#This layout inspired by popular games like Fluxx and Apples to Apples title_box: x: 75 y: 75 width: 125 height: 975 title: x: 75 y: 1050 angle: 4.71238898 # 3 π / 2 width: 850 height: 125 align: right valign: middle font: Sans 22 title_middle: x: 225 y: 550 font: Sans 18 width: 525 height: 150 valign: bottom middle_rect: x: 225 y: 715 width: 525 height: 25 rule_top: x: 225 y: 200 width: 525 height: 300 font: Times New Roman, Serif 10 rule_bottom: x: 225 y: 750 width: 525 height: 300 font: Times New Roman, Serif 10 type_icon: x: 75 y: 75 width: 125 height: 125 align: center valign: middle font: 'Sans 24' type: x: 225 y: 75 width: 525 height: 125 align: left valign: top font: 'Sans 30' copyright: x: 75 y: 1025 width: 675 height: 25 font_size: 5 align: right valign: bottom #aliases for copyright copy: extends: copyright credit: extends: copyright credits: extends: copyright # The "cut line", without rounded corners cut: x: 37.5 y: 37.5 radius: 16 width: 750 height: 1050 # The "safe zone" as defined by TheGameCrafter poker cards safe: x: 75 y: 75 width: 675 height: 975 dash: 3 3