/*jslint browser: true, white: false, devel: true */
/*global window: true, Raphael: true, $: true, _: true */
var symbiote = {};
symbiote.baseUrlFor = function(path){ return window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.host + "/" + path; };
symbiote.UiLocator = function(){
var allViews = [],
paper = new Raphael( 'ui-locator-view'),
viewIndicator = { remove: _.identity },
screenshotUrl = symbiote.baseUrlFor( "screenshot" ),
backdrop = null,
erstaz = null;
paper.canvas.setAttribute('preserveAspectRatio','xMidYMin meet');
function iPhoneErsatz(raphael){
var BACKDROP_FRAME = { x: 24, y: 120, width: 320, height: 480 };
function drawFakeDevice(backdrop){
paper.canvas.setAttribute("viewBox", "0 0 380 720");
// main outline of device
paper.rect( 6, 6, 360, 708, 40 ).attr( {
'fill': 'black',
'stroke': 'gray',
'stroke-width': 4,
// home button
paper.circle( 180+6, 655, 34 ).attr( 'fill', '90-#303030-#101010' );
// square inside home button
paper.rect( 180+6, 655, 22, 22, 5 ).attr({
'stroke': 'gray',
'stroke-width': 2,
}).translate( -11, -11 );
if( backdrop ){
// reposition backdrop within frame
backdrop.attr( BACKDROP_FRAME ).toFront();
return {
drawFakeDevice: drawFakeDevice,
screenOffset: function(){ return BACKDROP_FRAME; }
function iPadErsatz(raphael){
var BACKDROP_FRAME = { x: 55, y: 55, width: 768, height: 1024 };
function drawFakeDevice(backdrop){
paper.canvas.setAttribute("viewBox", "0 0 900 1200");
// main outline of device
paper.rect( 10, 10, 855, 1110, 20 ).attr( {
'fill': 'black',
'stroke': 'gray',
'stroke-width': 6
// home button
//paper.circle( 180+6, 655, 34 ).attr( 'fill', '90-#303030-#101010' );
// square inside home button
//paper.rect( 180+6, 655, 22, 22, 5 ).attr({
//'stroke': 'gray',
//'stroke-width': 2,
//}).translate( -11, -11 );
if( backdrop ){
// reposition backdrop within frame
backdrop.attr( BACKDROP_FRAME ).toFront();
return {
drawFakeDevice: drawFakeDevice,
screenOffset: function(){ return BACKDROP_FRAME; }
function pointIsWithinView(point,view){
var offsetFromOrigin = {
x: point.x - view.accessibilityFrame.origin.x,
y: point.y - view.accessibilityFrame.origin.y
isInHorz = offsetFromOrigin.x >= 0 && offsetFromOrigin.x <= view.accessibilityFrame.size.width,
isInVert = offsetFromOrigin.y >= 0 && offsetFromOrigin.y <= view.accessibilityFrame.size.height;
return isInHorz && isInVert;
function findViewsAt( point ){
return _.filter( allViews, function(view){
return pointIsWithinView(point,view);
function showViewLocation( view ) {
var screenOffset = erstaz.screenOffset();
viewIndicator = paper.rect(
fill: '#aaff00',
opacity: 0.8,
stroke: 'black',
.translate( screenOffset.x, screenOffset.y );
function hideViewLocation() {
function addBackdropImage(){
return paper.image();
function updateBackdrop(){
if( !backdrop ){
var cacheBusterUrl = screenshotUrl+"?"+(new Date()).getTime();
backdrop.attr( 'src', cacheBusterUrl );
function updateDeviceFamily(deviceFamily){
if( !erstaz )
if( deviceFamily === 'ipad' ){
erstaz = iPadErsatz(paper);
erstaz = iPhoneErsatz(paper);
backdrop = addBackdropImage();
function updateViews(views){
allViews = views;
return {
showViewLocation: showViewLocation,
hideViewLocation: hideViewLocation,
updateBackdrop: updateBackdrop,
updateViews: updateViews,
updateDeviceFamily: updateDeviceFamily
symbiote.LiveView = function(updateViewFn,updateHeirarchyFn){
var viewTimer,heirTimer;
function stop(){
function start(){
stop(); // stop any existing timer
viewTimer = window.setInterval( function(){
}, 700 );
heirTimer = window.setInterval( function(){
}, 2000 );
return {
start: start,
stop: stop
$(document).ready(function() {
var $domDetails = $('#dom_detail'),
$domList = $('div#dom_dump > ul'),
$domAccessibleDump = $('div#accessible-views'),
$loading = $('#loading'),
INTERESTING_PROPERTIES = ['class', 'accessibilityLabel', 'tag', 'alpha', 'isHidden'],
uiLocator = symbiote.UiLocator(),
function domListItemForView(view){
var $found = null;
var $el = $(el);
if( $el.data('rawView') === view ){
$found = $el;
return false;
return $found;
function selectViewDetailsTab(){
$("#inspect-tabs").tabs('select', 0);
function selectLocatorTab(){
$("#inspect-tabs").tabs('select', 1);
function isErrorResponse( response ){
return 'ERROR' === response.outcome;
function displayErrorResponse( response ){
alert( "Frank isn't happy: "+response.reason+"\n" +
"details: "+response.details );
function showLoadingUI() {
function hideLoadingUI() {
function displayDetailsFor( view ) {
console.debug( 'displaying details for:', view );
var $table = $('
function tableRow( propertyName, propertyValue, cssClass ){
if( propertyValue === null ){
propertyValue = 'null';
}else if( typeof propertyValue === 'object' ){
