# ******************************************************************************* # OpenStudio(R), Copyright (c) Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. # See also https://openstudio.net/license # ******************************************************************************* # Authors : Nicholas Long, David Goldwasser # Simple measure to load the EPW file and DDY file class ChangeBuildingLocation < OpenStudio::Measure::ModelMeasure Dir[File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/resources/*.rb'].each { |file| require file } require 'openstudio-standards' # define the name that a user will see, this method may be deprecated as # the display name in PAT comes from the name field in measure.xml def name 'ChangeBuildingLocation' end # define the arguments that the user will input def arguments(model) args = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgumentVector.new weather_file_name = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeStringArgument('weather_file_name', true) weather_file_name.setDisplayName('Weather File Name') weather_file_name.setDescription('Name of the weather file to change to. This is the filename with the extension (e.g. NewWeather.epw). Optionally this can inclucde the full file path, but for most use cases should just be file name.') args << weather_file_name # make choice argument for climate zone #choices = OpenStudio::StringVector.new choices = OpenstudioStandards::CreateTypical.get_climate_zones choices << 'Lookup From Stat File' climate_zone = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeChoiceArgument('climate_zone', choices, true) climate_zone.setDisplayName('Climate Zone.') climate_zone.setDefaultValue('Lookup From Stat File') args << climate_zone set_year = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeIntegerArgument('set_year', true) set_year.setDisplayName('Set Calendar Year') set_year.setDefaultValue 0 set_year.setDescription('This will impact the day of the week the simulation starts on. An input value of 0 will leave the year un-altered') args << set_year # make an argument for use_upstream_args use_upstream_args = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeBoolArgument('use_upstream_args', true) use_upstream_args.setDisplayName('Use Upstream Argument Values') use_upstream_args.setDescription('When true this will look for arguments or registerValues in upstream measures that match arguments from this measure, and will use the value from the upstream measure in place of what is entered for this measure.') use_upstream_args.setDefaultValue(true) args << use_upstream_args # make choice argument for climate zone choices = OpenStudio::StringVector.new choices << 'Do Nothing' choices << 'TMY3,AMY' choices << 'AMY,TMY3' epw_gsub = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeChoiceArgument('epw_gsub', choices, true) epw_gsub.setDisplayName('Find and replace option from existing weather file name.') epw_gsub.setDescription('This will override what is entered in weather file name or from upstream measures, unless Do Nothing is selected.') epw_gsub.setDefaultValue('Do Nothing') args << epw_gsub args end # Define what happens when the measure is run def run(model, runner, user_arguments) super(model, runner, user_arguments) # assign the user inputs to variables args = runner.getArgumentValues(arguments(model), user_arguments) args = Hash[args.collect{ |k, v| [k.to_s, v] }] if !args then return false end # lookup and replace argument values from upstream measures if args['use_upstream_args'] == true args.each do |arg, value| next if arg == 'use_upstream_args' # this argument should not be changed value_from_osw = runner.getPastStepValuesForName(arg) value_from_osw = value_from_osw.collect{ |k, v| Hash[:measure_name => k, :value => v] }.first if !value_from_osw.empty? if !value_from_osw.empty? runner.registerInfo("Replacing argument named #{arg} from current measure