)[0..15] encrypted = cipher.update(data) encrypted << cipher.final # add unhashed iv to front of encrypted data Base64.encode64(random_iv + encrypted) end def decrypt(database64, key) return '' if key.nil? || key.empty? data = Base64.decode64(database64) cipher = OpenSSL::Cipher::Cipher.new('aes-256-cbc') cipher.decrypt cipher.key = cipher_key = Digest::SHA256.digest(key) random_iv = data[0..15] # extract iv from first 16 bytes data = data[16..data.size - 1] cipher.iv = Digest::SHA256.digest(random_iv + cipher_key)[0..15] begin decrypted = cipher.update(data) decrypted << cipher.final rescue puts 'Error' return nil end decrypted end end end class << self def get_client(opts) client = opts[:client] fail ArgumentError, 'No :client specified' if client.nil? client end def get_client_and_project(opts) client = opts[:client] fail ArgumentError, 'No :client specified' if client.nil? p = opts[:project] fail ArgumentError, 'No :project specified' if p.nil? project = GoodData::Project[p, opts] fail ArgumentError, 'Wrong :project specified' if project.nil? [client, project] end end end