require 'spec_helper' describe "Authy Autnenticatable", :type => :request do describe "If user don't have two factor authentication should login with email - password" do before :each do @user = create_user(:email => '') end it "Sign in should succeed" do fill_sign_in_form('', '12345678') current_path.should == root_path page.should have_content('Signed in successfully.') end it "Sign in shouldn't success" do fill_sign_in_form('', '14567823') current_path.should == new_user_session_path page.should_not have_content('Signed in successfully.') end end describe "If user have two factor authentication" do before :each do @user = create_user(:authy_id => 1) @user.update_attribute(:authy_enabled, true) end it "Sign in should succeed" do fill_sign_in_form(, '12345678') current_path.should == user_verify_authy_path page.should have_content('Please enter your Authy token') within('#devise_authy') do fill_in 'authy-token', :with => '0000000' end click_on 'Check Token' current_path.should == root_path page.should have_content(I18n.t('devise.devise_authy.user.signed_in')) @user.reload @user.last_sign_in_with_authy.should_not be_nil end it "Sign in shouldn't succeed" do fill_sign_in_form(, '12345678') current_path.should == user_verify_authy_path page.should have_content('Please enter your Authy token') within('#devise_authy') do fill_in 'authy-token', :with => '324567' end click_on 'Check Token' current_path.should == user_verify_authy_path @user.reload @user.last_sign_in_with_authy.should be_nil end describe "With cookie['remember_device']" do it "Should prompt for a token" do cookie_val = sign_cookie("remember_device", - 2.month.to_i) page.driver.browser.set_cookie("remember_device=#{cookie_val}") fill_sign_in_form(, '12345678') current_path.should == user_verify_authy_path page.should have_content('Please enter your Authy token') end it "Shouldn't prompt for a token" do cookie_val = sign_cookie("remember_device", page.driver.browser.set_cookie("remember_device=#{cookie_val}") fill_sign_in_form(, '12345678') current_path.should == root_path page.should have_content("Signed in successfully.") end end it "With cookie['current_user_id'] and cookie['user_password_checked']" do page.driver.browser.set_cookie("current_user_id=#{}") page.driver.browser.set_cookie('user_password_checked=true') visit user_verify_authy_path current_path.should == new_user_session_path page.should have_content('Sign in') end it "Click link Request sms" do fill_sign_in_form(, '12345678') click_link 'Request SMS' page.should have_content("SMS token was sent") end end end