with a value of #{value_from_osw[:value]} from #{value_from_osw[:measure_name]}.") new_val = value_from_osw[:value] # TODO: - make code to handle non strings more robust. check_upstream_measure_for_arg coudl pass bakc the argument type if arg == 'total_bldg_floor_area' args[arg] = new_val.to_f elsif arg == 'num_stories_above_grade' args[arg] = new_val.to_f elsif arg == 'zipcode' args[arg] = new_val.to_i else args[arg] = new_val end end end end # create initial condition if model.getWeatherFile.city != '' runner.registerInitialCondition("The initial weather file is #{model.getWeatherFile.city} and the model has #{model.getDesignDays.size} design day objects") else runner.registerInitialCondition("No weather file is set. The model has #{model.getDesignDays.size} design day objects") end # use gsub if requested if args['epw_gsub'] != 'Do Nothing' # get the orig weather file from OSM file_name = model.getWeatherFile.url.get.split('/').last runner.registerInfo(file_name) if model.getWeatherFile.file.is_initialized orig_epw = model.getWeatherFile.url.get.split('/').last gsub_array = args['epw_gsub'].split(',') # updated line below so it doesn't matter what the user argument is, it always modifies what was in the seed OSM args['weather_file_name'] = orig_epw.gsub(gsub_array[0], gsub_array[1]) runner.registerInfo("Changing target weather file from #{orig_epw} to #{args['weather_file_name']}.") end end # find weather file, checking both the location specified in the osw # and the path used by ComStock meta-measure comstock_weather_file = File.absolute_path(File.join(Dir.pwd, '../../../weather', args['weather_file_name'])) osw_weather_file = runner.workflow.findFile(args['weather_file_name']) if File.file? comstock_weather_file weather_file = comstock_weather_file elsif osw_weather_file.is_initialized weather_file = osw_weather_file.get.to_s else runner.registerError("Did not find #{args['weather_file_name']} in paths described in OSW file or in default ComStock workflow location of #{comstock_weather_file}.") return false end # Parse the EPW manually because OpenStudio can't handle multiyear weather files (or DATA PERIODS with YEARS) epw_file = OpenStudio::Weather::Epw.load(weather_file) weather_file = model.getWeatherFile weather_file.setCity(epw_file.city) weather_file.setStateProvinceRegion(epw_file.state) weather_file.setCountry(epw_file.country) weather_file.setDataSource(epw_file.data_type) weather_file.setWMONumber(epw_file.wmo.to_s) weather_file.setLatitude(epw_file.lat) weather_file.setLongitude(epw_file.lon) weather_file.setTimeZone(epw_file.gmt) weather_file.setElevation(epw_file.elevation) weather_file.setString(10, epw_file.filename) weather_name = "#{epw_file.city}_#{epw_file.state}_#{epw_file.country}" weather_lat = epw_file.lat weather_lon = epw_file.lon weather_time = epw_file.gmt weather_elev = epw_file.elevation # Add or update site data site = model.getSite site.setName(weather_name) site.setLatitude(weather_lat) site.setLongitude(weather_lon) site.setTimeZone(weather_time) site.setElevation(weather_elev) runner.registerInfo("city is #{epw_file.city}. State is #{epw_file.state}") # actual year of start date if args['set_year'].to_i > 0 model.getYearDescription.setCalendarYear(args['set_year'].to_i) runner.registerInfo("Changing Calendar Year to #{args['set_year']},") end # Add SiteWaterMainsTemperature -- via parsing of STAT file. stat_file = "#{File.join(File.dirname(epw_file.filename), File.basename(epw_file.filename, '.