// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2009 Sprout Systems, Inc. and contributors. // Portions ©2008-2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== sc_require('validators/validator') ; /** Ensures all fields with the Password validator attached in the same form contain the same value. @class @extends SC.Validator @author Charles Jolley @version 1.0 */ SC.Validator.Password = SC.Validator.extend( /** @scope SC.Validator.Password.prototype */ { attachTo: function(form,field) { sc_super(); if (!this.fields) this.fields = [] ; this.fields.push(field) ; }, validate: function(force) { if (!this.fields || this.fields.length === 0) return true ; var empty = false ; var notEmpty = false ; var ret = true ; var value = this.fields[0].get('fieldValue') ; this.fields.forEach(function(field) { var curValue = field.get('fieldValue') ; if (curValue != value) ret= false ; if (!curValue || curValue.length === 0) empty = true ; if (curValue && curValue.length > 0) notEmpty = true ; }) ; // if forces, valid OK if there was an empty. If not forced, valid OK // only if all fields match AND they are not all empty. if (force) { return (notEmpty === false) ? false : ret ; } else { return (empty === true) ? true : ret ; } }, // update field states updateFields: function(form,valid) { if (!this.fields || this.fields.length === 0) return true ; var err = "Invalid.Password".loc(); var topField = this._field ; this.fields.forEach(function(f) { var msg = (valid) ? null : ((f == topField) ? err : '') ; form.setErrorFor(f,msg) ; }) ; return (valid) ? SC.VALIDATE_OK : err ; }, validateChange: function(form, field, oldValue) { return this.updateFields(form, this.validate(false)) ; }, // this method is called just before the form is submitted. // field: the field toe validate. validateSubmit: function(form, field) { return this.updateFields(form, this.validate(true)) ; }, // this method gets called 1ms after the user types a key (if a change is // allowed). You can use this validate the new partial string and return // an error if needed. // // The default will validate a partial only if there was already an error. // this allows the user to try to get it right before you bug them. validatePartial: function(form, field) { var isInvalid = !this._field.get('isValid') ; if (isInvalid) { return this.updateFields(form, this.validate(false)) ; } else return SC.VALIDATE_NO_CHANGE ; } }) ;