propertyValue = JSON.stringify(propertyValue);
return $('
$(' | ').text(propertyName),
$(' | ').text(propertyValue) )
.appendTo( $table );
_.each( INTERESTING_PROPERTIES, function(propertyName) {
if( !view.hasOwnProperty(propertyName) ){ return; }
var propertyValue = view[propertyName];
$table.append( tableRow( propertyName, propertyValue, 'interesting' ) );
_.each( _.keys(view).sort(), function(propertyName) {
if( propertyName === 'subviews' ){ return; }
if( _.contains( INTERESTING_PROPERTIES, propertyName ) ){ return; } // don't want to include the interesting properties twice
var propertyValue = view[propertyName];
$table.append( tableRow( propertyName, propertyValue ) );
$table.appendTo( $domDetails );
function treeElementSelected(){
var $this = $(this),
selectedView = $this.data('rawView');
displayDetailsFor( selectedView );
function treeElementEntered(){
var view = $(this).data('rawView');
uiLocator.showViewLocation( view );
function treeElementLeft(){
function listItemTitleFor( rawView ) {
var title = ""+rawView['class'];
if( rawView.accessibilityLabel ) {
return title + ": '"+rawView.accessibilityLabel+"'";
return title;
function transformDumpedViewToListItem( rawView ) {
var title = listItemTitleFor( rawView ),
viewListItem = $(""+title+""),
subviewList = $("");
$('a',viewListItem).data( 'rawView', rawView );
_.each( rawView.subviews, function(subview) {
subviewList.append( transformDumpedViewToListItem( subview ) );
viewListItem.append( subviewList );
return viewListItem;
function updateDumpView( data ) {
$domList.append( transformDumpedViewToListItem( data ) );
$('a', $domList ).bind( 'click', treeElementSelected );
$('a', $domList ).bind( 'mouseenter', treeElementEntered );
$('a', $domList ).bind( 'mouseleave', treeElementLeft );
collapsed: false
function flattenViews( rootView ) {
var flattenedViews = [];
function collectSubViews( view ) {
flattenedViews.push( view );
_.each( view.subviews, function(subview){
collectSubViews( subview );
collectSubViews( rootView, flattenedViews );
return flattenedViews;
function filterAccessibleViews( views ) {
return _.filter( views, function(view){
return view.accessibilityLabel;
function selectorForAccessibleView( view ) {
return _.template(
"view:'<%=viewClass%>' marked:'<%=viewLabel%>'",
{ viewClass: view['class'], viewLabel: view.accessibilityLabel }
function sendFlashCommand( selector, engine ) {
var command = {
query: selector,
selector_engine: engine ? engine : 'uiquery' ,
operation: {
method_name: 'flash',
arguments: []
type: "POST",
dataType: "json",
data: JSON.stringify( command ),
url: symbiote.baseUrlFor( '/map' ),
success: function(data) {
if( isErrorResponse( data ) ) {
displayErrorResponse( data );
error: function(xhr,status,error) {
alert( "Error while talking to Frank: " + status );
complete: function(xhr,status) {
return false;
function updateAccessibleViews( views ) {
var accessibleViews = filterAccessibleViews( views ),
divTemplate = _.template( '' );
_.each( accessibleViews, function( view ) {
var selector = selectorForAccessibleView(view),
divHtml = divTemplate({ selector: selector, viewClass: view['class'], viewLabel: view.accessibilityLabel });
.click( function(){
sendFlashCommand( selector );
return false;
.appendTo( $domAccessibleDump );
function guessAtDeviceFamilyBasedOnViewDump(data){
switch( data.accessibilityFrame.size.height ){
case 1024:
return 'ipad';
case 480:
return 'iphone';
console.warn( "couldn't recognize device family based on screen height of " + data.accessibilityFrame.size.height + "px" );
return 'unknown';
function refreshViewHeirarchy(){
type: "POST",
dataType: "json",
data: '["DUMMY"]', // a bug in cocoahttpserver means it can't handle POSTs without a body
url: symbiote.baseUrlFor( "/dump" ),
success: function(data) {
console.debug( 'dump returned', data );
var deviceFamily = guessAtDeviceFamilyBasedOnViewDump( data ),
allViews = flattenViews(data);
console.debug( 'device appears to be an '+deviceFamily );
updateDumpView( data );
updateAccessibleViews( allViews );
uiLocator.updateDeviceFamily( deviceFamily );
uiLocator.updateViews( allViews );
error: function(xhr,status,error) {
alert( "Error while talking to Frank: " + status );
complete: function(){
$('#dump_button').click( function(){
$('#flash_button').click( function(){
sendFlashCommand( $("input#query").val(), $("input#selector_engine").val() );
liveView = symbiote.LiveView( uiLocator.updateBackdrop, refreshViewHeirarchy );
$("#live-view button").click( function(){
if( $(this).hasClass('down') ){
$(this).text('stop Live View');
$(this).text('start Live View');
//initial UI setup
// do initial DOM dump straight after page has finished loading
// show locator tab by default