
# Aikotoba

Aikotoba meaning password in Japanese.

Aikotoba is a Rails engine that makes it easy to implement simple email and password authentication.


- Simple implementation using the Rails engine.
- Modern hashing algorithm.
- Separate the authentication logic from User.
- Implementation for multiple DB.
- Encrypting tokens using Active Record Encryption.


- Authenticatable : Authenticate account using email and password.
- Registrable(optional) : Register an account using your email address and password.
- Confirmable(optional) : After registration, send an email with a token to confirm account.
- Lockable(optional) : Lock account if make a mistake with password more than a certain number of times.
- Recoverable(optional) : Recover account by resetting password.

[For more information](#features)

## Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'aikotoba'

## Usage

### Getting Start

Aikotoba use `Aikotoba::Account` for authentication. Add it to the migration for `Aikotoba::Account`.

$ bin/rails aikotoba:install:migrations

Mount `Aikotoba::Engine` your application.

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  mount Aikotoba::Engine => "/"

Aikotoba enabled routes for registration(`/sign_up`) and authentication(`/sign_in`).

include `Aikotoba::Authenticatable` to the controller(ex. `ApplicationController`) use authentication.

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  include Aikotoba::Authenticatable

  # NOTE: You can implement the get authenticated account process as follows.
  alias_method :current_account, :aikotoba_current_account
  helper_method :current_account

  # NOTE: You can implement the authorization process as follows
  def authenticate_account!
    return if current_account
    redirect_to aikotoba.new_session_path, flash: {alert: "Oops. You need to Signed up or Signed in." }

## Features

### Authenticatable

Authenticate an account using email and password.

| HTTP Verb | Path      | Overview                                  |
| --------- | --------- | ----------------------------------------- |
| GET       | /sign_in  | Display sign in page.                     |
| POST      | /sign_in  | Create a login session by authenticating. |
| DELETE    | /sign_out | Clear aikotoba login session.             |

Aikotoba enable helper methods for authentication. The method name can be changed by `alias_method`.

- `aikotoba_current_account` : Returns the logged in instance of `Aikotoba::Account`.

### Registrable

To enable it, set `Aikotoba.registerable` to `true`. (It is enabled by default.)

Aikotoba.registerable = true

Register an account using email and password.

| HTTP Verb | Path     | Overview              |
| --------- | -------- | --------------------- |
| GET       | /sign_up | Display sign up page. |
| POST      | /sign_up | Create an account.    |

The password is stored as a hash in [Argon2](https://github.com/technion/ruby-argon2).

### Confirmable

To enable it, set `Aikotoba.confirmable` to `true`.

Aikotoba.confirmable = true

Aikotoba enable routes for confirmation account. Also, when account registers, a confirmation email is sent to the email address. Only accounts that are confirmed will be authenticated.

| HTTP Verb | Path            | Overview                               |
| --------- | --------------- | -------------------------------------- |
| GET       | /confirm        | Display page for create confirm token. |
| POST      | /confirm        | Create a confirm token to account.     |
| GET       | /confirm/:token | Confirm account by token.              |

### Lockable

To enable it, set `Aikotoba.lockable` to `true`.

Aikotoba.lockable = true

Aikotoba enables a route to unlock an account. Also, if the authentication fails a certain number of times, the account will be locked. Only accounts that are not locked will be authenticated.

| HTTP Verb | Path           | Overview                              |
| --------- | -------------- | ------------------------------------- |
| GET       | /unlock        | Display page for create unlock token. |
| POST      | /unlock        | Create a unlock token to account.     |
| GET       | /unlock/:token | Unlock account by token.              |

### Recoverable

To enable it, set `Aikotoba.recoverable` to `true`.