*'))}.stat" unless File.exist? stat_file runner.registerInfo 'Could not find STAT file by filename, looking in the directory' stat_files = Dir["#{File.dirname(epw_file.filename)}/*.stat"] if stat_files.size > 1 runner.registerError('More than one stat file in the EPW directory') return false end if stat_files.empty? runner.registerError('Cound not find the stat file in the EPW directory') return false end runner.registerInfo "Using STAT file: #{stat_files.first}" stat_file = stat_files.first end unless stat_file runner.registerError 'Could not find stat file' return false end stat_model = EnergyPlus::StatFile.new(stat_file) water_temp = model.getSiteWaterMainsTemperature water_temp.setAnnualAverageOutdoorAirTemperature(stat_model.mean_dry_bulb) water_temp.setMaximumDifferenceInMonthlyAverageOutdoorAirTemperatures(stat_model.delta_dry_bulb) runner.registerInfo("mean dry bulb is #{stat_model.mean_dry_bulb}") # Remove all the Design Day objects that are in the file model.getObjectsByType('OS:SizingPeriod:DesignDay'.to_IddObjectType).each(&:remove) # find the ddy files ddy_file = "#{File.join(File.dirname(epw_file.filename), File.basename(epw_file.filename, '.*'))}.ddy" unless File.exist? ddy_file ddy_files = Dir["#{File.dirname(epw_file.filename)}/*.ddy"] if ddy_files.size > 1 runner.registerError('More than one ddy file in the EPW directory') return false end if ddy_files.empty? runner.registerError('could not find the ddy file in the EPW directory') return false end ddy_file = ddy_files.first end unless ddy_file runner.registerError "Could not find DDY file for #{ddy_file}" return error end ddy_model = OpenStudio::EnergyPlus.loadAndTranslateIdf(ddy_file).get # Warn if no design days are present in the ddy file if ddy_model.getDesignDays.size.zero? runner.registerWarning('No design days were found in the ddy file.') end ddy_model.getDesignDays.sort.each do |d| # grab only the ones that matter ddy_list = [ /Htg 99.6. Condns DB/, # Annual heating /Clg .4. Condns WB=>MDB/, # Annual cooling /Clg .4. Condns DB=>MWB/, # Annual humidity (for cooling towers and evap coolers) /January .4. Condns DB=>MCWB/, # Monthly cooling (to handle solar-gain-driven cooling) /February .4. Condns DB=>MCWB/, /March .4. Condns DB=>MCWB/, /April .4. Condns DB=>MCWB/, /May .4. Condns DB=>MCWB/, /June .4. Condns DB=>MCWB/, /July .4. Condns DB=>MCWB/, /August .4. Condns DB=>MCWB/, /September .4. Condns DB=>MCWB/, /October .4. Condns DB=>MCWB/, /November .4. Condns DB=>MCWB/, /December .4. Condns DB=>MCWB/ ] ddy_list.each do |ddy_name_regex| if d.name.get.to_s.match?(ddy_name_regex) runner.registerInfo("Adding object #{d.name}") # add the object to the existing model model.addObject(d.clone) break end end end # Warn if no design days were added if model.getDesignDays.size.zero? runner.registerWarning('No design days were added to the model.') end # Set climate zone climateZones = model.getClimateZones if args['climate_zone'] == 'Lookup From Stat File' # get climate zone from stat file text = nil File.open(stat_file) do |f| text = f.read.force_encoding('iso-8859-1') end # Get Climate zone. # - Climate type "3B" (ASHRAE Standard 196-2006 Climate Zone)** # - Climate type "6A" (ASHRAE Standards 90.1-2004 and 90.2-2004 Climate Zone)** regex = /Climate type \"(.*?)\" \(ASHRAE Standards?(.*)\)\*\*/ match_data = text.match(regex) if match_data.nil? runner.registerWarning("Can't find ASHRAE climate zone in stat file.") else args['climate_zone'] = match_data[1].to_s.strip end end # report time zone for use in results.csv runner.registerValue('reported_climate_zone', args['climate_zone']) # set climate zone climateZones.clear if args['climate_zone'].include?('CEC') climateZones.setClimateZone('CEC', args['climate_zone'].gsub('CEC T24-CEC', '')) runner.registerInfo("Setting CEC Climate Zone to #{climateZones.getClimateZones('CEC').first.value}") else climateZones.setClimateZone('ASHRAE', args['climate_zone'].gsub('ASHRAE 169-2013-', '')) runner.registerInfo("Setting ASHRAE Climate Zone to #{climateZones.getClimateZones('ASHRAE').first.value}") end # add final condition runner.registerFinalCondition("The final weather file is #{model.getWeatherFile.city} and the model has #{model.getDesignDays.size} design day objects.") true end end # This allows the measure to be use by the application ChangeBuildingLocation.new.registerWithApplication