class MetaTag < ActiveRecord::Base if Radiant::Config['tags.complex_strings'] == 'true' delim = ";" re_format = /^[a-zA-Z0-9,\_\-\s\/()'.&]+$/ else delim = " " re_format = /^[a-zA-Z0-9\_\-]+$/ end DELIMITER = delim # how to separate tags in strings (you may # also need to change the validates_format_of parameters # if you update this) # if speed becomes an issue, you could remove these validations # and rescue the AR index errors instead validates_presence_of :name validates_uniqueness_of :name, :case_sensitive => false validates_format_of :name, :with => re_format, :message => "can not contain special characters" has_many_polymorphs :taggables, :from => [:pages], :through => :taggings, :dependent => :destroy, :skip_duplicates => false def after_save # if you allow editable tag names, you might want before_save instead = name.downcase.strip.squeeze(" ") end class << self def find_or_create_by_name!(name) find_by_name(name) || create!(:name => name) end def cloud(args = {}) args = {:by => 'popularity', :order => 'desc', :limit => 5}.merge(args) find(:all, :select => 'meta_tags.*, count(*) as popularity', :limit => args[:limit], :joins => "JOIN taggings ON taggings.meta_tag_id =", :conditions => args[:conditions], :group => ",", :order => order_string(args) ) end def order_string(attr) by = (attr[:by]).strip order = (attr[:order]).strip order_string = '' if"popularity").include?(by) order_string << by else raise"`by' attribute of `each' tag must be set to a valid field name") end if order =~ /^(asc|desc)$/i order_string << " #{$1.upcase}" else raise{`order' attribute of `each' tag must be set to either "asc" or "desc"}) end end end def <=>(other) # To be able to sort an array of tags name <=> end end