Aikotoba.recoverable = true

Aikotoba enables a route to recover an account by password reset.

| HTTP Verb | Path            | Overview                                            |
| --------- | --------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
| GET       | /recover        | Display page for create recover token.              |
| POST      | /recover        | Create a recover token to account.                  |
| GET       | /recover/:token | Display page for recover account by password reset. |
| PATCH     | /recover/:token | Recover account by password reset.                  |

## Configuration

The following configuration parameters are supported. You can override it. (ex. `initializers/aikotoba.rb`)

require 'aikotoba'

Aikotoba.parent_controller = "ApplicationController"
Aikotoba.parent_mailer = "ActionMailer::Base"
Aikotoba.mailer_sender = "from@example.com"
Aikotoba.email_format = /\A[^\s]+@[^\s]+\z/
Aikotoba.prevent_timing_atack = true
Aikotoba.password_pepper = "aikotoba-default-pepper"
Aikotoba.password_length_range = 8..100
Aikotoba.sign_in_path = "/sign_in"
Aikotoba.sign_out_path = "/sign_out"
Aikotoba.after_sign_in_path = "/"
Aikotoba.after_sign_out_path = "/sign_in"

# for registerable
Aikotoba.registerable = true
Aikotoba.sign_up_path = "/sign_up"

# for confirmable
Aikotoba.confirmable = false
Aikotoba.confirm_path = "/confirm"
Aikotoba.confirmation_token_expiry = 1.day

# for lockable
Aikotoba.lockable = false
Aikotoba.unlock_path = "/unlock"
Aikotoba.max_failed_attempts = 10
Aikotoba.unlock_token_expiry = 1.day

# for Recoverable
Aikotoba.recoverable = false
Aikotoba.recover_path = "/recover"
Aikotoba.recovery_token_expiry = 4.hours

## Tips

### Customize Message

All Messages are managed by `i18n` and can be freely overridden.

### Manually create an `Aikotoba::Account` for authentication.

By running the following script, you can hash and store passwords.

Aikotoba::Account.create!(email: "sample@example.com", password: "password")
Aikotoba::Account.authenticate_by(attributes: {email: "sample@example.com", password: "password"})
# => created account instance.

### Create other model with `Aikotoba::Account`.

You can override `Aikotoba::AccountsController#after_create_account_process` to create the other models together.

require 'aikotoba'

Rails.application.config.to_prepare do
  Aikotoba::AccountsController.class_eval do
    def after_create_account_process
      profile = Profile.new(nickname: "foo")
      @account.update!(authenticate_target: profile)

class Profile < ApplicationRecord
  has_one :account, class_name: 'Aikotoba::Account', as: :authenticate_target

current_account.profile #=> Profile instance
profile.account #=> Aikotoba::Account instance

### Do something on before, after, failure.

Controllers provides methods to execute the overridden process.

For example, if you want to record an error log when the account creation fails, you can do the following.

require 'aikotoba'

Rails.application.config.to_prepare do
  Aikotoba::AccountsController.class_eval do
    def failed_create_account_process(e)

### Using encrypted token

Tokens can be encrypted using Active Record Encryption, introduced in Active Record 7 and later.
To use it, enable Aikotoba.encipted_token in the initializer.

Aikotoba.encypted_token = true

### How to identify the controller provided.

The controller provided by Aikotoba is designed to inherit from `Aikotoba::ApplicationController`.

Therefore, when implementing authorization based on login status, you can disable only the controllers provided by Aikotoba as follows.

class ApplicationController < ApplicationController
  include Aikotoba::Authenticatable

  alias_method :current_account, :aikotoba_current_account

  before_action :authenticate_account!, unless: :aikotoba_controller?

  def authenticate_account!
    return if current_account
    redirect_to aikotoba.new_session_path, flash: {alert: "Oops. You need to Signed up or Signed in." }


  def aikotoba_controller?

### Testing

You can use a helper to login/logout by Aikotoba.
:warning: It only supports rack testing.

require "aikotoba/test/authentication_helper"
require "test_helper"

class HelperTest < ActionDispatch::SystemTestCase
  include Aikotoba::Test::AuthenticationHelper::System
  driven_by :rack_test

  def setup
    email, password = ["email@example.com", "password"]
    @account = ::Aikotoba::Account.build_by(attributes: {email: email, password: password})

  test "sign_in by helper" do
    visit "/sensitives"
    assert_selector "h1", text: "Sensitive Page"
    click_on "Sign out"
    assert_selector ".message", text: "Signed out."

  test "sign_out by helper" do
    visit "/sensitives"
    visit "/sensitives"
    assert_selector "h1", text: "Sign in"
    assert_selector ".message", text: "Oops. You need to Signed up or Signed in."

## Contributing

Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub.

## License

The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).