Feature: Select List In order to interact with select lists Testers will need access and interrogation ability Background: Given I am on the static elements page Scenario: Selecting an element on the select list When I select "Test 2" from the select list Then the current item should be "Test 2" Scenario Outline: Locating select lists on the Page When I locate the select list by "" Then I should be able to select "Test 2" And the value for the selected item should be "Test 2" And the value for the option should be "option2" Examples: | locate_by | | id | | class | | name | | xpath | | index | # | value | # | text | Scenario: Retrieve a select list When I retrieve a select list Then I should know it exists And I should know it is visible @dev Scenario: Iterating through the options in the select list When I search for the select list by "id" Then option "1" should contain "Test 1" And option "2" should contain "Test 2" And each option should contain "Test" @multi Scenario Outline: Locating a select list using multiple parameters When I search for the select list bys "" and "" Then I should be able to select "Test 2" And the value for the selected item should be "Test 2" And the value for the option should be "option2" Examples: | param1 | param2 | | class | index | | name | index | @locator Scenario: Finding a select list dynamically When I find a select list while the script is executing Then I should see that the select list exists And I should be able to select "Test 2" from the list Scenario: Getting the selected option When I select "Test 2" from the select list Then the selected option should be "Test 2" Scenario: Determining if a select list includes some options Then the select list should include "Test 2" Scenario: It should know if an option is selected When I select "Test 2" from the select list Then the select list should know that "Test 2" is selected Scenario: Clearing multiple select list When I clear multiple select list Then multiple select list should have no selected options Scenario: Selecting an option by its value When I select an option using the value "option2" Then the selected option should be "Test 2 Scenario: Getting the value from a selected option When I select an option using the value "option2" Then the selected option should have a value of "option2"