package import scala.util.Try class Logger(val verboseOutput: Boolean) { def debug(msg: String) = if (verboseOutput) log(Debug, msg) def info(msg: String) = log(Info, msg) def fail(msg: String) = log(Failure, msg) def info(report: SuccessReport) = log(Success, report.reportMessage) def info(report: ErrorReport) = fail(report.reportMessage) def pending(msg: String) = log(Wait, msg) private def log(logType: LogType, msgRaw: String): Try[Unit] = { val msg = msgRaw.replaceAll("\\n", "\n ") // Indent new lines, so that they arrange nicely with other log lines Try(println(s"[$logType] $msg")) } sealed trait LogType { val prefix: String override def toString = prefix } case object Debug extends LogType { val prefix = "debg".cyan } case object Info extends LogType { val prefix = "info".blue } case object Success extends LogType { val prefix = "succ".green } case object Failure extends LogType { val prefix = "fail".red } case object Wait extends LogType { val prefix = "wait".yellow } /** * Idea copied from */ implicit class RainbowString(val s: String) { import Console._ /** Colorize the given string foreground to ANSI black */ def black = BLACK + s + RESET /** Colorize the given string foreground to ANSI red */ def red = RED + s + RESET /** Colorize the given string foreground to ANSI red */ def green = GREEN + s + RESET /** Colorize the given string foreground to ANSI red */ def yellow = YELLOW + s + RESET /** Colorize the given string foreground to ANSI red */ def blue = BLUE + s + RESET /** Colorize the given string foreground to ANSI red */ def magenta = MAGENTA + s + RESET /** Colorize the given string foreground to ANSI red */ def cyan = CYAN + s + RESET /** Colorize the given string foreground to ANSI red */ def white = WHITE + s + RESET } }